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Beginners Bulk Cycle

Hey 24roids, longtime no see. I got shoulder surgery about 4 months ago and kinda started lifting, still have some gains i got when at most I used was orals, anavar, winstrol, clen, and barely any sarms. I’m pretty demotivated since my right arm isn’t back at it and i lost some gains, I also did some other things like drinking and some other goodies. I’m thinking about starting to lift again and would like to try a cycle, i’m thinking about the usual test enanthate 300-500 mg a week, and maybe arimidex if side effects. Also hcg and the regular pct at the end. Probably going to go at it for 10 weeks. Let me know what you all think and what test and such you suggest on the site.

I think thats a very good way to start back up. Get another month or two in the gym training without anything and then toss the test in and I think that should jump start you back to getting back to your old self. Muscle memory is very real, so you shouldn`t have a hard time building back up. Your biggest challenge will be taking it slow and protecting that shoulder while the test is giving you added strength. Last thing you`d want is to re-injure the shoulder, so just try and take it slow for your shoulder and chest exercises. But I think it`s a good plan and best of luck man!

Welcome back brother! There`s a great deal on test E from Ultima this week. I would jump on some of that asap before there is a new POTW. Also, to get back some of your gains I would suggest some Deca. This will also help with any joint pain from getting back in the gym after so long. Test E 500mg per week and run the Deca at 300mg per week. Take it slow and easy the first couple weeks back at it brother. Hope this helps

JD Cycle
Welcome back. Good on Test E, but if you gind a good price of Test C don`t pass it up. Very similar halflife. If you run Test only, I`d recommend skipping HCG. Used the HCG on more complex cycles. You should be fine with Nolva and Clomid in Test only.

That would be a great way to start back up and go into PCT. Currently a new lab Ultima Pharma has Test E for POTW so I would suggest (budget depending of course) to stock up on it while its 1/2 off. Defiantly make sure you get your diet and W/Os back in line for your goals and save the `goodies` for the days off to relax and stretch out. I suggest that you take it slow and see how your shoulder is reacting to your use of it again. I personally would push for a 12 wk cycle consisting of ~350MG EW of Test and then for PCT the HCG is optional because you are just running Testosterone and the standard PCT would be fine at 100/100/50/50 for Clomiphene and 40/40/20/20 for Tamoxiphene for 4 weeks each; you could also go for 6 weeks each. I would run HCG 500 IU ED for 4 weeks if you choose to utilize it. If you choose another lab besides the POTW I suggest Aster, Alpha, Magnum or Max extreme. Pharmaqo is brand new here and I have not tried them out yet but their test result show good numbers. I`ll be ordering from them at some point. Which one is faster to receive the order? That’s up in the air brother because of this pandemic and slow processing through customs and USPS. Tahnks for the question, be safe and good lift to you! Reply if needed bro.

Yeah man go forit Aaster is a good brand

I mean gp lol
Hey. Ive only ever run sus 250 by itself. Is this a good starter stack for a beginner like me? I dont understand what 2x GP is? Can someone explain this to me? Also does this stack have everything I need for 10 weeks? Minus the PCT and syringes.


If you want to bulk for your next steroid cycle I would say that this would be the perfect one for you boss. The only problem I see is that if you only ran 250mg test a week then we don`t know how your body would react to a higher dose and an extra compound, but I`d give you the green light to go on that one, just be careful. GP is just the pharmacy name that`s selling them, it stands for Geneza Pharmaceuticals which is a widely trusted pharmacy preferred by plenty of users on here. The stack comes with 10 weeks of gear if you use the doses that were laid out for you on the description of the stack, you`ll have to buy the PCT and syringes separately. Best of luck man.


2 GP stands for geneza pharmaceuticals I was very confused by that as well it`s just weird how they put the company name next to the to win stuff it took me a long time to learn stuff on here but you`ll get it just like me. You can get pins from get Pinz dot-com

crazy Dan

TestC is test with a cypionate ester attach while sustanon has test but with a blend of 4 other esters. Esters is like time release medication. But this is a pre-stack put together by professionals. So follow their protocol. But i am hesitant to tell you that you don`t need to take anastrazole everyday. Maybe every other day since you are taking methandienone which is dbol. taking a test with dbol for amplified the changes of you converting test to estrogen. I normally tell brothers not to take an AI unless you feel sides surfacing. But in this case it`s a prestack so you should follow it protocol but back off on taking the anastrazole. This stack will definitely bulk you up but you need to eat! Eat Lean and clean of corse! And GP stands for Geneza Pharmaceut

crazy Dan

TestC is test with a cypionate ester attach while sustanon has test but with a blend of 4 other esters. Esters is like time release medication. But this is a pre-stack put together by professionals. So follow their protocol. But i am hesitant to tell you that you don`t need to take anastrazole everyday. Maybe every other day since you are taking methandienone which is dbol. taking a test with dbol for amplified the changes of you converting test to estrogen. I normally tell brothers not to take an AI unless you feel sides surfacing. But in this case it`s a prestack so you should follow it protocol but back off on taking the anastrazole. This stack will definitely bulk you up but you need to eat! Eat Lean and clean of corse! And GP stands for Geneza Pharmaceut


It`s 2 vials. Also yes if has everything except pct, nin if the stacks include pct.


It`s 2 vials. Also yes if has everything except pct, nin if the stacks include pct. get an extra vial of test though, 2 might not be enough and it`s cheap enough that I would buy a third
Hey,Looking to start this Beginner Bulk Cycle. However, does anyone have advice on whats the best plan to follow in terms of a PCT?Also, do you advise any further items for during this cycle?Lastly, what needles and syringes are best advised for this plan?Huge thanks 🙂


Hey TM, a lot of people have different perspectives when it comes to running a Pct. I personally don`t think there is a best plan but there are a few basics.. Also it depends on if this is your first cycle or if you have a bit of experience running cycles which will determine your doses.. I`m assuming this is probably your first or second, so all though you can follow the description this cycle lays out.. 500 mg a week is some what, what people feel is a good first begginer dose.. You could get away with running 350 to 400 mg a week and still have amazing results meaning less is more.. then your second cycle bump up your dose 100 mg per week from your previous cycle.. Now of coarse it“s on you but I personally would not run the D bol if this is your first cycle, only reason being is you will be learning what Test will do to your body, so if you start with two new compounds right off the bat then its can be difficult iddentifing side affects if you get any as to which compound is causing it.. plus D bol is pretty liver toxic but if you do choose to run it start at about half the dose per day for the first week and work your way up tell you find the sweet spot.. sorry for all the talk here lol back to what your question is really about as for a PCT you could get away with running 100 mg a day of clomid your first two weeks then drop to 50 mg a day for your following 2 weeks.. Some like to add Nova and some like to add HCG I personally do not add all that unless Im running higher dose cycle with mulitple compounds but again thats just me.. Also a good starting point for needles for most is 25g 1 inch or 25g 1 1/2 with 3ml syringe ohhh and find some liver protectant like milk thisle or NAC, tudca if you run the D bol.. Hope this helps buddy and keep researching always, knowledge is key good luck


Pct should be clomid and nolva 2 weeks after last pin, I would use 1″ 25g to pin. 22g to draw. I wouldn`t add any other compounds besides tje pct I mentioned. Good luck


I agree with EDubz`s statement about the pins. I use 22ga to draw and 25ga to shoot myself. I do disagree with the cycles prescription for the anastrolzole. 0.5mgs/day of anastrolzole is a extremely potent dosage. I`ve run that same basic cycle many times and I`m golden at .5mgs of anastrolzole every 3.5 days when I shoot. Know one would know what you as an individual needs and I can see the vendor cautioning on the side of error on that one, but man I think that`s a lot. I`ll let other chime in too. Don`t forget to vote. Thanks.


