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Intermediate Cutting Cycle

Need advice on adding in new gear to stack. Thoughts?Done 5 cycles… this will be my third time doing this one, but I added some kickers.I`m 44yrs old, 5`9, 183Intermediate Cutting Cycle: But I added a few “kickers” lolDuration: 8-10 Weeks(3) 10ml/100mg Testosterone Propionate Bottles (3) 10ml/100mg Trenbolone Acetate Bottles (100) Stanozolol 10mg Tablets(20) Anastrozole 1mg TabletsWeeks 1-8: 100 mg GP Test Prop100 taken every other dayWeeks 1-8: 100 mg GP Tren Acetate taken every other dayWeeks 3-8: 40 mg GP Stan 10 per day1/2 Anastozole everydayI was going to add GP OXY weeks 1-4.Then add Proviron weeks 6-10HGH is every day already.Maybe Clen final 2 weeks.This is a moderate dose testosterone and trenbolone cycle with a non aromatizing oral ran through the last 6 weeks to help harden up gains along with an estrogen blocker to prevent excess bloat and gyno symptoms. Take 1 ml of GP Test Prop 100 mixed with 1 ml of GP Tren Acetate 100 on day one, and continue to take an injection of this mixture every other day for 8 weeks. At the beginning of the third week, begin taking 4 GP Stan 10 about an hour before weight training. Do this every day for the remaining 6 weeks. Starting on day 1, take half of a GP Anastrozole and continue this throughout cycle and for at least 10 days following your last injection, or until you have used all 40 tablets if you wish.I ADDED:(50) 50mg GP OXY Tablets A-Bombs(100) 25mg Provibol (Proviron) Masterolone Tablets(200) 40mg Tablets Clenbuterol (Clen-40)(10) Racks of HGH (Blue Tops)… THEY WORK! Been on this for 3-4 months and I take .3ui everyday.PCT: (100) 20mg Nolvadex Tablets (10,000) iu HCG(150) 50mg Clomid-50 Tablets(20) 1mg Cabaser Tablets


Sounds good sounds like you`re on the right track that`s what I would do. Let us know the results of you are cycling get back to us.

For this stack, do you also take half of anastrosole every other day or every day?


That`s arimidex. If you take it every day, youre going to suffer from crashes estrogen which I can assure you that you never want that to happen. Most people can get away with 1 pill every 3 days. If you notice estrogenic side effects like a lot of acne, sensitive nipples, and a lot of water weight, then increase your dosing to every other day. But do not take every day.


I would say 3 times a week. At .5mg so 1.5 per week depending on sensitivity I dont use it at all but some people need to I would just go with the plan and take it on pinn days


1mg has a half life of 5 days so I recommend doing 1.5mg a week. You don`t want to crash your estrogen to much


The truth is everyone`s chemistry is different and we break parent hormones into metabolites at different rates. You should monitor your side effects and try to dial it in for yourself. Any dosing of ai people throw out is what works for them, and may absolutely not work for you. Best of luck, hope it helps


Depending on how bad the estrogen side effects are I personally would take half a tablet every other day if they flare up real bad take one tablet every other day until they subside


I have to take 1mg Ed when rubbing test over 300-400mg. Also, you will want to cut water and estrogen towards the end of a cutting cycle. I always incrroduce an ai 4-6 weeks out from a show and increase strength to letro Ed the last 2 weeks. By completely suppressing estrogen you will become very hard and dry.
So every other day means one day yes then no then yes or one day then 2 days no


EOD stands for every other day. It means just that. For example, every mon, we`d, fri, sun, tie, etc. Now on EOD some opt to keep weekends off or two days off for instance and continue with EOD as the new cycle starts. How you do that is up to you and your cycle.


Yes so inject one day then next day nothing then next day inject ect.. So Monday then Wensday then Friday then Sunday then Tuesday then Thursday then Saturday and so on.. I personally do not skip weekends when on a every other day cycle using ester such as Phenyl Prop, Prop, Ace, or Suspension.. good luck


Its simple. One day on and the next day off.


Eod, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday. Good picture to follow?


