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Intermediate Bulk Cycle

Looking for recommened PCT for this particular stack I have both clomid and tamoxifen on hand,but no HCG. Is the HCG an absolute must have???? ThankYou

crazy Dan

standard pct will be suffice my brother! Clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks will be fine to get your natty back. hcg is not necessary until you cannot get natty back withi 4 weeks. You don`t know that until you done enough cycles. Keep in mind that getting your natty back depends on the length of cycle and the type of gear that suppress your test. Good luck and don`t forget to vote.


100/100/50/50 IS this mgs per week or daily per week Crazy Dan??? I just want to be certain.

Skinny boi

100 mg of clomid and 40 mg of nolva everyday for two weeks, then cut the doses in half the last two weeks so ur tapering down

crazy Dan

sorry brother for the late response. 100mg a day. clomid usually come in 50mg tabs. nolva 10mg or 20mg tabs. 100/100/50/50 means 100mg day for a week then another 100mg a day for another week and then 50mg a day for another (3rd week) week and then 50mg a day for a week on the 4th week. hope that answers your question brother!


HCG is not absolutely necessary. 2 weeks after your last injection take 100mg Clomid for 2 weeks as well as 40mg tamoxifen. Then drop the dose in half and run 50mg Clomid 20mg tamoxifen. For 4weeks in total. Hope this helps brother good luck!

JD Cycle

If you`re on 2nd or 3rd cycle, not really needed at all. If you`re above that, you likely want it. Some people run it the whole cycle, I run it starting with last pin of gear. Get two 5000iu vials. I put 0.5ml bac water in 1, and 1.0ml bac water in the other. I pin 1000iu every other day for 5 pins from the bottle with 0.5ml water. This would be 0.1ml equals 1000iu. Then I cut down and do 10 pins from the 1ml bottle at 0.1ml, but because I doubled the water it`s 500ml. Run Clomid and Nolva two weeks after pin…also consider viagra or something else if ya need to please the lady in the early days of PCT.


Why do you do it after your 3rd cycle because is that when your body has a hard time starting the balls back up?


It`s not a must have but it`s definitely helpful, it`s very estrogenic though so beware
I recently purchased this stack and have a few questions before i get this party started. I am a 46 year old male,6foot,226lbs. not sure on body fat%,i have a little belly,otherwise lean and vascular. i was recently put on TRT at 200mg week. my recent labs are total t=488,shbg=30.2,prolactin=17.2,PSA=1.7,hemo=50.9,albumin=4.3,LH=2.61,ALT=24,AST=19 and estradiol=40.5 I follow a strict diet of high protein,moderate complex carb and low fat,and i workout 5 days a week.I have experiance with 3 cycles over the past 2 years of test-e at 500mg week for 10 weeks,no experiance with dbol or deca.Question#1 do i need to be concerned with aromization with my high estro and back the test off to like 300mg a week even though i will be running 0.5mg per day of anastrozole throughout cycle.Question #2 im a bit concerned with prolactin,at 250mg week of deca do i need caber? I have non and really do not want to wait a month to get it.I have vitimin B6 and will be running tuda and milk thisle along side for liver support.Thanks for any advice…


I`m assuming those labs are showing your results while on the 200mgs of Test? From results I`ve seen, the Test levels seem low and the Estrogen seem a bit high, but that`s nothing to be highly concerned about. Taking .5mgs of anastrolzole a day is pretty damn high. I imagine they tell you to take that as they don`t want a single person to complain about gyno. You probably can get away running .5mgs twice a week while you`re taking the Dbol and probably as low as .25mgs twice a week once the Dbol is out of your system – but that`s a guess. Im on the same TRT does as you and since your Estrogen is practically double mine, it may be wise to just run the .5mgs of anastrolzole twice a week all the way through. The Deca dosage is actually pretty low to me. Having Cabaser on hand wouldn`t hurt but if your estrogen is in check, you should not have an issue IMO. Whatever you choose to do, good luck to you.


Okay let`s bring it down 200 week your test little seem fairly low from that. Also extra estrogen levels you`re just fine taking that I know guys that don`t take anything for 500mg a week. Deca 250mg I wouldn`t really worry about it my best friend he takes 300 for his cycles and he didn`t hear of caber or B6 or anything before. So I would just keep be 6 on hand and be good with that

crazy Dan

Question 1; yes you should be concern with aromitization since addicting another aas like dbol will give you a negative synergistic effect. Meaning if you dont have issue with one aas like test, adding another aas like dbol will amplify the effect on your body and therefore quadruple the effect and you will get elevated estrogen. But since you have pin 3 cycles worth of testE at 500mg and had no issue however your lab shows that you are a tad high on estrodiol at 200mg a week. therefore i would recommend you take arimidex at twice a week on pin days. Stick with the preplamned stack by the experts. Because you want to cycle. And cycling is 500mg of test. What you can do instead is back off dbol to 20mg or 30mg a day and then gradually increase dose. But i recommend you stick with the planned protocol that come with this stack BUT take 0.5mg twice a week. inncrease frequency if you show signs of estrogen to 0.5mg eod then 0.5mg ed. Just be mindful that you need a little estrogen too! i always tell new aas users to have you ancillaries in hand BEFORE you start but B6 can be use if you are in a pinch! But it`s not to replace cabergolin. Sounds like you going to jump in head first so take 800mg of B6 ed until cabergolin get to you. B6 is water soluble so you will pee out what`s not absorb. In short, stick with the protocol. Take arimidex at 0.5 twice a week but increase frequency if needed. Take B6 daily until you get caber. Hope that`s clear friend. And don`t forget to vote.


Sorry I should have been a little clearer about my labs. Those # are before I started TRT. Have been on TRT for 1week. I also have tamoxifen on hand and clomid. But won’t need a PCT since I will be blasting and cruising from here on out. Is that Correct??
Getting ready to start the intermediate bulking cycle, would like to incorporate winstrol in the cycle as well. (Go big or go home) How would the best way to go about this be?


I wouldn’t bother wasting winstrol in a bulk phase. You won’t be lean enough to see the benefits. Use winny on a cut phase. Take care.


Id honestly pass on the whinny since your trying to bulk, however i have read some forms that people have gained multiple pounds of muscle running what they thought was whinny. If your going to do an oral do dianabol! Youll put on a crazy amount of water weight and be phenomenally strong. Or even tbol, i ran that before and think of it as a leaner bulk. On the injectable side If you havent tried deca before that also puts on alot of size. Even EQ will put on some quality muscle. Those compounds are much better/made for bulking. As i said id pass on the whinny for now and do something that will much further benefit you but thats just my two cents. Good luck!


Incorporating Winstrol would involve either stacking two orals at the same time (on the front side of your cycle), or running orals continuously for 10+ weeks – both of which are dangerous and unnecessary for little or no benefit. Not trying to beat you up, but the “go big or go home” mentality can leave you with health problems or worse in this game. A better strategy is taking just enough to get results, and putting your primary focus on workout, diet, and proper rest.

JD Cycle

Winstrol will work against dbol and work against goals of a bulk. If you want a quality cut cycle, run Winstrol and NOT the dbol in this. A quality cutting cycle can make you look bigger due to the visual changes. Smaller waist makes shoulders look wider, etc. I ran a Test, Nandrolone, Winstrol cycle and dropped 15 lbs while everyone at work thought I added weight. Told me I looked bigger despite actually being smaller.