The ptc protocol that I prefer includes hcg, nolva, & clomid. Begin hcg 2 wks before the end of your cycle. 2000 ius every other day for 4 wks. Begin nolva & clomid 2 wks after your last pin. Clomid 100 mgs for 2 wks then 50mgs for 2 wks. Nolva 40 for 2 wks then 20 mgs for 2 wks. I`ve always bounced back just fine. Also as stated above 22ga to draw & 25ga to pin. Good luck


There are varying ideas in pct. Use nolvadex and clomid about a week or two after your last injection. Some opt to cruise. This is when you take about 200mg to no more than 300mg testos weekly during your off cycle. Pct is a bit harsh with on off cycles because your endocrine system is jolting up and down and while on pct even a good one you`ll lose more gains whereas on a cruise you won`t. Many men go on trt regardless so to cruise may be a better option overall. But if you decide pct then use nolva and clomid. However if a very heavy cycle hcg helps get you on track better as well.
First time using. Will I lose body fat when I use this cycle and gain muscle?


The cycle and compounds are not going to make you lose body fat. Diet and working out will be the factors in losing fat. Cycles will just boost muscle growth and strengthen. Diet should be your only worry when it comes to cutting fat.


You will gain muscle mass and loose fat. Trust me u will love the results if you eat and train right.


First time using? Stay away from this. You should run testosterone enanthate or cypionate only. 400mg/week split into two injections. Monday`s and Thursday`s. Do this for 12 weeks. Trust me. Do what I`m telling you. You`ll be happy with the results. Buy arimadex to have on hand just in case you experience estrogen related sides such as itchy or puffy nipples. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote by clicking the up arrow by my name. Thanks.

Sultan Ahmed

How many bottles of test would I need for 12 weeks and what else would I need a part from arimadex and when should I take it.


You need 3 bottles of test enanthate 250. Besides arimidex that you`d only take if sides show up, you need nolvadex and HCG for pct. 2 weeks after last pin of test, you start HCG at 750 eod for four pins, 500iu eod for three pins, and 250iu eod for two pins. So you need to buy the 5000iu kit. Nolva is taken every day 40mg for 2 weeks, then 20mg for two weeks.
Does this package come with PCT or do I need to buy it. If I do what do you recommend also how much and for how long. This is my first cycle


bto it doesnt contain pct, i would, 2 weeks after last pin, clomid 50/50/25/25 and nolvadex 40/40/20/20 good luck bro, also fine to use liv53 liver protectant too


No pct with this bulk cycle but always make sure u get pct with every cycle


This stack doesn`t include PCT . For PCT I use HCG and nolva. If you buy 5000iu HCG the protocol is 750iu eod for four pins ,500iu eod for three pins, and 250iu eod for two pins. Nolva also taken during this time 40mg a day for two weeks, then 20mg a day for two weeks. Also, wait to start PCT 2 weeks after last pin of test. The Clomid works too if you want to switch out the HCG, or you can use them together. So first answer is right also, as well as the second answer, to make sure you always use PCT . It`s usually not recommended to do a stack the first time, you can make great gains with test alone, a long ester like enanthate or cyp, 4-500mg a week split in two pins, 3.5 days apart. So you might want to save dbol for second cycle. Dbol is liver toxic which is why liv52 was suggested. Hope this helps.


Just buy test cyp run that at 500 mgs/week, Deca at 250 mgs/week & Dbol at 30 mgs a day for first 4 weeks that’s a good beginner cycle. You’ll also need to keep and A.I on hand. I ran this cycle my first couple times but without dbol but you could do it either way, Good luck


It doesn`t come with oct, I do t think any of the stacks do.
One more question guys, I am 47 years old and yes I have low T not extremely low but low enough so TRT after a cycle would be about 250mil a week and no need for a PCT right? Sorry i am new and just want to get as much information as possible since some of you mentioned TRT as a possible alternative to PCT.


250 is very high for trt! I run 200mg and my levels are over 1500. I`m not sure the quality of the year you`re using but I`d run 150mg at most to give your body a break.


How heavy are you bro only sure why to ding correct dosage is bloodwork but if you 200 lbs I would do 180mg weekly some feel good on less


250mg isnt TRT. You need to lower it to 100-150mg. 250mg is still higher than normal and doesn`t allow your body to fully recover.


200mg/week is good for TRT dose, this mean u will do blast and cruise, u will not need PCT because after the cycle u will do TRT. Do u have an AI?? estrogen blocker? u may need.


Yes that would be on the high side, but that`s about the just of it. No need for pct and continue on your test every week. If you haven`t needed an ai during cycle you probably won`t need one during your cruise. However it never hurts to have one on hand just in case. Arimidex is my personal favorite and I only take as needed and then only every third day and only till symptoms subside. Best of luck mate.

Dr Scott

The question had nothing to do with the dose of TRT, it is a little on the high side but if thats what your doc Rx`d or the dose that you have found that SAFELY raises your testosterone then so be it. I have seen docs frequently rx 250mg every other week. You do not need TRT because you are never coming off most docs rx a short course of HCG every year or two to bring the boys back, its not just cosmetic new evidence indicates that long term testicular atrophy (like years) can lead to permanent testosterone suppression,
This is my first cycle, do i need to take a PCT after this? Also how long should I wait to start my next cycle? Thanks


Yes you should, uh unless you plan on going in HRT therapy for life. Then you`d be looking at cruising. This isn`t to heavy of a cycle and you should look into using hcg after finishing everything including your arimidex. Hcg can really do wonders when getting your regular test levels back to normal and keeping your gains. If your into 24roids pre designed stacks they have a pct stack, however it`s a little heavy and you probably won`t need all of that but it will give you and idea of what to do. Best of luck mate.


oh jeez.. yes pct and hcg if you want tp do things right. and make sure you so your own research before starting.


Unless you are older and plan on blasting and cruising for the rest of your life you absolutely should be doing a proper pct. Time on equals time off plus pct before you start another cycle


Yes, any time you put a synthetic in your body, you are suppressing your natural production. When you do so you need to pct to restinulant your natural production. Yes it will come back over time, but it`s important to get it back to baseline as soon as possible.


Yes manpct to start up your natural test production, unless you are older like me and stay on trt, do more research bro


Yes I would def recommend a PCT after that stack. CLOMID should work at 100/100/50/50 for 4 weeks. Add Nolvadex if you want to be extra cautious
I ordered this stack and I recieved 200 Methan 10 pills, 2 packs. But 4 weeks (28d) of taking 4 pills a day is 112 pills.Should I stop taking the Methan 10 after 112 pills, or should I just continue? I`m seeing good gains, and not having any side`s right now.


I would screw them for before tou start your next cycle and use then as a jump start to it. It you can use then as a bridge in between cycles but you`re gonna need more than the 88 you have left over


Pills can be tough on the liver, but that`s what the directions say to do. Monitor your health and be careful. Make sure you`re taking some liver support during you`re cycle. Liv 52, Tudca and Milk Thistle are great for liver health. Be safe….