It means eod it`s that simple Monday wendsday Friday is eod
I messed up, i`ve done quite a few cycles in my time, but took a few years off. Found 24roids, ordered this cycle, and loved it. Like a fool, had no plan for PCT. At first, the test made me hard and my libido stronger, then the Tren kicked in and crushed it all. I just ended my cycle with no PCT and i`m pretty much shut down. I just ordered another cycle of the same… but added Clen 40 and my HGH will be arriving tomorrow. I`ve been on HGH over the years so i`m familiar with that. What would you recommend for an ongoing PCT? I`m seeing adding in HCG, which i`ve done before, Clomid, and/or Cabaser. I`ll have everything for my new cycle in a few weeks, but missing my PCT. Should I add HCG, Clomid, and Cabaser? I don`t want to start another cycle without having everything in place and would like to take something during my cycle to help with my libido and deca (tren) dick.


If you planned on using HCG at the end of your cycle, get a 5000IU vial and some bac-water. Shoot 1000IU`s twice a week until you run out and then jump on Nolvadex. Take 40mgs/day for 2-3 weeks and then drop it to 20mgs/day for 2-3 weeks. I`d advise to never start a cycle until you have everything on hand. Good luck.


I Patriot, I will be starting my next cycle in a few weeks. Would you recommend adding any of those into my cycle to keep my levels up, instead of waiting until i`m done with the cycle?


Exactly what I wanted to hear. I agree… COVID messed up my cycle and shipping. Thank you!


In my opinion you would benefit from using hcg throughout your next cycle to get/keep things ticking over, fairly standard amount is 500ui twice a week, should make it easier at end of the cycle where I would use clomid 100,100,50,50 and possibly nolva 40,40,20,20 just to get a complete pct in……or cruise of course, so much easier.
Has anyone tried pinning this ED vs EOD? I have read online that pinning ED gets one more stable levels than EOD and the Tren sides are not as bad.


U can pin eod but u will get better results and your test levels will be more stable pinning ed.


This is how I pin all my gear just lower doses 5d a week . Doing test e about . 5 ml a day now have been for months with no sides as well as npp Ed . Give it a try micro dosing and you will be surprised on how it`s better on sides


Pending every day is absolutely the best way to go blood levels are always more stable sides are always slightly less if not much better spikes in estrogen and testosterone are both more stable most people just do not like every day pending because they don`t like petting themselves make sure you get the Syringe that matches dose level meaning if you are pinning every day you may be pending less than .2 CC per day depending on your cycle so that you can more accurately divide the dose by seven instead of two or 3 1/2


Personally I`ve done both..I`ve done E3D, EoD, and ED and tbh there isn`t a difference whatsoever to me so don`t worry

Juice World

Yes it`s a pain pinning every day but find hormones Andre better, pip is less and sides are less.


Yeah I get bad sides from Tren, gyno acne and sweats but find Ed injections minimized this
Hello, I`ve used this stack 3 times over the past 2 years and have had very good results. I want to do another cycle and was wondering if I should do this again or something else? I`m 5` 6″ 170 pounds and 54 years old. I lift and do Cardio on average of 4 times per week. I want to keep cutting and just slightly build and define. Thanks for the input.


Looks good Jim but IMO it`s too much Tren for a 54 year old. I`ve used it and I am 50+ and know that it is very harsh on the body and nervous system. I have found that Primobolan works extremely well for our age group and has no noticeable sides. You could probably get a better deal if you bought these compounds individually when on special from GP or Dragon. If I keep the Test under 300mg per week, I don`t even need an AI. Good luck!


Why don`t you try replacing the tren with equipoise? Eq is great for cutting, can be run at high doseages with usually little to no side effects, and it`s much easier on the system vs tren. Plus it gives most users an overall feeling of well being instead of the shitty, depressed feeling a lot of people on tren report. And you`re in luck because it`s the potw right now! So I say stock up on EQ and happy cycling my friend.


Well considering that this contains test prop, winstrol, and tren, the strongest steriod on the planet, your likely to be mildly disappointed if you switch out to another stack. I personally like EQ and test for cutting (very little water retention), but most the EQ causes major hunger which makes cutting difficult.


The cycle that u run 3 times until now is good, looks good, but also u can buy your gear separate and do your own cycle, like others said me also i prefer EQ instead Tren, but is our choice, u can run same cycle what give u good results or u can try something new, good luck.