If you really wanna go big then just up the testosterone and deca both by 1ml more per week . Winstrol won`t do u any good. But don`t take my word for it , go ahead and try it for yourself and you`ll see every one here was right


Running winny at the end will help you lose some of the water storage but at the cost of joint pain (for most it seems). Since you`re bulking, it won`t help with any real definition and just be a waste. Use Proviron if you want to just shed some water, doesn`t hurt the joints.


Thanks everyone for your comments! Still learning here.
I am stuck between choosing nolva or clomid for my PCT if it came down to one or the other what would be my best bet to restart my nuts.


Clomid is definitely the go to. Hopefully you plan to use hcg also.


If you are tight for cash and only able to use one, definitely go with clomid. My endocrinologist has always prescribed clomid and is the most effective in stimulating natural production. use 100mg a day for two weeks then 50mg a day for 2 weeks. Start your pct 2 weeks after your last injection.


I would do nolvadex with clomid. It is a proven combination that works. To answer your question i would choose clomid over nolvadex for solo PCT

I would always go with novladex if I had to choose but it all depends on how big and long ur cycle is but just get both so u don`t have to worry.


In my opinion, when it comes to pct clomid is a must, you can always add nolvadex. Clomid+ Nolvadex is a good combinations.


Clomid if you absolutely have to choose between the 2. But honestly a full PCT should consist of Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG to bring the testes back quickly.

JD Cycle

You really want both plus HcG for PCT. Using just clomid may “work”, but you will be miserable. It`s a hard crash when you come off as it is, especially mentally. You`ll keep more of your gains if you PCT properly. Dose the HcG to kickstart natty production then do Clomid/Nolva. I know it hurts the bank, but you`d be better off doing a beginner cycle with full PCT than you would doing the intermediate and partial PCT. You`ll keep more of your gains with full PCT.


I just finished my PCT. I had Clomid and Nolva on hand. I ended up going with CLomid only for 4 weeks total. It worked like a charm. The boys are fully functional and I had ZERO issues during PCT. This was done after a cycle of Test Cyp at 400mgs weekly for 12 weeks. Hope this helps.
Can I extend this cycle to 12 weeks? Also if I add anavar from week 7 to the end of the cycle will that be overdoing it?


Hey Japo, the cycle is designed for 10 weeks so to extend it you would need to lessen the dosages or buy more compounds. You`re already taking dbol for 6 weeks which is a heavy dose of orals so taking a break from orals for the last 4 weeks is recommended. I prefer anavar over dbol so my suggestion would be take dbol for the first 3 weeks of the cycle and anavar for the last 3 weeks. thx


Sure u can and at the end of the cycle u throw in anavar which would be a great choice and definitely will see good gains from the anavar.


Extending the cycle is not a bad thing as long as you`re not suffering a bunch of side effects and you don`t feel unhealthy as a result of the cycle. Blood work will ultimately tell you your health but feeling means a lot as well. Your anavar question is more going to be based on your cycle history. If this is the biggest cycle you`ve ran yet or you havent taken anavar yet, then I`d recommend you hold off. No need to go nuts if this is the most you`ve done in a cycle. Save for a future cycle and get your anavar results then.
Do I need anything more for pct other than the anastrozole such as hcg, clomid, nolva? test e 250 twice a week deca d 250 twice a week 12 weeks ?


No usually you wouldn`t need an AI for pct because when you start pct would be about two weeks after last injection. Nolva and clomid are great serms they essentially help turn off the receptors around your nipples to prevent gyno they also help bring back your natural testosterone. I usually take hcg the last two weeks of cycle and start pct 2 weeks later with clomid at 100/100/50/50.


I`m more of a Nolva guy myself…… but hes right on everything when you up the test you`ll know if you need an ai or notput he`s right/// if you were on anymore then 500test a weekI`d suggest taking both as ptc also


First of all u dont need Anastrozole during PCT, second, at so low dosages u can choose only one product for PCT, Nolva or Clomid, at so low dosages u will be fine only with one of them, Nolva dosage is 40/40/20/20 or Clomid 100/100/50/50, if u have HCG on hand u can pin in the second part of your cycle and stop it just before PCT, like this your PCT will be much more efficient.
what is everyone using to pin? size of needle and syringes. Since I`ll have to mix i would assume i should get syringes with removable needles to reduce PIP and contamination. Just want to make sure i do this cycle right.


The syringe & needle brand I find best is BD. Very sharp and smooth plunger. You should always make sure whatever syringe is sterile and if the packaging is damages them discard and throw away. I like to draw with a 20g needle and pin with a 25g needle. Sometimes I`ll pin with a 23g but when I do is always in the glutes I don`t use that big of a needle on delta to avoid scar tissue. PIP can be avoided by getting quality needles knowing your proper injection sights but pip can`t be avoided 100% of the time as it can possibly be the oil. I use alcohol prep pads to wipe the vial and skin astringent for injection site. I hope this was helpful is so please upvote thanks!


I use 29G, 1/2inch, 1ml . Can’t reach the glute because of the 1/2inch length but trust me , you will thank me later cuz you’re not stabbing yourself with 25g like a lot of people . There’s even videos on YouTube suggesting this method , of course if you’re too fat then u can’t use the short needle any where , if you’re decently lean then 29g for sure , in the delts , traps and quads. Remember no more than 1/2ml in one site at a time for no PIP. I also would like to suggest pinning every day , so divide your dose by 7 for every day of the week. It will lead to less PIP, more stable blood levels , and less acne and side effects because of the stable blood levels


I always order my needles in bulk online and get 23g or 25g 1 inch needles. You can draw and pin with the same needle or switch them out. It will dull the needle just a little if you have to draw through a rubber stopper on a vial, but it doesn`t really make to much of a difference for me personally. I`ve pinned both ways, just make sure you are using an alcohol wipe to wipe the stopper and also alcohol to clean the injection site before pinning. Good luck bro


Draw with a 20 and pin with a 25. 23 is decent if you want one needle that can do both but it will be slow to draw but not impossible.


I buy my needles in bulk online, and purchase 18G to draw and use BD 23G to pin. You can get several months up to a year of needles, depending on how often you pin, for around $45. So it.`s very affordable if you do some shopping around. Make sure you buy alcohol prep pads and wipe the vial top and the injection site before you pin. I also aspirate before I inject to make sure I didn`t hit a vein.


I buy my syringes from pharmacy, they are very cheap, i like to use 2.5ml 1″ 23G, is easy to pin and i dont feel any pain.


I use 25g 1″ tips and I buy in bulk from a med equipment website. Do not buy the needles off Amazon, at least I had a bad experience with them.
Im about to start this cycle but i want to add Sustanon an Hgh do you think its would be a good cycle
John Pierro

I personally wouldn`t because your adding another long acting ester by using sustanon not to mention sus already has deca in it so does this cycle. Hgh on Top of this would be beneficial but then you won`t know which has a greater effect. Unless you`ve run hgh before or this cycle previously I would keep it separate. Adding hgh wont harm anything. Just don`t add sus as you`ll also add even more water retention also. If your looking to get more solid during your bulk maybe tren enthanate once week not tren ace. Mixing too much together only nets into confusion as to what works. Hope this helps you make your decision.


John, I arrowed down on your answer and wanted to explain why. Sustanon doesn`t have deca in it. It`s a test blend which commonly contains prop, phenyl, iso and decanoate.