Why stop if your going good and not slowing or no sides of course keep going bro, your in a positive anabolic state so take advantage of it and grow

Dr Scott

Either or -Shadow is right DBOL is notoriously hard on the liver for most but i dont start noticing elevations in my LFT until 6-8 weeks but everyone if different. If you dont know prob best just to stop the extra what 88 pills could be an ok kickstart your next cycle prob what i would do. People to tend to rely a little too heavily on liver support i can tell you for me that it helps but once my numbers start to trend upward and damage is being inflicted all the liv52, NAC or TUDCA or milk thistle wont stop it but yes good to have on board


As stated above probably use them as a jump start. Dbol is really hard on the liver so stop and then when you jump back on use those left over….


Use at beggining of cycle bro but don’t go over 4 weeks man, take care and take liver support
I will be starting this cycle very soon. I have added Deca to it was well. I was curious as to what other compounds (orals/injectables) I can get for a larger strength increase. I am ofcourse looking to bulk and do not care about water retention all that much; however would like to look dry if possible. Thanks!


It sounds like you are just starting why not just do the stack you are buying. You can bulk , then on your next cycle you can run dryer cutting compounds .


Test masteron and tren is a pretty good one for size and strength

Stephen Jefferson

Add winstrol towards the end of the cycle not only will it dry you out but it adds strength as well


It comes with arimidex, test, deca and t-bol. you don`t need any other orals, and arimidex will take care of water retetion. You could think about adding proviron, I find it makes the other injectables work better.


Eq is a nice injectable to add in and can be run long and after you remove deca. I also front load with dbol and backload with Anadrol while doing test and deca.


Eq is good at 600mg but if first cycle only do test and maybe an oral bro take care
Hello all. I`m running this cycle and just started so I wanted to ensure I am taking the Methan properly. The directions state “Take 4 GP Methan 10 about an hour before your weight training session starting on day 1, and continue this for 4 weeks.”.So my question is on workout days is it more beneficial to take it as directed meaning 1 hour before my workout or does it really matter? Also, what about non-workout days. TIA all.

Dr Scott

Some guys get a nice pump from DBOl (methan) and there is definitely a thing called androgen surge that comes mostly from orals entering the blood stream. There is also a purely psychological benefit of knowing that you now have superphysiologic levels for your work out, but if you were not concerned with any of that or had an upset stomach or something there is no need to absolutely take it before the workout, just be consistent. Good question and good luck


Sounds good just make sure you don`t take too much because it is pretty harsh on the liver


I have always like taking a dose an hour preworkout because it does help with better pumps.. keep your workout intense.. bump it up a few notches to really get the intense pump.. but yes an hour before and if there is enough in this bulk package, split doses thru out the day.. half life is short, around 8 to 10 hours.. some do some don`t take on their off days…. I have always taken the normal dosage even on my off days just to keep my system stable with it thru the first 4 to 5 weeks.. haven`t ran dbol in a while but I have pack of a 100, dragon 20 mgs still that expire soon so I am definitely throwing that into the beginning of my next cycle here soon… it is one of the best fast mass/strength gainers there is for fast results..


I would take it an hour or 2 before workout, but you dont have to. On the days yoir not working out still take it. Good luck.


No I don`t think that sounds good at all for a beginner I take 10 in the morning 10 in the afternoon and 10 in the evening I do not think I would take 40 one time a day as this stuff only has a 6 hour half life and that for one-time dose for a beginner there`s no reason for it you won`t even be able to work out properly because your muscles will get fatigued you won`t finish your sets that`s what I`m dealing with right now with anadrol I had to dial it down before my workouts because the pumps were so intense I can`t finish my sets


Take as directed. They give descriptions.
Hello, I am ready to start the beginners bulk cycle but it says it is coming soon. Is there any kind of timeframe when it will be available? I`ve already bought my pct and am ready to try my first real cycle of gear. Thanks for any kind of help!


I believe this is because they are Geneza products and none of them are being shipped until after the Chinese New year. That`s why it says coming soon. You can look at the Aster pre designed stacks which ship out of Europe. Best of luck mate.


No one here can give you a definite answer. Best thing to do is create a ticket with 24roids and ask them directly


Just be patient, if you`re truly in a rush you can either purchase separately or you can speak with 24roids by opening up a ticket asking a general question.

Matt Beard

Best chance would be contacting 24roids for any kind of time frame.


Depending on what pharmacy you ordered from and the back up with production and shipping. It could be a few days to a few weeks before it ships. Once it`s shipped it`ll update to shipped, then assigned a tracking number 1-2 days after. That number won`t be effective until it reaches the states after a few days or a week or two. Once it reaches state side it`ll be assigned to the usps and able to track there after.

Big Dogg

Coming soon usually means it is out of stock. With a kit like that it could be any one item out of stock. If you`re in a hurry you can order individual products. Geneza brand wont ship til after Feb. 3 anyway. First cycle should just be test only. I would definitely not recommend Dbol for first cycle. Just get some test and exemastane go 350-400 test/ week and exemastane as needed (may not need it). Read about side effects of high estrogen and preferably get bloodwork done after 4 – 6 weeks. Good for you for buying PCT first. Everyone should be so responsible.
Does this come with the pins for injecting or do I need to buy those separate?


No, you have to get them separately. You can either pick some up on here on 24roids or buy it online. There are sites where they sell syringes and ship domestically.

John Rambo

Yes you will need to purchase separately. Amazon or 24roids.


None of these stacks come with pin nor syringes. They won’t know if you preferred 25g or 20g. Needles and syringes are cheap. sale 100 3-mL syringes with needles for $19. Get 25g 1.5” needles and 20g needles for drawing.


You’d have to pay them separate, they do not come with it

Karl k

No pins in the bulk packages. You have to buy your own. Theyre very inexpensive. Try


You will need to purchase your syringes and needles separately.
After my last injection, when do I start my PCT? I have nolvadex and clomid.


Since it`s test cyp then start your pct about 14 days after your last injection. Same goes for test e


10-14 days from last injection of enanthate orcypionate.


Depends on your cycle. If you have slow acting esters, 2 weeks after your last injection. If a fast acting ester, 4 days after your last injection is a good time to start.


For long esters like test c start pct 10-14 after last injection


It depends on the ester of you last injection. If it`s a 5 day ester then 5 days. If it`s a 1 day suspension test ester then one day. Having said that, the accumulation in your system of transprosta test typically warrants an adequate window for most of about 1 week.


Depends what you are on. A Propionate ester will need about ten days to get out enough to start a PCT. An Enanthate and Cypionate will take at least three weeks to get out of your system enough to begin. Undec/decoanate will need about a month or more. You can of course start your PCT two weeks after your last pin which is sort of the unofficial baseline but to get best results I would try to wait a month if possible. Otherwise the first week or two of your PCT isn’t doing much and you are just wasting pills.
Hey everyone, hope all is well and results/gains are coming along!! I am in week 3 of this cycle and just completed the 6th shot (1 ml each time)…1 on each of the butt, quad, and tricep doing Mondays & Thursdays. I’ve also been taking 4 of the Methan and just a half of the Anastrozole. (Just like I understand the cycle to be performed). It’s my first cycle and I wanted to make sure I’m following directions correctly? I haven’t noticed any significant difference positive or negative as of current…(maybe getting a bit stronger). My main question is…Is it just half a Anastrozole the first day and then a whole the rest of the cycle or half the entire cycle? Same for the Methan…is it only 4 per day for only 4 weeks. If this is the case then it seems like I would have a surplus amount for 10 week cycle?! Just checking and thank you for all the assistance and feedback!