I would stay away from the tren at your age and incorporate deca instead. I personally like to buy compounds individually. Gives you more control over dosing.


Yeah have you thought about tren you seemed pretty well versed and understand how these compounds work I think you would keep better results with the tren good luck
Hello all and thanks for your advice, I started this cycle about 2 weeks ago. I’ve been taking gear on and off for 20 years, sus 250, decca, Winn, tren, etc. as my main got too. I’ve never done this gear/cycle before but thought I’d give it a go. About 4 hours after I wake up or eat something, not every time but on occasion, I feel like my eyes are going to blast out of my head, I can feel my heartbeat in my head/neck, and my face turns a little redder then it has in the past. I’ve seen this before on some of my friends in the past. I drink at least 2 gl of water a day, lean high protein, fiber, carb, sugar monitoring diet. Blood pressure: 156-160 over 96-99. A couple days prior 146 over 97. I want to finish this, any positive advice on something to take/do would be greatly appreciated. I think I’ll stick with my ol milky buddy winny V next time. Cheers mates!


I would drop anything that is going to make you blood pressure be Elevated like tren,deca, dbols ext.


I would drop the Tren, lower your sodium and do not take any caffeine until the cycle is over. I get high BP with tren as well. It lasts a few weeks but goes away eventually. Also do cardio daily even if for 15-20 mins. But I can keep mine in the 130s on tren as long as I do not take ANY caffeine or other stimulants (clen, etc).


Yeah definitely get that bp in check. And stick to what`s good that you know. Different gear just effects all of us differently. That bp is high though and those symptoms you describe dont sound pleasant.


Your blood pressure is high, 1 gallon of water is great i think two gallons a day is increases high blood pressure that you already get with running gear


Sounds like high BP, don’t consume any caffeine and limit salt intake. Make sure and keep your e2 in check to prevent excess fluid/bloating. You can add a low dose of a mild BP med like lisinopril to help if you continue with your stack.


The answer is so obvious that if it were a snake it would have bit you for being so close. Stop. Stop everything that isn`t testosterone. If your blood pressure is so high that you can feel it in your eyes then you have a bigger issue than trying to put on muscle with AAS. Look, this may have worked 20 years ago, but we get older and things change. Is it worth a stroke or a heart attack? Not to be short, but if you`ve ran AAS before, you should already know that you need to drop everything that isn`t testosterone. You`d likely also do better switching to Aromasin instead of Arimidex. Use your head. Seems like you`re just fishing for validation to keep doing something that you know is not wise
I have been on this cycle for a little over a week now. I have pinned twice in each glute. My question is that I am having pain in the pinning site a day after I have taken my 2cc dose of the combined mixture. Is this because I am pinning 2cc unlike my previous cycle that was only 1cc? Any suggestions. I am even using a new needle to actually inject the oil since the first gets dull pulling from 2 vials. Thanks for any advice.


Yeah totally normal to have discomfort the day after you pin. It will get better over time after you build up some scar tissue. I have pinned so much I can’t even feel the needle sometimes but even with that if I inject 2mL it may get sore. Even if I inject less it could become sore. Sometimes you just hit a bad spot. But totally normal. Maybe after you inject massage the area. I try to massage before and after and that will usually help.


Yes, 1ml hurts a little, 2ml more, 3ml even more. I usually never do more than 3ml per glute and never do more than 1ml in smaller muscles like shoulders or legs etc. Nothing to worry about. Just accept it and focus on your results. Keep in mind that you and injecting oil into the muscle so more thicker oil is more it hurts. Try to do slow injections, at least 90sec up to 2 min for 2ml injection. Faster you do injection more pain you`ll feel in next couple of days.


I would do 500 test, 300-400 eq and finish it up with some var


General soreness is typical and should subside ina day or two. If it becomes crazy sensitive and swollen, you may have an infection.


Open up more injections sites and this shouldn`t be a problem as you`ll be able to inject less more frequently.


Rotate injection sites, left delt, right delt and so on. Give each site as much time as possible before pinning there again
If combining a ml of each into a syringe, would the glutes be the only place to pin that much? Delts can only take 1 ml at a time, no?