No need to add more test. Sustanon is test, but a mix of different esters and Does Not have Deca in it! Testosterone decanoate is Not Deca! Deca is Nandrolone decanoate! The Deca that is in the cycle is a fairly low dose and I`m assuming that`s why there`s not cabergoline included which will help with “deca dick”. HGH is great, but you`re new to this I`m assuming, so add it after getting a few cycles under your belt. Also the bulk cycle mentions using Anastrazole at 0.5mg every day which is overkill. Only take it as needed for estrogen sides like gyno. Most people only require 0.5mg three times a week. Read thoroughly about every steroid you`re considering taking. Knowledge will help you immensely.


You`re already gonna be running 500 mgs of test E so no need to add any more test. HGH is optional I guess but if you are fairly new to anabolics just run that Intermediate Bulk Cycle and see how it works with your program. Good luck

Dr Scott

Good advice nothing i can add -and i liked how you explained the down arrow. good on ya, glad you`re here.


I would add test prop instead of Sustanon cause once the test e kicks in u can just take the prop out and you will be g2g
My script is from online so the dr hasn`t checked it himself my PCp checked it and said it`s high and that I need to cycle off it. Would I expect to see it that high with the dose that was recommended in my previous question. I appreciate the help.

Mike Jones

Come off the hcg or take it down to 250 iu twice a week. If your rx is really that low, then more than likely the hcg is what`s making your levels explode like that but it`s only temporary.


The stack is perfect. if you want to cut down you could just cut down Test to 400 that`s all I can tell you.


Even 200mg of test puts my levels off the chart. Tell your dr you injected the day before and is why it clinch the so high. Tel him to redo your levels and do your labs 7-8 days after you pin and tell him it was 3 as recommended

chris green

If you`re not careful or aware of what your doing your dr will step in and cut your script, or become suspicious your abusing aas. So cut your injection a week before labs.


Hcg is able to inflate your numbers. Come off for a short while so your doctor doesn`t lower your test dose.


I would not add any compounds until you figure out what is going on with your doctor. Best of luck
I`m currently on dr. Prescribe test c. 1ml and 50ml of hcg. The last test result was 2540. What`s the difference between the E and C. I`d real like to add dbal, I`m 6`4 195 13% bmi. I want 20lbs and at 49 the old metabolism hasn`t slowed.


You are comparing Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate which both refer to the ester attached to the Testosterone molecule which slows down the rate of absorption. Cypionate takes about a week to break down and also lasts about a week. Enanthate breaks down slower, in about two weeks and may also last about two weeks. Otherwise, they are identical. 2540 sounds really high for TRT to me. I wonder what your Dr. said about that.

Zach Linder

Basically the same thing, Cyp is a longer ester than Test E. You definitely are not on a trt dose either lol your labs are pretty high….make sure you don`t fuck yourself and your insurance by starting a compound and then having it show up on a lab test. Good luck

Mike Jones

The difference is a few extra days of half life, besides that their the exact same thing


Both esters are practically identical and you will notice zero difference. Adding dbol will increase aromatization so you need to watch out for that.


they are pretty close to the same thing test C little longer of an ester attached. Other than that they are both tests and we`ll do the same thing at the same dose


Test E and C are pretty much the same… Have used both as my base dependent on availability and they have both been great….
I was wondering if this is to much for me to start out on as a first timer. I`ve been in the gym for 1 yr. and hit a plateau.


Start out with just test run 250 a week or 200 a week for the first week just to see how your body handles it and then go from there

Anonymous 01

Best to start with a test only cycle. 200-400/week should be more than enough to see the gains you want. Calorie surplus if you want to build mass and calorie deficit if you want to cut up and burn fat.

Jd D

Test only cycle first same as above


Many will tell you to run a test oy cycle. But if you have a scripted plan why not run it? These compounds may give you some sides but it will be a matter of can you handle them. I am one that gets very little sides on gear in general. Some guys bloat just looking at a vial of test. If your goal is to gain size run the stack as outlined in the description and eat a good diet and train.


As others will state…. first timer, you`re best to just start with a test only cycle.. you will most certainly make progress and gains but it best to start with just one, well the main compound of all being test… see how you feel and react.. have an AI on hand and your pct for afterwards.. then your next cycle or cycle after that, begin using another compound such as eq or deca but get used to the test first… be safe be smart.. research

Matt Beard

Test only first cycle. Just finished that myself and you will enjoy it.
Thanks in advance. I`m taking a pre designed pack of intermediate bulk. The instructions say to take 1ml of GP test Enanth 250 mixed with .5 ml of GP Deca 250 once a day. So if i have a 1 ml syringe do i take one full ml syringe of GP test that a half a syringe of GP deca? Sorry but i want to get the dosage correct.


Seems like you got it figured out. That correct 1ml of test and .5 of the deca. Which would be half of your 1ml syringe. Good luck on your gains

Mid life Rejuvenator

The cycle calls for 1ml test and .5 ml Deca per week. With a 1 ml syringe you could split your dose in biweekly shots .5 test and .25 Deca. Totaling .75 ml each injection Monday / thursday


You fill 1ml test and then .5ml Deca the 1st day, not every day. Continue this dosage every 2 to 3 days so you fill the syringe to the 1ml mark with test then add .5ml deca, you`ll have 1.5ML total in the syringe. It sais to do it every 2-3 days… Not daily… Good luck

Matt Beard

Your maths is spot on, but your frequency definitely isn`t. That would be a hell of a lot to take every day.


Yep, you can do itthat way, or get a bigger syringe and draw them both into one pin,save yourself double pin


Seems others have said on the dosage, I just to make sure you`re reading this right and it is NOT once a day But twice a week or 3 times a week… like Monday wednesday and Friday…. do not pin this once everyday that would be way too much… but yes, good stack for mass…
I`ve never used HCG before. I`ve read everywhere that it`s a must. I`ve seen it on 24roids but there is different kinds. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the right one to order please


Just find out how much do you need, and buy the amount, in my opinion they are all the same

Anonymous 467

I typically buy sun pharma. There are different amounts so you gotta determine how much you will need. I usually get 10000 iu for a cycle of i need it. Not every cycle will need it.


Its helpful to run it along with cycle.. the Singapore pharm option has options most will require you to buy some bac water and reconstitute it.. there are alot of vids on YouTube how to do it.


Any brand is fine just find the amount you need and purchase accordingly also hcg can suppress your natural test do it`s best to use 2 weeks prior to to your last pin then start pct


I use pregnyl. It`s not a must but can preserve testicular and fertility function better than anything else if you are young and want to ensure your offspring.


I find it great to get the boys up and running again after a cycle. Some use it during cycle to in smaller amounts. The Barat serums and vaccines hcg here on 24roids is the one I buy. It`s already mixed with bac water- ready to use. Sort out how much you need and make sure you use a insulin pin to inject. Good luck.
Few questions:What kind of syringe should I use. Planning on injecting in the glutes. Should I use 1 to mix then another to apply??