I woudnt take the armidex unless you start gettimg sides typically .5 every other day is good enough to control estrogen sometimes that cam even be to much if so cut it to every 3rd day if estrogen sides appear at .5 every other day increase to 1 mg every other day and as for the methan (dbol) 30 mgs to 40 mgs split into 2 to 3 doses per day 4 to 6 hours apart for 4 to 6 weeks


Seriously no need for anti estrogen unless needed. Enough said. Hot side effects? Need it? Use it. Otherwise why lol! Cycle? 500mg test week forva beginner. And compounds as you progress. Good luck!


Yeah oy use the arimidex if you need it. If start gaining water/bloating, tissue forming around niples/breast, or if you have an issue staying hard during intercourse then start taking half a pill eod or ed. Good luck

Johnny Longsockz

Don`t use anything until you notice that you need to take it otherwise your just wasting and eating away gains.


Sounds like you got it down. If your taking 4 methan a day you will be out by the end of week four which is good. Dont want to run orals too long.


As said by others, don`t use the Adex unless you feel side effects. Dropping your estrogen too low is also bad. If don`t feel sides, use it very sparingly. As for the dbol, 30-40mg split each day should be good. By week 3 you should have definitely had some noticeable weight gain…
I`m in week 7 of the “Beginners bulk cycle” and I feel fantastic. Gained about 15 lbs of muscle, and I am horny as HELL. My question is, can I extend the Test Cyp for another 5-10 weeks without any sides? I have seen on here that some recommend doing Test Cyp 8-20 weeks, or should I switch to something else– Or nothing at all? I am 56 years old, 6` 220 lbs. My last cycle was 20 years ago!


It depends on the dose you continue you run it at. But I’ve run test for 3 years straight and I have never had sides. After each heavy cycle I cruise until I’m ready to it another cycle. I don’t think you would experience too many sides. But then again everyone is different. I’m normally on 500mg of test. But I have dropped too 250mg with very little sides. Currently I’m doing a little experiment and shooting 1500mg of test just too see what happens. Only side effect I seem to have is a little water weight but that can be taken care of easily.


I would just continue the dose you are using now no need to fix something that’s not broken.


I’ve also run test E for an extended length of time, roughly 18 months, and I’ll run it at 250mg every 5th day for like 3 months, with .5cc of Tri-Tren 150 MWF. Then at the end of three months I just run the Test E at 250mg once a week. So In answer to your question, yes, you can extend the length of your Cypionate usage.


Absolutely my friend! “If it ain’t broken don’t try to fix it!”I run 16-18 weeks testE /EQ all the time with no issue. And same dosage. At week 7 and you are not seeing sides than maintain that dose and enjoy the ride!! You can do the same dosage on you future cycle as well. Good luck my friend!

evan johnson

Yes you can do that although it is recommended that you get blood tests done. You also did not gain 15 lbs of muscle in that period of time. Over half of that is water weight.
How much HCG would you stack this with? plus when and how long would you run it?


Pin 250iu twice a week until 1 week after you last injection and then stop and take clomid

evan johnson

I wouldn`t stack with it at all personally but if you do divide it into 2 injections per week of 250 iu for 4-6 weeks.


You shouldn’t need more than 500ius a week split in 2 doses. HCG is pretty heavily studied at larger doses for much longer durations, but for our purposes this protocol seems to be accepted as rule of thumb.


I wouldn`t “stack” any hCG with this, you don`t stack for a cycle, you use it for recovery in last 4-6 weeks of the cycle just before PCT.


Run 250iu/ 2x per week and run towards the end of your cycle and stop before you start PCT
This may sound like a stupid question, but, here goes! My syringe is 1cc and the stack suggestion is to take 1ml of Test C twice a week. So is that one full syringe?


1 ml = 1 cc so yes. You would take 2 cc/ml per week.


Some small syringes you got my dude but yes, 1ml = 1cc. Goodluck on your stack bro


1ml is the same as 1cc. Be sure to check the numbering on your syringe. Usually a syringe can hold 10ml. You want one ml for your injection.


Yes that is correct

evan johnson

Yes that is correct if your syringe is indeed 1cc. Most are at least 3cc and are better for larger injections.


Yes sir that is correct. Stay away from hcg lol.
If I take Methan 10 at 40 mg p/day for 4 weeks, is it really necessary to do a PCT?

Jay Thomson

You are not going to get anything out if in just 4 weeks, and if you are not taking test as a base then you are waiting your time. Not to mention the low test symptoms you are going to have for few weeks after you stop taking d bol.


Yes you do. 40 mgs daily for 4 weeks will still shut you down. Regardless, cant just run orals without test and cycles should last for 12 weeks w/ orals being only a small portion of that time


Don`t to oral only cycles. . if your running test prop and some arimedex with it than by all means that`s a great little cycle but you will require PCT. Dbol can make PCT an issue as it is notorious for sending estrogen thru the roof. You will not recover natrual production while you have excess estrogen. Keep it in check with arimedex and after a little short like that you will recover just fine


100% absolutely. You’re going to be shutting down your body’s natural testosterone production, so a PCT is mandatory. Simply run nolvadex at 40 mg per day for weeks one and two, then 20 mg per day for weeks three and four. at 40 mg per day for weeks one and two, then 20 mg per day for weeks three and fourAs others have mentioned, this cycle is going to be terrible. You need to bite the bullet and in jacked exogenous testosterone with these orals in order to run a productive cycle.


Yes. Dbol will shut your natural production of test down very quickly. My opinion is you should run the oral with a test base and trip the dbol at 4 weeks and continue test base for at least 10 weeks. You can then run your pct and try and preserve some gains. A dbol only cycle is just not worth it. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

evan johnson

Yes that will shutdown your natural test. However, you should run dbol more than 4 weeks to see maximum results and run with test as well.
I plan on taking the beginner bulk stack for my first ever cycle, what would be a good PCT? I`m new and have been researching but getting overwhelmed by all the varieties and what does what.


What is generally prescribed for first time users is a simple 10 week cycle of a long estered testosterone such as Enanthate or Cypionate. Run 400mgs/wk and have exemestane on hand in case of estrogen related side effects. PCT with Nolva/Clomid dosed at 40/100 respectively for the first week and 20/50 for 3 weeks after. This is a simple cycle that will allow you to get in the habit of twice weekly dosing and learn what how your body responds to elevated hormone levels. If you mix up a bunch of products all at once you won’t know which product caused what side effect. Keep it simple the first go around.


Since this cycle includes test cyp, your natural test is going to start going down after week 3. Start taking 250iu hcg from week 4 until 1-2 weeks after your last pin which in this cycle would be week 10. So take Hcg from week 4 until week 12 and stop taking anything. People start taking clomid at this point but its up to you. Do a blood work done after a month and if your levels are normal you can start another cycle

Tren Man

Im on the camp that takes pct during the entire cycle, because I like my nuts to keep their size. .. You can do that too, just remmeber to take hcg according to your testosterone ester. Test C and Test E need 3 weeks to clear the system so you have to take hcg 2-3 weeks after your last injection, if your cycle is only test p you have to hcg until 1 week after your last injection.


As appealing at that bundle might seem, I would highly recommend against it. Run just Test C or E at 300mg for a first cycle to see how your body responds to the compound. You want to run cycles with minimal compounds before jumping into stacking. If something isn`t reacting well for your body, you`d never know what compound it is. Adding 1 by 1 will help you see the benefits and side effects for each new compound and at each dose. Test is always a base, so that`s why you want to start with Test. PCT for your first stack and really all future stacks is clomid and nolvadex.