Different people can get away with injecting different amounts, but as a rule of thumb you’re correct, one ML is the limit in delts. I preferred glute injections myself, it’s a giant muscle group and I literally have never once had PIP.


Glutes and quads can take 2 MLs. .. .shoulders i blasted 2 mls before but prefer not to use them for above 1. 5 mls


First you can`t do all three because winstrol is water based and I don`t recommend mixing 1 ml of water and 2 ml of oil in a syringe. You can pin the other two in one go in delts not just glutes. Some b12 ampules are 3ml and its not uncommon to inject them into delts (b12 is also oil based)


I personally can inject 2mls into my shoulders no problem. You should start at 1. 5 tho make sure your shoulders can handle it. You also can go into you quads but you have to be like really careful when injecting into the legs.


Depending on if your shoulder are a good size or not and how you can handle pip. Some people get really bad pip some non at all off the total same gear. But if you can’t go in the shoulders. You can pin less bug more often or start using you quads to. Good luck and yes like statements Above be very careful injecting into your quad there’s a major artery that runs through your leg you don’t want to inject into that.

Maison Jardin

Shoulders are tricky you either can or you can’t its that simple. Quads and glues are your only two other options really. A doc showed me a place on the side one time but I couldn’t tell you wear now.
I`m new to all of this, but When it says “Take 1ml of GP test PROP MIXED with 1ml of GP Tren Acetate 100” does it mean to literally mix the two in one needle fit injection? Thanks!


Just use the same syringe, for example if you need 1ml of each, so it will be 2ml in your syringe.


Yes they are saying to mix together in one shot. I always preload my syringes for the week and sometimes just preload the entire bottle if i feel motivated which would prep 10 shots of 2 ml each. . . . lasting almost three weeks. Take your time when shooting 2 ml in one shot. . . . slower the better.

evan johnson

Yes it means drawing up 1 ml test prop and 1 ml tren ace in the same syringe.


I am assuming someone was saying to put both compounds in one syringe so yes. You don’t need to physically mix it by the way, only have both in the same syringe, so you take them together. When you draw it up do it like this; put 3mL of air in the syringe, inject 1. 5mL air into vial #1, inject 1. 5mL air into vial #2, withdraw 1mL of oil from vial #2, withdraw needle, insert into vial #1 and withdraw 1mL of oil. By adding the air in this order you will make it easier to take out the oil because you are replacing the volume of oil with the air, equalizing the pressure. By adding a little more than 1mL you are making sure you get a little push while withdrawing and no suction. Don’t forget to change the needle from a draw needle to the one you will inject with since you have put the needle through a stopped twice already and this will have filled the point a bit and make it more painful when you go through that skin and muslce. You may see some separation between both oils but this is not a problem. Make sure you hold the syringe needle up and flick the syringe (like on TV) and push it to get air out. Then before you inject gold it needle down and give it a little push so a drop comes to the tip of the needle, this will ensure there is no air in the needle, which will lower the chances you get a bruised muscle and have less pain too. Hope this helps. Good luck.


Yes draw them both in the same pin. So as stated 1ml of each in a pin and tat is your injection, Great instructions from LIB.


You can mix any oils together and most water based stuff too. At the end of my cycles I commonly recommend injecting my test prop and HCG together before PCT. Also I load all my darts for a few weeks at a time and they usually have two or three oils in each one.
How many mg of clomid and novla should I be doing as a pct after this cycle

Micheal Ervin

100/100/50/50 of clomid per day 40/40/20/20 of nolva per day

Mike Jones

Well for the purposes of pct I’d also recommend using hcg from mid cycle to the start of pct at 250iu twice a week. As for how much clomid and nolva you should use, you need to use either one or both of these serms for 4-5 weeks at 2 tabs or 100mg of clomid for the first week and 2 tabs of nolva or 40mg for the first week, and then take 1 a day for the rest of your pct so the dosing schedule should be 100/50/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20/20


If this is early in your cycle experience, I would run one or the other. This allows you to see what sides come from each drug, and trust me. SERMS cause sides. Both guys laid out solid dosage schedule for each. But run one. . also the HCG is a good call. I would blast 5000-10000iu for the ten days before you start PCT with SERMS. So 500iu a day or 1000iu a day starting the fourth day after last test pin. After HCG start SERMS


100mg clomid ED 40mg nolva ED for the first week after that 50mg ED clomid 20mg nolva ED for 2-3 weeks.