I draw with an 18 gauge and inject with 23 gauge 1inch needle


1.5 inch in length for needle, 18 gauge to draw, and 23-25 gauge to inject

Charles Blaydes

Too draw from vial use a 18g , To inject in you`re glutes use 25g 1.5 inch so two different needles. I like using 1.5 inch 3ml syringe good luck bro

patsalos mixalis

You can draw with 18 or even up to 21 gauge. Inject with 23 or 25 gauge 1.5 inches. Good luck


1 inch long 23g needle. 3cc syringe will do just fine. Don’t forget to aspirate. Pull back make sure your not in a vein. I recommend you watch a how to YouTube vid. I sounds like you don’t know what your doing. Lift hard and be safe


Whatever you use will depend on your preferences. I use 23G 1 inch for both drawing and injecting. I used 2 needles each time. One for drawing and one for injecting. I think rubber could dull needle and cause pip so I use 2 just in case. I hate PIP man!
Dose it make a difference between injections sight`s IE should VS but


I personally don`t think it makes a difference I think it`s more preference. I go in my glutes and alternate each side every other injection.

Mr and Mrs J

If you dont alternate you develop more scar tissue


Alternate injections in different areas. When you pin faster esters and multiple compounds, you`ll be glad you started now and didn`t wait. Plus scar tissue builds up injecting the same spot.

evan johnson

Yes you should be alternating injection sites for less pip. Alternate between delts, glutes, and quads.


I’m a glutes guy. I alternate every pin. Tried quads and something went wrong for me. Was walking like a penguin for a few days. I’ve had no issues alternating glutes.


I don`t like to inject me than .5 to 1 cc in the shoulder and use my upper glutes for most of all my other injections. Beat of luck.
So I was wondering about how it says take 4 methan 10 pills before working out. Wouldn’t it be better to spread the does out in a 16 hr day so it’s in your system longer. Plus ain’t 4 at one time putting strain on your liver . And I was told by some one to take it with grapefruit juice. Does that have any benefits.


Its a c17 compound so taking 4 pills at a time or spreading them out through out the day is not going to make that much of difference for the liver. There are two groups of people, one who think having a stable level in the blood by spreading out the doses and the other group who takes dbol as pre workout and extra pump. Its up to you to decide which works better for you

evan johnson

Spreading out the pills isn`t going to make much of a difference for your results or for your liver. No grapefruit juice has no benefits for this.


I have heard that splitting the doses up threw the day is the way to go. I have always split my doses just thinking that keeping blood levels stable is the way to go…..


Personally I prefer to have orals in my system 24 hours a day when I`m running them. The only point of analbolics isn`t for a preworkout to get a good pump, it`s also to rebuild the muscle faster and better. That`s just my point of view though, some people prefer it the other way.


Ive done both ways of spreading it out and taking up to 50 mgs preworkout and prefer all preworkout. The approach of spreading it out 4x a day will keep your blood levels slightly more stable and on paper it supposed to work better, but getting the higher highs of this hormone at one shot during the workout gives me much better results vs having a medium level throughout the day. I recommend just take it both ways and see which one works for you


Single daily dosing is better than multiple dosing when it comes to dianabol; use it in the beginning of the day, just before training. It`s the post-training where dianabol shines since the androgen-rich metabolism heightens the uptake of nutrients, especially important after training. In regards to grapefruit juice, I wouldn`t do it. Grapefruit juice is very unique in its ability to interact with the enzymes that metabolises almost every medication/drug that we take. Whether that means it raises the effects of drug or diminishes it is up to individual compound. Grapefruit creates an unpredictable environment for drug metabolism, meaning the dosage that you take may have the same effect with grapefruit as taking X% higher/lower dosage of the drug (depends on compound – see grapefruit interactions with drugs with a simple Google search).
Hey so I just got the Intermediate Cycle. My question is, as I`m not familiar with Methan 10 or Anastrozole, what are the benefits of these? Also it is suggested that it be taken an hour before workout. Why is that and how critical is the timing?


Methandieonone is basically Dbol, its used to kick start your cycle. You take it before workout so it has a better chance of attaching to receptors when your muscle is pumped. Anastrozole is for estrogen control.


It`s Dianabol. Some suggest evenly dividing the dose throughout the day. Example is instead of taking 40mg dianabol all at once take 20mg morning and 20mg night to promote more even blood concentration. Some say take it all at once so it depends on what works better. I`ve tried both methods. You can take it an hour before workouts to hopefully get more pumps but that type of timing is not necessary. The other item is an estrogen blocker. Use it if you need it because not all people are estrogen sensitive. Proviron is a mild estrogen blocker and it also blocks shbg which will make the other steroids work better. Men need some estrogen too for normal bodily function and proviron is good because it mildly blocks estrogen and makes the cycle more effective by reducing shbg too. Steroids work better with estrogen. No need to block most of it unless you are sensitive. Do not go beyond 6 weeks on any oral cycle to protect your liver. Liv52 is cheap and helps protect the liver I`ve read countless times.


Dbol and yes split the dose in half and do twice a day and the Anastrozole is Estrogen control.


Methandienone is Dianabol/D-bol and Anastrozole is Arimidex, it decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes. As for taking the Dianabol an hour before workout, I`d say it more about your preference. You can take it once or twice a day morning or before workout its up to you.


Methandieonone is basically Dianabol, a cycle “kick starter” to give you immediate anabolic action while the injectables kick in over a period of3-4 weeks. Take it about 1 hour before workout. Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor to control estrogen.

evan johnson

Dbol is a very powerful oral steroid for size and strength and anastrazole is arimidex an estrogen blocker. Dbol has a short half life so it is best preworkout.
How long before I see noticeable size gains from this cycle?


That depends on your physical characteristics. That being said, generally 3-4 weeks in you will see results.


They’re long esters so anywhere from 2-4 weeks you’ll see some noticeable changes in strength and your physique


About 4 weeks I`d say. But you`ll notice other gains before that, not just size gains (i.e. strength gains, vascularity increase, recovery).


Dbol kicks in immediately and you should get some strength and size gains (some will be water weight) off the kickstart oral and yes the long esters take anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks to get to full effects. 5 to 6 weeks in you should feel max benefits of all injectable compounds. Pay close attention to your sides and adjust your AI accordingly. 0.5 a day is a bit much but stay the course and make adjustments. After the dbol is done you may wanna drop to 0.5 EOD to see how you do on that AI dose


If your diet and exercise are on point you should see results after 4 to 5 weeks, you will get some water weight on Dbol the first few weeks but quality muscle is going to take sometime.


Due to the esters in the cycle you should start noticing results within 4-5 weeks.
Follow up to my question. I am 46 years old and this wont be my first time. Its been 2 years since My last cycle. After doing the intermediate bulk cycle would the pre designedPct stack be ok and then start the intermediate lean cycle I am 5`6 190lbs 16%body fat. Sorry dont how to reply to the answers to my last question.

Mike Jones

At your age I might start considering hrt as a permanent solution instead of cycling steroids where your going to have highs and lows in your endocrine system, if this were the case you would not need pct and you could do what’s called a “blast and cruise” where you would do a full cycle then just drop to hrt regimen again for a minimum of 4-6 weeks to clear your receptors then you could go on a blast again without worrying about having to recover your HTPA after every cycle. If you don’t want to do this and wish to cycle, you need to do a full pct and then wait at least the full time you were on cycle to recover then you could start a cycle again.


Trt is good. Then blast (higher steroid cycle) and cruise (lower test like 200mg weekly but not to exceed 300mg or 320mg per week etc). Cruise keeps gains from the blast. . Normal on and off cycling plus pct us a roller-coaster ride and harsh on your system. Look at blast and cruise. You`ll at least maintain most of your gains this way. .


Trt is definitely something you would want to look into considering your age my friend. How you could determine if it’s time or not is see what your natural test levels are at after 4 months of post if there still normal than cycle if they are at all low I would start blasting and cruising too. But if your not gunna blast and cruise I’d wait your 4 month pct before starting your next cycle.