SIMPLE ANSWER – for PCT take nolvadex (tamoxifen) at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2, then 20mg per day for weeks 3-4. That`s it! DETAILS – There is no need to take nolva AND clomid – it wont hurt, but wont afford you any additional benefit as far as recovery. HCG is NOT a PCT drug, and actually suppresses half of your HPTA (the body system that makes testosterone), hampering recovery. DONT TAKE IT DURING PCT (except for the first couple of week is acceptable). HCG is generally taken ON CYCLE to maintain part of your HPTA and maintain size in the testicles, and in the end this makes recovery easier.


HCG during CLOMID/ Nolvadex after last injection.

B Rad

Check out the pre-designed stacks available on 24roids, the button is on the left hand bar, there youll find the pre-designed PCT stack that has everything you need in effective quantities and doses to get your HPTA up and running after your cycle, no need to reinvent the wheel.


Type in PCT in the search box and they have combo bags of predestined PCT cycles you can take. That would be easiest


Even with Anawar as a female you must be careful and watch out for virilization symptoms. Less is better. But in all honesty it is known that females respond much better to steroids than men. You may want to keep it even lower due to this and assess yourself.


Nolva + Clomid would for sure do the trick. You can run Nolva by itself but for me personally i get back closer to natural production running both.
Do these pre arranged cycles come with all the gear needed, or is additional gear needed, like pins and such?


No. The predesigned stacks only come with the test base and or other compounds listed with the stacks. They also come with an AI which is to be taken as directed. You will need to purchase all syringes and needles separately. Most importantly, you will need to purchase pct ancillaries once your cycle is completed. Please this is the most important part of even a beginner cycle such as the one you are choosing. Please read up on PCT before diving into this!


Would be cool if they did! However, to do so would be complicated while still providing a finished product that will suit most people. For example, you may need different needles than myself or the next guy. Everything from on cycle support to Post Cycle Therapy, needles and syringes can be catered to an individual needs. So what you get, is what is listed. You`ll need to pick up your own ancillary meds, PCT and injection equipment. Might sound like an inconvenience, but look at it this way, at least you will end up exactly what you need. Instead of what the guy across town assumed you needed


Some of these stacks do come with everything you`ll need Including AI (on cycle support) and PCT (post cycle therapy) Some dont have pct though. You have to read what comes with it. But none of them come with any pins or anything like that. You have to get those separate.

Nathaniel Hall

Nope! But you can get that stuff on this site and on other sites for pretty cheap honestly. Definitely do some research on PCT and take that seriously before you jump in. If you need a suggestion on needles; I recommend a 23g 1inch to pin with and a 20 to draw from the vial with. Best of luck


Always need syringes, needles, and alcohol wipes man. I like the 3ml syringe with a 20 g needle on it for drawing. And 23 x 1 1/2″ and 25 x 1″ needles. I use the big ones for the glutes and the 25s for everything else.

Don O

Youll need to pick up syringes, extra drawing needles, swabs, and all of that separately, the stacks only come with the anabolics. Also dont forget to purchase the PCT stack for after your cycle, its very affordable and has everything you need to get you up and running again.
Is it okay to inject in the same general spot every time (right leg) or do I need to switch up injection sites?


Most of my “career” I have only used either right or left cheek. I don’t see a problem as long as the oil is dissipating and you aren’t using 10-12cc a day. Regardless I switch cheeks every other time because of the abscess potential. It’s not that hard to switch sites so just get used to it. But if you are doing 4-6cc a week I wouldn’t think this would be a problem for a 6-12 week cycle.


Yes this can become an issue. You will have scar tissue build up which will increase injection pain, but you also run the risk of encapsulation, basically the oil will form a pocket and won`t be absorbed, you`ll have a giant swollen, painful knot for awhile. You`re best to rotate injection sites, try your shoulders, hamstrings, and butt.

Dalton Carpenter

You are best to switch the injection site, or you will get a lot of scar tissue. That can increase pan. I would switch sides every time, or every other time.


You definitely do not want to do the same site every time. Just for example, if you were to have a major PIP issue in your leg one time, you definitely don`t want to keep pushing oil into a sore spot, not to mention the scar tissue buildup as well. Make sure you use a foam roller and give yourself a nice rub down to break up the scarring and please make sure you rotate injection sites.


To reduce muscle fatigue and scar tissue, you would be well advised to rotate injection sites, at the very least from right cheek to left cheek. Glutes are huge muscles, so in addition to this, I try to not hit the same EXACT spot each time, going to different locations while staying in the upper outer butt cheek area.

big baby bear

Rotating injection sites is definitely recommended. Try out the glutes (you can go a bit high then a bit low) and also the delts are good for lower volume injections. You dont want to encourage scar tissue if you can avoid it, if you need to, find a helper, and then you can also use your rear delts as well.
Should I take 40mg of Dbol before workout like this site digest or spit up the doses thought the day? What’s the advantages and drawbacks of both?


Because of the half like make sure you end up taking two total doses. It will keep your levels steady which is best for what you`re wanting to do.


All at once would be easier on you liver as your liver would get a short break as to taking consitantly throughout the day.


I would suggest splitting the dose at least 2x/day due to the short half-life. Remember, Dbol can be liver toxic so personally, I don`t even go about 20mg, and never more than 4wks. It makes me depressed AF mixed with anger above that. (Not a problem for some. ) (At the beginning of the cycle to jumpstart while the test and other gear kicks in.


Due to the active life, which is three to eight hours, multiple doses throughout the day of methandrostenolone should be utilized. It is best to maintain blood levels as evenly as possible, therefore dividing doses throughout the day at even amounts is required. Some argue that administration of the drug should cease a few hours before you sleep as it will cause further HPTA shut down, as the body`s natural testosterone production during sleep could be affected. However, if you are taking other compounds along with methandrostenolone, these will already be shutting down your natural testosterone production, therefore this is not a concern.

evan johnson

I split up between first thing in the morning when it is most bioavailable and preworkout. If you do decide to take all at once you won`t notice much of a difference either way. It is still very liver oxic either way and should not be run more than 6 weeks at a time.


Due to the short half life of DBOL it is best to split up the doses throughout the day. I would take 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the evening
Should I take 40mg of Dbol before workout like this site digest or spit up the doses thought the day? What’s the advantages and drawbacks of both?

ltl trucker

Dianabol has a relatively short half life which means for a user to retain a stable blood concentration level they are best taking the daily dosage split over the course of the day. Splitting the dose of Dianabol is usually easy due to the dosage of tablets available, and it would appear beneficial to consume the dose around the time you have a meal to minimise any possible stomach upsets.


(for some reason, you have posted this question before, so I will post my answer again, in case you miss it on the other question) Due to the active life, which is three to eight hours, multiple doses throughout the day of methandrostenolone should be utilized. It is best to maintain blood levels as evenly as possible, therefore dividing doses throughout the day at even amounts is required. Some argue that administration of the drug should cease a few hours before you sleep as it will cause further HPTA shut down, as the body`s natural testosterone production during sleep could be affected. However, if you are taking other compounds along with methandrostenolone, these will already be shutting down your natural testosterone production, therefore this is not a concern.

evan johnson

In general, I like to split up the doses because of its short half life. Half upon waking when the compound is most bioavailable and half preworkout. However, if you choose to take all at once you will not notice much of a difference.


Due to the short half life of Dbol it is best to split up the dosage throughout the day. Take 20mg in the morning and 20mg 4-6 hours later.