I agree with 100mg a day of Clomid and 40mg Nolva for a week starting one week after last shot of gear. Then after that take 50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolva for 2-3 weeks. I agree to add in HCG

Big E

I would recommend running PCT as follows. HCG 1500iu on Mon/Wed/Fri for 3 weeks while running Clomid at 100/75/50 and Nolva 60/40/20 everyday for 3 weeks
Do any of these pre-designed stacks come with needles, or they are purchased separately? -thank you.

Maria Fermin

Hiii , no you have to buy the needles separate.

john smith

Nope, but you can get them from some websites. I got 100 25g for about $25

Mike Jones

No sir, all stacks and products on 24roids don’t come with needles, it would be an obvious package if they were shipped together if you live in a country that requires scanned customs checks, I personally like using 23g syringes to draw and 31g insulin needles for all my injections they take longer for injections which I like because it forces me to go slower and they are painless you can find boxes of 100 on many sites for like than $20

Mike Childs

You have to buy separately. Some ideas on where to get are obviously online, some pharmacies, or if you work in a hospital or know someone who does you could get some extras. There is nothing more important than clean needles aside from all else. I personally use an 18G to draw and 21G to inject IM with little to know PIP. I would also recommend getting both 3cc and 1cc syringes to get exact measurements in drawing and mixing compounds. Glutes are pretty much more only site I use switching back and forth.


i get all my needles/syringes from Sams. CVC, winn dixie, Walgreens, etc all sell over the counter. At Sams they are 7 cents each. .. i go 18G to pull and 23 to administer but have various sizes for shoulders or other areas.

Don O

Youll need to purchase syringes/needles separately, the pre-designed stacks do not come with them included.
I`ve ran test before and I`m not new to the game. However, I usually rotate my injections from shoulder to shoulder. With this many pokes, where else on the body would you recommend to injections be?


Shoulders, traps, upper glutes, outer quads, I’ve done inner quads a few times with good results. Anytime you pin a new muscle there’s going to be some PIP.

evan johnson

This cycle will have you injecting eod and for that it is best to use both delts and either glutes or quads for your injection rotation. 4 injection sites is enough to prevent excessive pip or injection site redness. What I have done most of my anabolic using career is delt-delt-glute-glute repeat and has worked very effectively. Glute injections will require a 1 1/2 inch needle whereas you should be able to use the 1 inch you are using for your delts on your quads.


The shoulder is not a bad place but if looking for others sites there are a few good ones. Depending on how much you load, I do from 1.5-2 in my leg, hand down from hip and hand up from knee outside sweep of the quad never had an issued. Also if you are limber enough the buttocks is also good for 1.5-2, I have always put my thumb on my hip rotated my hand to my but and anywhere in that area I have never had an issue. Hope this helps.

Mike Jones

I personally run all my injections in the delts because I maintain a very low bf% and insulin needles do the trick, with this I would still personally run delt injections since the esters in these products absorb very quickly you shouldn’t experience much pip if you change shoulders every day and switch between the lateral and posterior deltoids so that’s 4 injection spots other spots depending on your bf% could be lats,quads or of course the original glute injections.


My favorite sites are both glutes, and the top outer corner of the quads. Small shots (1.5ml) can go in pecs or shoulders, but I try to stick to the legs. Check out for some details.


I like it in the glute. Lol That didn`t sound right. I have tried quad injections on several different occasions, and every time I try it I remember why I don`t do that. I get REALLY bad pip in my quads. I inject in the upper outside corner of the glute rotating right and left, and when I am injecting frequently, I will rotate in the dorsal glute so I have a few more spots to inject. I haven`t tried the shoulder because I don`t want my shoulder to be sore while training.


Are you not using the obvious glue locations for some reason? Being the largest muscle, this area provides the most flexibility, and in my experience impacts training the least. I have never personally tried quad injections, but here they are easy because of the location, there are plenty of youtube videos to walk you through exactly which muscle (vastus lateralis) to target when hitting quads.