Based upon the new info, you should consider TRT. Get some baseline numbers first to see if you are a candidate. If so, you would not need pct. you can then blast at 500-750mgs of a test cycle for 12 weeks, then drop back down to your trt therapeutic dose. You would then give your body 8-12 weeks cruising at the trt dose to help your HTPA recover before running another cycle.

Judene Manger

I`d have to agree with Nicknane whom made the point regarding the stress on multiple sustems as a result of the on/off nature and its consequences on various Endocrine feedback loops or other potential consequences to your overall health. I`d recommend getting your pituitary checked out via bloodwork just to look out. In addition, if cholesterol is a concern, Lipitor is an effective medication.

evan johnson

Yes you can do that. Although if you are already planning your second cycle you may want to consider cruising on a low dose of test between cycles. At your age you may be eligible for trt anyway.
How long should I wait b4 i would start the intermediate lean cycle?


Hey brother! Start it immediately. ASAP. Im assuming you just got off the beginner? Then you can bridge to this stack with a light cruise of any test you got left. Now most will tell you to PCT and wait 3 months and blah blah, thats a waste of time and money. Life is short and summer is now, Order it and get it done brother.


How old are you and are you planning to have kids? If you are 40 and already have kids then yes but if you are in your early 20s you need to know when you are on cycle your LH and FSH are going to be shut. You can take HCG while on cycle to mimic LH and keep your balls from shrinking but FSH is responsible for sperm production is going to still be shut and the longer you keep it that way the harder it is for it to bounce back. A lot of bodybuilder have kids through labs because their sperm production has gone down for not taking pct seriously.


Ideally you should take equal time off as your on before you go on again especially true if your a beginner and make sure you do your PCT with hcg and clomid.


You can start that cycle right away if you want.


I would stick to the time on equals time off rule. This is a 10 week cycle. You would then take 2 weeks off to clear esters, then another 4 for pct. after that, give yourself at least 16 weeks off to give body a chance to recover and reach homeostasis,


I have always done time on equals time off. Depending on how long you have been using gear, but some bridge and continue. It is you r call.
Im currently in Dubai and taking an emergency trip back to the states for 2 weeks. Any ideas on the safest way to sneak the anti E pills past customs?


Every time I came back, no matter what airport, the customs opened my luggage. I don`t what would have happened if I had steroids but I wouldn`t risk it. You can fedex it to your address in the U. S.

Martin E.

Just chill out bro. I assume it is like one or two packaets, right? Not a bulk quantity? I traveled a lot, always havin some gear with me and as long as the quantity was limted to my personal use all was good. Just put the anti E pills to your main luggage in a small bag where you keep your bathroom stuff such as razor, toothpaste, some vitiamins, toiletries and stuff. There should be no problem.


Cant u put them in a regular advil bottle n put it in ur checked back n not ur carry on? Or like he said about ship some back to the states


Put it in a prescription bottle just make sure there all the same size and color, dont mix. Then keep with carry on.

Mike Jones

A checked bag in a vitamin or Advil bottle Is your best bet, my preference is to just dose them out in my poll organizer with my daily vitamins and minerals and just take them that way, and if asked I’d just say it’s a potassium or liver supplement
So I just want to make sure I’m reading this right, I need to take (4) total pills of methan 10 pills for I workout?? So 4 pills a day?


That is correct. Each pill is 10 mg’s. So 4 pills would be 40mgs per day. This is a kickstart until the test levels build up in your body.


Yes sir. Don’t over think it. I know how easy it can be to sometimes


Yes you are right 4 pills will give you a nice kickstart.


Correct, that is a nice moderate dbol dosage that will provide nice results!


Yes 4 pills so 40 mgs of dbol before workouts. This oral is a fantastic preworkout aid and you`ll def see a huge difference in strength and pumps. Make sure to take liver support with it

evan johnson

Yes that is correct for a total of 40mg ed which is a very effective dose that will not bring excessive side effects.
I haven’t ran a cycle in over 6 years. Last time I didn’t do a PCT properly and got a small lump in one nipple that is still there. Would the basic PCT predesigned stack they have work? Anything you guys recommend doing? My plan is to run this the way it says to and then take the pct they have to offer


There are two different options. In my opinion you can go with the basic Nolvadex and clomid. Then if you wanted to go a different route by checking out the pre designed stack by SIS Labs. It`s your choice.

Mike Jones

yes the basic pct stack will work for your next cycle. I hate to beat a dead horse, but you should always do your research and have a proper plan when it comes to cycling. As far as the lump under your nipple to properly even try to take care of that, you need to lower you total serum estrogen and essentially have a controlled crash of your estrogen with letrozol, to see if the lowered estrogen will help minimize the lump. This would be done before you ever start your cycle as to get your estrogen as low as possible with no aromatizing compunds in your system. The protocol for this would be to take letro at a full 2. 5mg everyday for a week then if you can tolerate it bump it up to 3. 75mg a day for another week. After then you’d bump it down to 1. 25mg for two weeks then taper it down to half that at . 625mg or a quarter of a pill for a week to avoid a rebound, you could also take nolva for a week after this to avoid any possible rebound but if you aren’t using any anabolics then this shouldn’t be necessary. If the lump doesn’t minimize by then the only route is surgery

evan johnson

Yes the basic PCT stack is an efffective way to recover from your cycle. You may also want to look at increasing your arimidex while on cycle to combat gyno.

Micheal Ervin

Yes their basic pct stack comes pre designed to hit your pct needs from all angles, run it all the way through and up your ai on cycle to fight gyno, you could try mike Jones protocol to get rid of the gyno before you go on cycle I think you’d have a better chance of getting rid of it without the increased testosterone from the cycle


If you`ve had/have a gyno lump for 6 years it`s time to cut it out. I`d see a doctor to confirm but surgery in both sides is the best option. Once you get it removed, you will never get gyno again regardless of high estrogen. It`s strange that you got this lump after the cycle due to no PCT. Folks that are susceptible to gyno show signs during the cycle if no AI are introduced to control it.


You should be gtg with an uptick of Adex on your cycle brutha man.
i have 3 different questions. First question is, can I add TRI TEST 400 with this Intermediate cycle? Second question is can I do the Advanced Cycle as soon as i am finished with this first cycle? Third question is what is a good PCT cycle that i can order that is already pre designed stack? Thank you


If you type in PCT in the search box on 24roids there is a predesigned stack you can buy that maps out what to take and when. Just make sure to listen to your body and adjust as needed. As far as doing cycle followed by cycle it can be done. It will just cost you some downregulation of your receptors. A better way to do it would be to do a short PCT or do a 4 week trt dose cycle to help your receptors upregulate and then restart another cycle. It’s really up to you and what your goals are. The longer your cycle/cycles theoretically the longer it will take to get your natural test back to normal so just something to think about.

zachary hall

Yes, you could do the tri test however 400mg is a high MG count so ease into that. And no you shouldn’t quite run the advanced cycle immediately. It’s highly recommended to run a PCT cycle before running another so that your body can rebound and limit any long term damage to your body.