Dalton Carpenter

It`s honestly your own choice and trial and error. I have Dbol on its way and it will be my first cycle, and i am going to take 40mg/ED for 4 weeks and i am going to take it all at once 1. 5 hour pre workout with a meal


I don`t think this has any benefits as pre workout, you need a stable blood concentration with anything work
Roughly how many calories would you suggest upping my daily caloric intake from start to finish? And what is an avg gain after water weight has been depleted to expect?

evan johnson

It depends where you are starting off from, as someone who is bigger without steroids will be able to support more muscle. That being said, increasing calories is relative to your goals, and something as low as a 500 calorie increase will give you tremendous strength and size results without the added fat.


I would suggest going the “lean gains” route and increase your calories by 500kcals per day, quality food, high protien (at least 1 grams of protein per lbs of bodyweight). If you do the math, this works out to about 12 lbs of lean muscle mass after you subtact out the water weight and a slight bit of bodyfat. Everyone is different, some can increase by 1000kcal and not really put on too much bodyfat, in my case if I go over 500kcal per day I start to a disproportionate amount of bodyfat vs lean muscle.


There`s alot of variables here man. Are you looking to out ight bulk, lean bulk, recomp ect. If you know what your maintenance calories are Natty then they are about the same on cycle. I would shoot for a lb a week after the initial week of glycogen loading. I like to start at about 400 surplus calories, and that is really just because I up the training volume substantially on cycle. If you are looking to just slam on as much mass as possible you can try to gain 2 lbs, but know that even on sauce you will be adding fat. If you do that then I would make sure to save a few weeks at the end of the cycle to drop calories real low and shed some of the fat gained.

big baby bear

Its hard to say exactly how much muscle youll gain but if youre a beginner it will definitely be impressive, test and dbol are awesome, you wont be disappointed. As far as calories a general guide for macros is about 2g protein per lb of bodyweight, 1-1.5g carbs per lb of bodyweight, and 0.75g of healthy fat per lb of bodyweight. You can go a little less on carbs if you have a slower metabolism or a little more if its faster so adjust accordingly, I like to keep the protein and fats consistent all the way through.


Honest answer: EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT. Some blow up others don`t. It depends 9nbyour genetics. But steroids will add muscle and strength. How much? Try and see. You may get a lot or very little gains in comparison to others. Up your calories by 500 per day and eat a minimum of one gram protein per pound of body weight and lift heavy with progressive overload (keep aiming to lift heavier at least every other workout or you won`t grow). Then wait and see. Not all your calories will ever convert to muscle even on steroids so do NOT go over 500 calories per day extra. Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger used less steroids in his entire life than a puny modern day high school kid sometimes (often actually) does. But he was massively huge in the right places, the average guy might just get in shape and remain above average. This tells you it IS MOSTLY ALL GENETICS. Steroids help but can only do so much in comparison to the next guy. Try it and see. (but don`t give up either way and don`t kill yourself taking a hundred times more either). Good luck!

Barry Gibson

Average gain assuming you add 500 calories per day for 3 months is 12lbs because 7 days per week multiplied by 500 extra calories per day is 1lb per week gained. But will it all be muscle or fat? You`re in an anabolic environment so it should be at least half muscle. Depends on your genetics. Now increase calories by 1,000 extra per day and you doubled your weight gain right? Correct…however you`ll add more fat, much more, even roids will not turn all calories into muscle, maybe half and up to a limit depending on your diet and training, so keep it at 500 calories extra per day. 12lbs gained, plus 12lbs liquid volume of blood and water retention is 24lbs.
Is a PCT of Clomid or Nolvadex needed at the end of this cycle?


Yes, after every cycle involving testosterone (when you get shut down), you need Nolvadex and/or Clomid in your PCT, possibly even hCG. A typical dosing schedule would be Nolva and Clomid ED for 5 weeks like this 40/40/20/20/20, and 100/100/50/50/50 respectively.


Agreed when using Test there is always a need to follow up with a PCT program after . Clomid and Novadex a great o get the body jumped started and doses as stated 40/40/20/20/20, and 100/100/50/50/50. Also maybe look into Hcg which is easily injected and a great Pct.


Virtually every cycle of anabolic steroids or even some research chemicals (such as ostarine) require a full PCT in order to reset your hormone and restart your natural testosterone production. No need to run multiple compounds, I would strongly suggest running nolva (tamoxifen) only at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2, then 20mg per day for weeks 3-4. Alternatively you could run Clomid (clomephine) at 100mg per day for weeks 1-2, then 50mg per day for weeks 3-4, but it carries extra risk of unwanted side effects.

Mike Jones

Yes. Anything that you put in your body that affects, mimics, or binds to endogenous hormones will require pct if you want any chance of returning to normal endocrine function. That being said for this cycle specifically and all cycles that contain exogenous testosterone especially anything longer than 6 weeks should include hcg into the cycle from the very beginning to maintain somewhat normal HTPA function without shutting it down and having to restart it. This should be 250iu twice a week from week 1 all the way to the start of your serms nolva/clomid and then those should be run 4-6 weeks.


I recommend running HCG during the cycle and up to 3 weeks after your last injection.

Dan J

Yes it is. Even though it says this cycle is “beginner” it really isn`t. The only beginner cycle is testosterone only for 12 weeks max, and even on this cycle you`ll be needing PCT after. Nolvadex will suffice, Clomid is optional. hCG is very optional as well.
If I was to run this as my first cycle as directed with the purchase of a PCT for afterwards and decided to jumpstart my gains with an oral dianabol how long should I take the oral before running only iniectable?Also should I run a liver protector, and if so what and what kind of regimen should I follow?


This prepackaged stack already includes a dianabol Kickstarter, run it exactly as described in the cycle schedule, 40mg per day for the first 4 weeks, no liver support is needed. At the end of the four weeks the testosterone will have fully kicked in. Enjoy


Oral dianabol is metandienone. This cycle already includes it in week 1-4.

evan johnson

The dianabol should ideally only be run for 4 weeks, 6 weeks tops. You can purchase a liver supplement like liv-52 sold here on 24roids but it is not necessary.


That s a solid plan brother. I would take the dbol at 20-40 mg daily for the first 4-6 weeks. If you use the lower dosage tun for longer. You will have the injectables working well but the end of week two so this will just boost the stack in general.Welcome to the dark side

Don O

For jumpstart purposes 20-40mg per day for 4-6 weeks is perfect, your testosterone will be peaking by then. For that short of a duration your liver should be fine but you could toss in 1.5g of NAC per day if youre overly concerned but thats pretty optional. Lots of guys see the word “hepatoxic” and think “toxic”, hepatoxic more accurately means “stressful” not “going to kill”, our livers are meant to deal with toxins and have the ability to heal and repair.
I didnt think you needed a pct with this since the anastrozole was in it im very confused i didnt get pct ordered same time do i need to order it or should i be good first injection cycle

Don O

The anastrozole is included for during your cycle to keep your estrogen levels low. Lots of guys who are sensitive to estrogen will keep a low dose of an aromatase inhibitor included during their PCT because estrogen can bind to the hypothalamus and inhibit the release of GrH (not to be confused with HGH) thereby slowing down full recovery of the HPTA. To jumpstart your testes directly HCG is used anywhere from 350-1500ius EOD (youre a beginner so I advise the low end, probably 500 ius EOD) for a duration of 2-3 weeks. To stimulate your hypothalamus and pituitary a SERM or combination of SERMs are used, nolvadex (typically 20-40mg per day) and clomid (50-150mg per day) are the go-to. A proper PCT is definitely recommended, youll feel better and get your levels back to baseline faster.