Don O

Side delts as you mentioned, rear delts if you can find a helper, glutes for sure and youve got some room to hit them higher or lower. Quads are no good for me but thats completely up to you some have no troubles.


Main intra-muscular injection sites are Glutes (Dorsogluteal), Ventro Glutes, Quads (Vastus Lateralis), and Delts (Deltoid). These injection sites on left and right site of your body are good to go for this cycle.
I am about to start this cycle as soon as it gets in hopefully by the end of the week. I`m all set with PCT and understand the way this particular cycle is taken. My question is would it hurt to take clen and T3 while on this cycle ? I`ve done cycles similar to this just without the winny and anastrozole and used clen and T3 with great results.

evan johnson

No, taking those things in combination with the prescribed stack would only enhance your fat-burning results of the cycle. However, this stack is labeled “intermediate cutting stack” and your additions would make it more of a stack for an advanced anabolic user.

Daniel Williams

Since this isn`t your first rodeo, you know how each of these compounds effect you personally. I can`t think of a reason why this would be a bad idea.

Justin Schlonger

If you have already taken Clen as well as T3, I would say go for it. This cycle is set up well, but adding in your own “flair” to it can personalize it best to suit your needs. I personally would use the cutting cycle and add Clen as well as the T3. Hope this helps man, 24roids is where it`s at!
Should I add the Basic PCT Stack or is what comes with this enough?

Mike Jones

You will need a pct with this stack, it only comes with an ai that won’t work as pct. the basic pct stack or one of the many “PCT tabs” that various labs make they come with one if not both nolva/clomid proviron and some type of ed med just in case there is a loss of sexual function. also I would suggest grabbing some caber to combat progesterone problems from the tren

Ben Griner

The best thing to do is pin EOD and mark your calendar like doc said. Pinning MWF will also be fine, for best results figure out what works the best for you.

Joshua Vega

Honestly when I used this cycle and got great results. After my cycle ended I didnt see any gyno symptoms or estrogen rebound. Just as long as I kept taking the rest of my anastrozal, it felt easy to cycle off. But if it makes you feel comfortable having a pct after the cycle ends then there`s no harm in that.


Yes you definitely need a PCT after running this deck since the air I will only stop estrogen, it will not actually help increase your natural testosterone levels, that is what a proper PCT is for. Usually use a combination of nNolva and Clomid 2 pills a day each for 2 weeks and then 1 pill a day each for the following 3 weeks.


An ai won`t work as pct. You need clomid and hcg to help restore test levels post cycle. However bare in mind many opt to blast and cruise. Blast=heavier steroid use, Cruise=just about 200mg to 300mg test to maintain muscles and provide test. Reasoning: avoids the roller-coaster effect of cycling and pct constantly because it can be harsh on the body. But if you are not blasting and cruising, then add hcg and clomid (maybe Nolvadex too). An ai won`t raise test levels it will only reduce estrogen that`s why.


Yes you need a PCT when you come off. You will be running test P so start it 4 days after last pin and you should be good. you can get away with just Nolva or can add clomid too if you wish
If your injection schedule for Week 1 is Mon/Wed/Fri, would you then also do an injection on Sunday-which would be the start of “week 2?” Or would you skip Sunday and start week 2 on Monday to keep with the same schedule?


You take it every other day from the first pin. Some weeks will be 4 pins some will be 3. I would suggest mating on a calendar so you don’t forget if you pinned the day before or not.

Ben Griner

Every other day is best to maintain your levels

Joshua Vega

To regulate your injections is important. Every other day is ideal for this kind of cycle. However, in my experience from doing this cycle, I did the Monday, Wednesday, Friday, type schedule because i felt i can easily forget when to take my next injection if i were to do the every other day injection. In doing so I still saw great results in my gains and my blood levels were still regulated with this stack.


Exact schedule should be something like this: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat, back to Mon and repeat.


3 Inject every other day from day 1. Depending on the week it will vary, 3 times or 4 times and it will balance out.


You would NOT skip days, instead just inject every 48 hours. Issues arise when your hormone levels fluctuate, so best to not skip days.

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