Sis labs has premade pct tablets. If not, you just can buy clomid and nolvadex


If this is your first cycle I would just do 500 mgs of Test. I would get either the pct tabs by sis labs or predesigned pct stack for pct and I wouldn`t run an advanced cycle until you have done a pct and waited a minimum of 8 weeks after pct to let your receptors recover.

evan johnson

I would take the predesigned stacks as prescribed t. They were made by people who know what they are doing. It is best to comes off in between cycles unless you are planning on blasting and cruising (which would not involve your last question). You can buy SIS Labs PCT tabs.


500 mg test per week is already sufficient. I wouldn`t add any more testosterone. These stacks are already pretty optimized so you shouldn`t mess with them much. Why are you thinking about doing advanced after intermediate, when you don`t know yet how intermediate cycle will go? Is this your first cycle, because it sounds like it is. This is an intermediate stack, first cycle should be testosterone only, preferrably at 500 mg/week for no more than 12 weeks. For PCT stack, all you really need is Nolvadex, 40 mg/day/week for first 2 weeks, then 20 mg /day/week for next 4 after.
Dose the anastrozole fully stop your body estrogen or just lowers the levels of how much you produce naturally ?


All the aromatase inhibitors inhibit estrogen conversion at different rates. that being said all of them and lower your below your natural production. In the case of letrozole we`re talkin 99% block conversion oh, this is why you must dos it very carefully or you can crash your estrogen lower than you want it. As for the anastrozole we`re talking more like 92%, this makes it a safer compound to use so long as that it is powerful enough for what you`re trying to do at the time. Most of the time we wanted to maintain a normal estrogen level but in certain cases, like right before a show, we want to crash estrogen low. This is devastating to your house and should not be done for a long time, it`s always a lot of s*** we do around Showtime.


It`ll inhibit estrogen conversion to some degree but you will still have some circulating estrogen. You don`t want super low e2 levels as it can lead to depression, low libido, achy joints and just an overall feeling of shit.


Its dose dependent. .. .the higher the dose the more it lowers it. It`s better to run on a higher and of normal vs lower. Also you should be able to tell where you are at by the sides you are experiencing but the best way to determine levels is blood work


Aromatase Inhibitors, as the name implies, inhibit the aromatase enzyme from converting excess testosterone to estrogen in the body. As others have mentioned, some are stronger than others and need to be dosed very carefully.

john smith

AIs will stop the conversion at the srouce while some other estrogen blockers will bind at the receptors and prevent estrogen from binding to them. So you have estrogen in the body but it won`t be able to do its job


You produce it naturally by converting test to estrogen via aromatase. No AI is going to 100% inhibit this enzyme, so some of it will still be converted. Which is what you want anyway. you need to keep estrogen in normal range. If you crash it, you will suffer from low estrogen symptoms, which are even worse than high estrogen symptoms (subjectively).
do I need any other product for pct or Anastrozole should be enough with this cycle, any help thanks


Yes, you will need HCG to restart the testicles. Take 500mg twice a week for 4 weeks.

Muscle Pup

Yes, you’ll need PCT. The anastrozole will lower your estrogen levels but it won’t kick your natural testosterone production back in gear. Take 5000iu of HCG spread over two weeks beginning the day after your last injection. Two weeks after your last injection, take 100mg of clomid on day 1, then 50mg per day for Day 2-28.

Micheal Ervin

Yes you will need nolva and if you choose hcg, this cycle doesn’t come with pct only your cycle support which is your ai you will definitely need pct with this cycle


Yes get some Hcg, Clomid that will be a good Pct for you with this cycle.

Dalton Carpenter

Yes you should run nolvadex, clomid, and hcg. Anastrazole is an AI not really used for pct


I would do a bit more research before starting a cycle. Anastrozole is an AI, it`ll control estrogen while on cycle but won`t do anything as far as stimulating LH to produce your own testosterone. You need HCG to run while on cycle and clomid/nolva for PCT
How is everyone mixing the Test and Deca? I can`t imagine sticking the same needle in 2 different bottles. just trying not to waste 6 syringes a week. ideas welcome. ..

Don O

You can draw both compounds with the same needle and the change it out for a new one for the injection. A minuscule amount of testosterone in your deca bottle (or vice versa) is no real concern as long as youve sterilized the tops of both bottles before you begin.


Everyone is different but my method is simple. I take the same syringe draw back each of the two. I then unscrew the needle head and put on a new one so it`s not dull when inserting it into whatever location you choose. Then I take the needle head I used to draw the gear in the first place and put it onto the new unused syringe that I unscrewed the head from I used to inject.

Vincent Valentine

Two or more compounds can be mixed into the same syringe efficiently by employing a method that uses a drawing needle and an actual injection needle on a syringe that supports interchangeable needles. Using around a 23 gauge needle, draw from either your test or your deca first, pull the needle out, and then draw from the second vial. This process can obviously be repeated if you`re using more than two compounds. When you`re finished drawing the compounds into the syringe, replace the now used 23 gauge needle with around a 27 gauge needle that you`ll use to administer the injection. This ensures that you`re only pinning with fresh needles. I don`t quite understand why you can`t imagine sticking the same needle into two different vials. As long as you`re sterilizing the tops of the vials prior to drawing the compounds, ensuring the environment is clean, and aren`t re-using needles across multiple injection days, there`s little health risk involved in using a drawing needle for multiple vials. And by my math (assuming a medium-estered test to compliment the deca) this method would only cause you to use 4 needles and 2 syringes a week, much better than 6!

Mike Childs

These 2 compounds can be mixed the the same syringe. If you get a little in each of the bottles it’s not a big deal since you will eventually be taking all of it anyways. Some people mix both vials into a single sterile vial and just pull up double to quantity to get the same dosage. Different ways to skin a cat but in the end as long as you’re using sterile technique you should be fine. It’s not like one is oil soluble and the other water.


Yeah man all oils can go in one dart. Your concern about going thru the stopper twice is a good one. To solve this use the pin on the syringe to draw from both bottles. Then just twist it off and replace it with a fresh 23g 1 1/2″ for glute shots, or a 25g 1″ for quad, shoulder, chest ect.

john smith

Yes. you can mix your deca and test in the same syringe. I have mixed susta and deca with no problem.
how many pounds can you put with this cycle?

Gerald Robertson

I would say that is a tough question to answer. There will be many variables. Diet and workouts on top of the gear will need to be on point but if they are I think you will be happy with the results. I would really focus on diet to ensure solid gains


There is no way to tell how much you will gain. If you keep your diet on point and workout regularly you will gain a lot of lean muscle. I guess we would need more info as to calorie intake and daily routine.


This is a very general question and in the end will depend on your diet and training 100%. Drugs will help you recover but you have to lift more weights for reps as often as you can and eat as much as you can. However speaking from personal experience the first time I did a cycle like this I gained about 15 pounds and kept about 10 pounds of it after the cycle is done but I was really focused on nutrition and training so that’s where you got to start.

Greg Landes

Can’t really answer question. There are a lot of factors and unknown variables such as your weight, daily caloric intake, etc. let’s say you are 5’9 185. You can easily put on 10-15 pounds after this cycle. Just make sure you eat clean calories


Like previously mentioned there are too many variables. Not to mention everyone is different. It also depends on your experience level with training and with gear. However, you should notice incredible gains on this cycle as long as your diet and training are where it needs to be. Steroids are not just a magic pill or shot that you can take and you all of a sudden gain muscle and size. Steroids ALLOW you to train harder because it helps you recover faster. You still have to CHOOSE to work harder and have the nutrients in your system to make those repairs.