As previously mentioned, Anastrozole (aka arimidex) is an “aromatase inhibitor” designed to control elevated estrogen levels while on cycle. For PCT you simply need to order enough Nolvadex (tamoxifen) to take 40mg every day for weeks 1-2, then 20mg every day for weeks 3-4. Modern understanding tells us that taking both novla and clomid for PCT is redundant and unnecessary, but many “bros” still do this for extra assurance of a complete recovery.

evan johnson

As previously mentioned, arimidex is an AI which is seperate from PCT. You are going to want to purchase clomid and nolvadex asap for after your cycle. Star with 100mg clomid and 20mg nolvadex for the first 2 weeks (starting 10 days after your last injection) and then clomid at 50mg and nolvadex at 20mg for another 2-4 weeks.

Mike Jones

If you are cycling on and off, you ALWAYS need pct to help ensure that your HTPA restarts properly to bring your body back to homeostasis, if not used it could be months before your body actually returns to normal pituitary testicular function. As stated before adex is an ai to lower estrogen, you need a proper pct consisting on hcg nolva and/or clomid to return your body back to functioning status and hopefully not lose all of the gains made from cycle. Purchase the pct stack immediately and do some more research next time before you stick something in your body without knowing how it functions.

Dalton Carpenter

I would definitely do a PCT if you plan on coming off after this cycle and not cruising. I would order HCG, Nolvadex and Clomid and just research how many iu`s or mg every day or week to take.

Dan J

You absolutely need PCT, this isn`t a beginner cycle at all. A beginner cycle is testosterone only for max 12 weeks, and even on that cycle you`ll need PCT after. Any exogenous hormone that you take is going to shut you right down, and you need PCT to restore your natural production. Without PCT, you`ll still return to normal levels, but it may take a long time. And you`ll feel bad during this time.
This is going to be my 4th cycle in my whole life. The last was more the 2 years ago!!Am I going to see results or should I go for a more advanced stack?

evan johnson

If it has been that long since you last cycled, then you would see results from a low-dose test only cycle. That being said 500mg test+dbol is more than enough to give you significant size and strength gains.


This is the classic man. You will see some solid gains if your diet and training are on point. Because it has been so long since you ran anything you will respond quickly. If you want a little more bump. I would add some npp at 400mg a week. This will set you up for a solid cycle. Just make sure you keep your ESTROGEN and progesterone in check with the arimedex and cabaser.

big baby bear

After 2 years your receptors should be fully resensitized and ready to go. 500mg of testosterone per week and 40mg of dianabol per day (for 4 weeks) will definitely put muscle on you but if youre used to more testosterone then upping it a little may suit your goals, just depends on your experience and tolerance, going up to 750mg per week will add some more bang so maybe pick up an extra bottle of test just in case you want to step it up.


After 2 years your receptors are just like virgin receptors. I personally don`t go over 500mg of test. It puts too much water on me. I prefer to add compounds for dryer gains. Also if you notice your receptors do eventually desensitize throw in some proviron or drostanalone. They will bind to your sbgh making the other hormones you take work better. 500 test with a dbol kickstart!!!!!! You`re gonna love the way you look, I guarantee it.


After a two year break, you are essentially starting from scratch, and your body will likely respond as though it`s your first cycle again! The advice that I give to people is to spend as much focus and attention on their diet as they do on the gear they take. If your diet and workout program are not on point, don`t bother with more compounds. As a previous member indicated, Masteron (Drostanolone) or Proviron (mesterolone) would be a mild but useful addition to this cycle. Enjoy!

Vincent Valentine

Since you didn`t outline what compounds you used in your previous three cycles, or how well you reacted to those compounds, my answer will mostly be based on my personal experience and knowledge regarding this stack. You`ve certainly taken enough of a break between your cycles! The benefit of this stack is that it provides an outline for the duration of the cycle, including a nifty little breakdown of the compounds used and at what doses you should use them. This really helps take the guessing out of the equation. As the user, all you have to do is follow the instructions, which I personally find pleasing. The base here is test cyp, a highly reputable compound with a medium ester that allows fairly infrequent doses per week so that you can keep pinning to a minimum. The test should be run at 500mg (as the stack states) and pinned at least twice a week to maintain stable blood levels, the methan should be taken twice a day, and the anastrozole should be taken EOD for the duration of your cycle. As this isn`t your first rodeo, I`m sure you know to get some liver support (like milk thistle) to help keep your liver healthy and strong, but I thought I`d mention it anyway. If you wanted to spice things up you could always add in some primo, masteron, and maybe even some EQ depending on your goals.
Long time gym goer, First time user and only plan on doing one cycle or one cycle a year if I really like the results I have a few questions about this stack: if I don’t like the side effects what’s the best way to stop using? Do I need to stop using slowly or stop all together? Can I stop only the Dbol? Would it be ok to cut the cycle short say 6 weeks? If I only plan on doing one stack do I need to buy anything in addition to this stack? Say a pct stack. If so what do I need? Also what’s the dangers of not taking any PCT with this stack. Thanks.

Mike Jones

Well if you take this stack as is layed out you won’t experience any negative side effects depending on your age maybe some increased acne and oily skin, with that being said if you want to stop you can stop taking the dbol and keep the test but also keep the arimidex to keep your estrogen low. And yes you could cut short if you don’t like it but you will need to start pct immediately. And yes you NEED pct with this or any stack no matter what if your cycling on and off. At the minimum you will need 5 weeks worth of nolvadex but it is best to take hcg at 250iu twice a week from the beginning of your cycle until you start taking pct to keep your HTPA going instead of shutting it off and restarting. And taking aas specifically this stack without a pct will almost definitely result in gyno, testosterone crash which will result in acne, low sex drive, and decreased energy, and a much longer time for you to recover. If you think you don’t need pct if you cycle aas you need to do more research about it before starting it.


Before answering all your questions, it`s important for you to understand that the primary anabolic in this stack, Testosterone, is going to take at least 4 weeks to “kick in”, so cutting this cycle to 6 weeks would clearly be a waste of time. First of all, you are unlikely to experience undesirable side effects – on the contrary, you should feel young, vital, energetic etc. If you did decide to stop, you can certainly safely stop all products abruptly. The Dbol will clear your system in a matter of days, however the testosterone will take 2-3 weeks to clear as it has a LONG time release feature. You could just stop the Dbol only if you experienced bad bloating or high estrogen, but keep in mind that you have anastrozole to combat the typical side effects. You will definitely need to purchase PCT, but all you need to get is Nolvadex (tamoxifen) so that you can run 40mg every day for weeks 1-2, then 20mg every day for weeks 3-4. This works out to 840 mg total. Good luck.