Mike Childs

I wouldn’t worry so much about how many pounds you are going to put on but the quality of food youre going to put in your body and amount of calorie intake. If you limit your cardio and use clean dense Whole Foods with a lot of calories there should be no reason why you couldn’t get 20 pounds off this depending on your stats and everything but this is all dependent on you and Your body. Make sure you keep your estrogen in check both during and after because that will also determine the amount of gains you keep. If I am running a big bulk cycle I run some low dose test for a month or two after just to ensure my gains are kept.
Do i need something to protect my liver and kidney ?

ltl trucker

YES! NAC at 600mg 3 times a day. I take these 5 supps everyday, especially when taking any PH or androgen. Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10 which is a very important antioxidant that is synthesized in every cell. Plant sterols and non-flush niacin have both been shown to help increase HDL and control overall cholesterol(all orals and some androgens like stanozolol kill your HDL). Low HDL is associated with high risk of heart disease. N-acetyl cysteine is a precursor to the body`s master antioxidant glutathione(GSH), which is often depleted from the liver when taking oral PH or androgens. Vitamin K2 has also been shown to help significantly decrease risks of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. All of these compounds are often overlooked when people decide to take PH or androgens. If you are going to take powerful drugs that can have severe cardiovascular effects, please do everything you can to protect your heart and minimize the negative effects as much as possible.

big baby bear

There are a few options when it comes to liver protection, Im a fan of using milk thistle to help open up the ducts of the liver in combination with high dose choline/inositol/methionine (3g/3g/1.5g per day) to flush out accumulated lipids and other toxins, tossing in some NAC at about 1.8g per day is a good liver antioxidant as well. As far as kidney protection using magnesium at high doses to lower blood pressure is a good preventative measure and its an electrolyte you cant really overdo and it helps sleep quality.


Liver protections NEVER HURTS and is always a good idea when taking orals. Having said that, the necessity of taking liver support has a lot to do with other factors. Do you have a history of heavy alcohol consumption? Do you take lots of medicine on a regular basis that also taxes the liver? Do you run 2 or more cycles per year, going on and off oral steroids constantly? (yes to any of these means you need liver support) Personally I limit orals to 4 weeks, as results really plateau at that point in my experience, and the primary compounds are kicked in at that point. But keep in mind that I have not had a drink in 10 years, don`t take any medication at all, and as I indicated really limit my use of oral steroids.

Jared Lord

You should be using something to protect your liver and kidneys even when you`re not using gear. High protein and training will elevate liver enzymes.


Ofcourse, avoid high doses of gears especially orals and don`t go overboard with protein. 1g of protein per pound enough, protein is high doses is very bad for your kidneys


Liv52 is cheap and apparently effective. I`ve even read a government study stating it`s efficacy. It was a complicated report with medical terminology but I managed to gather that it was effective in liver protection under whatever specific controlled circumstances they tested it for. I`m assuming therefore that it`s overall beneficial to the liver. Other articles suggest the same. It`s cheap at a few bucks under $9 per month supply with free shipping on eBay. As per kidneys? I searched and searched but the only data I`ve uncovered is that there simply is no reliable kidney support formula. Finally I found that a teaspoon or two of baking soda mixed in a half gallon of water or a gallon helps kidney patients prevent from going into dialysis. That may be the magic bullet for kidneys because the articles are many and one from the national kidney foundation itself. Search baking soda for kidneys and you`ll see. Hope this was helpful.
I have a mild case of bitch tits in one tit, what would be suggested to prevent it from getting worse while running this cycle?


Double the ai dosage and start taking nolvadex at 20mg a day or raloxifene at 60 my a day. Taper off the SERMS over the course of a month and maintain the higher ai dosage they the cycle. GET BLOODS and confirm your estrogen is at the right level.


Yeah Nolva or Clomid and a stronger ai like Letro all taken immediately to stop gyno progress, continue that for a few weeks then taper down but keep the ai so E doesn’t spike again. And like the other guy said, get blood work done.

evan johnson

You could increase your arimidex dose from .5mg eod to either .5mg ed or 1mg eod. You should also add in nolvadex at 20mg ed. It would also be a good idea to maybe shy away from compounds that have massive estrogen conversion like dbol and deca and use an anavar which can be used for bulking as well as cutting.

Mike Jones

I’m not particularly fond of the nolva protocol for gyno as it didn’t work for me. I personally suggest buying some letro immediately and running a full pill or 2.5 mg a day for a full 2weeks then tapering off to half or 1.25mg a day for another week then 1.25 eod that’s what did it for me, after that you should taper using adex because letro is so harsh on estrogen you don’t want a rebound, also since your running deca if your not running caber you should start immediately as well just to be sure it’s not prolactin based.


I had a painful lump under both nipples for a while, and it seemed like anastrozole would shrink it slightly, but would never completely remedy the problem. I started using Aromasin instead, and I have no issues what so ever. Everyone is different, and not all gyno is the same. Like the others said, since you are on Deca, you should also have some caber on hand, and if you are already experiencing gyno, it wouldn`t hurt to take it right away as well as continuing your ai. If you can`t get it fast enough there are some over the counter Anti-prolactin supplements that may help while you wait for the caber to ship.


The anastrozole that is included with this stack get the job done (in most cases) to manage estrogen on a maintenance level, but it really does not work as well as Aromasin (exemanstane) or Femara (letrozole) if you are gyno prone (which it sounds like you are). The idea solution would be to get your hands on the Letrozole – it does the very best job of squashing a gyno flair up. If cannot secure this in a timely manner, the previous advice to double your AI dosage and begin taking tamoxifen at 20mg per day is a good alternative.

big baby bear

Getting your estrogen under control is an absolute must to deal with gyno symptoms. You need to know your estrogen levels so get a blood test as soon as possible, since youre gyno prone youre likely going to want to get your levels in the 15-20 range, its low but not too low. In the meanwhile you could increase your aromatase inhibitor dose to prevent estrogen from being produced at the rate thats aggravating you. You could also take some nolvadex to immediately gum up the receptors effectively blocking the estrogen thats already floating around. You may have extremely low estrogen for a period but its better than gyno, and get that test done, you need to know what your estrogen levels are, theres no excuse not to keep estrogen in the proper range.


I would threat existing “bitch tits” with raloxifene, a SERM proven very effective for existing gyno symptoms. 60mg per day is what is typically prescribed.
Is a PCT NEEDED being as there is some including during the cycle?


This is an intermediate steroid cycle so a complete PCT is absolutely required. Wait 15-20 days after your last injection for all the long esters to clear, then run nolva (anastrozole) at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2, then 20 mg per day for weeks 3-5. Alternatively, you could run clomid (clomephine) at 100mg every day weeks 1-2, then 50 mg per day for weeks 3-5. It’s not necessary to run both drugs concurrently, but it won’t hurt.

Vincent Valentine

Yes, PCT is definitely needed after this cycle. From what I can see in the compounds listed, there is no PCT included in this cycle and will therefore need to be purchased separately. Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor and is meant for combating estrogen DURING a cycle, not after. For PCT I`d recommend an SERM like Nolvadex or Clomid with HCG being an additional compound that can be used to get the testicles back to their normal size.

evan johnson

Yes PCT should be done after any steroid cycle. 10 days after your last injection use clomid at 100mg ed for 2 weeks and 50mg ed for another 2-4 weeks. Also use nolvadex at 20mg ed.

big baby bear

Definitely go with a PCT after using the “Intermediate Bulk Cycle.” Your HPTA will be very shut down and without giving it help to restart you`ll have extremely low testosterone for a while and you`ll have all the symptoms that come with it including low energy, poor sleep quality, slow recovery, low sex drive, depression, etc. PCT is always recommended and is very affordable so it shouldnt be overlooked. HCG for testes, clomid/nolva for hypothalamus & pituitary, and sometimes an AI to keep estrogen from interfering with the SERMS activity.


PCT is needed. My method is wait four days after last injection and use 1000 iu HCG every day for ten days. Then run your Clomid and Nolva at 50mg and 40mg daily respectively for 2 weeks. Then use the next two weeks to cut the dose in half and taper off the SERMS. Ex. The third week the Clomid would be 25 mg and the Nolva at 20mg. Following week would be 12.5 my and 10mg.

Daniel Lang

A PCT is needed, and suggestions on clomid/nolva doses have been accurate (100/100/50/50, 40/40/20/20). My suggestion is to run both, as proper PCT can be just as important if not more so in your ability to hold on to your gains. Side note, I would also recommend running test slightly longer (1-2 weeks longer than deca) as deca will take longer to clear your system than test will. Personal preference would be 2 weeks and then begin PCT 10 days following last test injection.


Like others have already stated, post cycle therapy will be something you`ll want to do. As a rule of thumb, it`s always best to have everything you`ll need for recovery in your possession prior to beginning your cycle. Even if you get into some of the substances considered to be mildly or even non-suppressive, some sort of recovery is a good idea. While the primary reason for PCT may be recovering natural testosterone production and hormonal homeostasis, there are other considerations to take into account that will aide in overall health.
So what would the breakdown on dosage actually be for the cycle per week for each product?

big baby bear

Weekly breakdown for each compound: Test enanthate 250mg twice per week for a total of 500mg per week, Deca 250mg once per week for a total of 250mg per week, Dianabol 40mg per day for a total of 280mg per week, anastrozole 0.5mg per day for a total of 3.5mg per week.


Testosterone would be taken twice per week, on the same days of the week such as Sat and Wed, at 250mg per shot for a total of 500mg per week. Deca is shot once per week at 250mg, go ahead and just take care of this on one of the day when you take your testosterone. Finally, the Dbol should be taken daily at 40mg or four pills. With regard to the anastrozole, I would suggested taking 0.5mg every OTHER day, then increasing as needed. Finally, a prudent user would also buy a small amount of Cabergoline, as this is recommended to have on hand anytime you are taking a 19nor compund such as deca, tren, etc in the unlikely event that you get the dreaded “deca dick”.

evan johnson

It is 500mg test per week for weeks 1-10. 250mg deca per week for weeks 1-10. 280 dbol per week for weeks 1-6. 3.5mg arimidex per week for weeks 1-10 and 10 days after the cycle ends

Mike Jones

1ml of 250mg testosterone Monday and Friday for a total of 500mg a week for 10 weeks.5ml of deca 125mg Monday and Friday for a total of 250mg a week for 10 weeks 40mg dianabol a day split into 3-4 doses to maintain stable levels in your body for a total of 280mg a week for 6 weeks.And .5mg of anastrozole a day through the whole cycle.
Wouldnt this only be an 9 week cycle taking these every 3 days? Thanks

evan johnson

This cycle specifies 2 injections per week of 1ml test 250 and 2 injections per week of .5ml deca 250. Ignore the part where it says inject every 2-3 days and change to twice a week(sunday and thursday injections for example). That way you will have enough for 10 weeks.


The instructions seem to have mistakenly indicated that you should inject every 2-3 days, instead of the CORRECT 3-4 DAYS. Since the esters (time release component) for the steroids are enanthate and deconate, INJECTING TWICE PER WEEK IS PERFECT. Most just pick two days of the week (such as Sun and Wed). Following this schedule, the package will last exactly 10 weeks! Best of luck!

Don O

You are correct, if you inject the recommended doses every 3 days this will be a 9 week cycle. If you inject the recommended doses every 3.5 days (twice a week) it will be a 10 week cycle.
How many pills of Anastrozole come with the Intermediate Bulk Cycle Stack?


40 x 1mg pills

Mike Jones

GP likes to make 20 tab packs so x2 packs=40 x 1mg anastrozole.


It looks like it comes with 40 pills total.


Two packs of 20 pills each, so a total of 40 pills.

Joe Longo

In the description you can search it comes with 40 x 1 mg pills


The description always lists the miligram strength and how many pills or tablets are included (or the mg strength and how many cf or ml are included). Also you`ll find an overview of the medication (steroid, ai, etc) along with generally how much to take since some respond with less as well…so a range of dose is given.
How long after my cycle should I wait to get on a pct and should I continue to take anastozole with my pct?

Victor Rizzo

I always start PCT immediately after my cycle.

Mike Jones

I believe you should always run an ai through until you start pct, so if you run a 12 weeks cycle and plan on starting pct on week 14 continue running adex until then. Being that nolva and clomid are serms they will mitigate any high estrodial levels that’s what they were designed to do, for bodybuilding purposes they control estrogen levels until your body can restart your htpa and start working normally, so if you want to eliminate all estrogen until your natural test levels come back you can run adex through pct, but you would need to run nolva for an extra week to combat any estro rebound.


Since it’s an Enanthate ester I would start PCT two weeks after your last testosterone injection, but still running the AI throughout that whole time AND into PCT so estrogen doesn’t increase.


Depending on the cycle I would start your PCT no more than 10-14 days after your last use. You want to maintain a safe and healthy balance of all the levels in your body that have adjusted because of the cycle. Waiting the 10-14 days allows for your testosterone ad estrogen levels to somewhat balance your out and drop, allowing you to keep that at a steady level rather than spiking up or dropping down drastically. Nolvadex and Clomid seem to work best for when I run my PCT, you always want to make sure you do the necessary steps in order to get your body back to a healthy functioning natural cycle.


Run your AI up until 14 days after the last pin then start nolva/clomid. Standard protocol and should bounce you right back into test production


Previous answers are correct, run your AI until the actual start of your PCT, which should occur about 14 days after your last injection. This is based on the ester used, which is enanthate.
What PCT would you run after this cycle?


Just a regular classic PCT protocol, nothing special. HCG + Clomid. I also run 12.5mg exemestane with my PCT to help with estro control.

Mike Jones

Hcg, clomid and Aromasin or adex. If you research hcg you’ll find that at 500iu you’ll actually desensitize your LH in your testes so it has been show to start taking the hcg halfway or from the beginning of the cycle to stop the suppression of the htpa 250iu twice a week and then when you come off run clomid 100/100/50/50/50 with adex at .5-1mg a day for the first 2 weeks of pct


500iu hcg/week for the last half of the cycle, follow that with 40mg nova & 100mg Clomid for 2wks, and then drop down to 20mg nova and 50mg Clomid for 3 more weeks.


Nolva and Clomid 14 days after last pin. .. .use T-dog`s protocol. .. same one that i use for my folks. HCG is not a must have but it will get you back to normal test making quicker. really all you need is one 5000 IU bottle and take it up unitl 14 days after last pin then start your nolva/clomid


Standard nolvadex protocol – tamoxifen at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2, 20mg per day for weeks 3-4. That`s all that is needed for a successful recovery!


Pct nolvadex 20mg Ed HCG 200mcg EOD clomid 50ed for 2weeks start pct 10days after last shot of gear ..this will be basic pct protocol or close to it

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