As Mike said above you will absolutely need a PCT. Because it is your first cycle and pretty basic a simple PCT would most likely fix you up afterwards. I personally wound not run HCG thru the whole cycle but would use it at the end. If you end up with too many sides you can drop the cycle at anytime, just make sure to start the PCT in the same manner you would have if you finished the cycle. If you think one of the components of the cycle is the culprit of the sides (dbol maybe). You can drop it. For your PCT you need to purchase HCG Nolva and Clomid and they should be run as follows.4days after last injection of test start HCG. HCG. is used everyday for 10 days at 1000iu a day. This will kickstart your recovery. Following the last injection of HCG start Clomid and Nolva for 4 weeks. Clomid at 50 my every day and Nolva at 20. Use the 4th week to taper off(25mg Clomid and 10mg Nolva) daily.This cycle is a perfect first run and you will not be disappointed with the results.Welcome to the dark side.

big baby bear

Youre going to have amazing results from your first cycle so chances are youll be extremely happy with this stack. Since youre using anastrozole during your run you shouldnt have any negative effects from the testosterone so there wont be any reason to cut it short. Dianabol is potent stuff but nothing to be afraid of, you may hold some extra water but it will make you strong as an ox; on the off chance you dont like the slightly smooth look of the dianabol you can just stop and it will be out of your system very quickly but youll probably like the results, it was one of Arnolds favorites. Assuming you run the full 10 weeks youll want to do a basic PCT including 500 iu of HCG EOD for 2-3 weeks to restart your testes, and/or nolvadex & clomid to get the hypothalamus and pituitary back in gear. The dangers of not doing a PCT are that youll have to tolerate the feeling of very low testosterone until your hypo/pituitary have sent enough LH to restart your testes which are slow to get up to full function and most men feel pretty terrible including lethargy, no sex drive, etc. Your HPTA will restart without a PCT, Lee Preist is famous for never doing a PCT, but a few buck to avoid feeling crappy is a better choice.


Mike is 100% right on all aspects. When you research some will say at a lower dose and short cycle you don’t need pct but it is always best to do it. You are spending the time and money to run pct so why not do everything possible to keep those gains when you come off. If you feel any negative sides from dbol you can stop taking and just run the test. The dbol is has a very short half life so it will be out of your system in a couple of days. You are just using it to jump start your cycle until the full benefits of the test kick in. Be safe, do your research and good luck with that sticking to that one cycle a year!
what would be the ideal PCT for this cycle in order to keep gains after?


If it`s keeping gains you`re after, Dianabol, may not be the best option in my opinion. It may cost a little more, but replacing the Dianabol with Turinabol could work out well. 24roids used to have a pre-designed stack that included Turinabol and it was about the same price if I remember correctly. Anyway, for post cycle therapy, I would buy 24roids pre-designed PCT stack and add an extra pack or two of Clomid to it. Buying the pre-designed stack will cover all of your basic needs. In the future once you`ve gained some more knowledge and experience, you`ll be able to create a very personalized post cycle therapy that`ll suit your individual strengths and weaknesses. For example, some guys do better with high dose Clomid while others are hyper sensitive to it. Some guys find Nolvadex kills bedroom performance while others have no negative sides at all. Despite all of this and whatever post cycle option you run with, I`m of the mindset that post cycle therapy is not a matter of “how long,” but rather “until.” While most find 4 weeks to be sufficient, I`ll run PCT until bloodwork dictates that recovery has been achieved. So, a wise move is to set up bloodwork in advance so it doesn`t get put off. In addition to the extra Clomid, I would also pick up a suicidal aromatase inhibitor like Aromasin. Anastrozole is a great, potent AI, but it has a tendency to produce estrogen rebound once discontinued. From the PCT stack you`ll want to use the HCG during your cycle and discontinue its use once you transition into PCT since HCG is known to be suppressive. Also, since the PCT stack comes with Anastrozole and you`ll be using Aromasin to recover, you`ll have extra Anastrozole available if you need it. Dianabol can be quite tenacious in messing with estrogen, so it never hurts to have an additional aromatase inhibitor supply on hand. Last but not least, it never hurts to run a good multivitamin and cycle support supplement throughout your cycle and PCT.


There is a steroid chart out on the internet which rated the “keebable” aspect of DBol at about a 4/10 or so.The PCT is only half of the equation when it comes to keeping gains. So don`t feel bad when you lose mass no matter how perfect your PCT is.IMO – the best PCT I usually run to make sure I keep most of my gains always involves running HCG throughout the blast part of my cycle and bridging HCG into the PCT window.. You will find the mass you gain to be more easily won that way. I would honestly say the PCT stack they have on this site is perfectly fine for a beginner but like I said run HCG the entire cycle. If you go TOO far into the weeds with advanced Aromasin/Arimi/Letro analysis you`ll find yourself in a rabbit hole and you don`t even know how your body reacts yet and it`s too much to worry about for your first run.


This is considered a bigger cycle, so your PCT does not have to be overly elaborate or particularly long. I would suggest a basic four week cycle of Nolvadex (tamoxifen) with the following dosage: 40mg every day for weeks 1-2, followed by 20mg per day for weeks 3-4. Alternatively, you could use Clomid (clomephene) at 100mg every day for weeks 1-2, followed by 50mg per day for weeks 3-4, but be aware that clomid comes with the risks of side effects. Many recommend running BOTH compounds, but this is completely unnecessary and affords you no additional recovery, only added cost.


To give you a more straight forward answer than the one already listed I would do pct as follows. For perfect pctHcg 500iu 2 x a week for 8 weeksClomid 100mg a week for one week, then 50ng a day for three more weeks. Nolvadex 40 mg a week for one week followed by three weeks at 2ng a dayThis regimen is to be begun 2 weeks after your last shot.

Garrette Hoffman

Any cycle if you if use DHT compounds I recommend running hcg throughout if you are using Enanthate or long eaters wait 2 weeks after your last injection start with 100mg clomid and 40 mg nolva for the first week week 2-3 run 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva last week run 25mg clomid and 10mg nolva if the cycle is ace eaters begin this after 48 hours since last injection

Raleigh Kraft

You best bet is to just go for the Pre designed PCT stack! Has everything you need!
can you do this or any other steroids while doing the keto diet?

evan johnson

Yes you can do that although that is not the best diet to build muscle since it is low carb

Mike Jones

You can if your getting enough protein but if your trying to actually bulk and since dbol or methan is great for fuel partitioning it’s advised to be eating a traditional bulking diet with high to moderate carbs, to use it for glycogen In my opinion being on a “Keto diet” would be ideal for cutting so using a cut stack or cycle would be ideal for being in a low carb cycle or ketosis


You can certainly add in other compounds if you`d like. However, being as this a Beginner`s Bulk, I`d stick with how it is. The only things I would add, since it`s for a beginner, is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor. Anastrozole has a tendency to cause estrogen rebound once discontinued. The Dianabol will already have you looking extra puffy when you enter post cycle therapy, having estrogen levels flood your system is a receipe for disaster. As far as the ketosis diet is concerned, this isn`t the best cycle to coexist with it. If you`re doing the diet for health purposes and not just to lose fat I`d suggest upping your approved carbohydrate sources with an emphasis on consuming them around your workouts. If keto is being used only as a fat loss vehicle then I`d say wait until after the cycle. Dianabol will provide you a decent amount of fat to keto away. Also, whichever route you decide to go, stay away from gluten based carbs as I`ve seen keto people struggle with them
What`s the difference between beginners bulk cycle and the basic mass cycle?


Besides the obvious, a Nandrolone compound gets thrown into the mix with the Basic Mass Cycle. The Beginner`s Bulk Cycle will provide gains that are more puffy, or watery due to the Dianabol aspect. In my opinion the Basic Mass Cycle is the better option for cleaner gains. However, running Deca you`ll want to pick up some Caber to handle the prolactin.

evan johnson

Most notably the addition of tren enth in the basic mass cycle since tren isn`t the ideal anabolic for beginners as well as subbing in anavar for dbol for gaining lean mass without the water retention.


Honestly the only main difference is the addition of deca. Test enan and cyp are similar and turan and methan are same family and both come with anastrozole

Mike Jones

Well there are two different “basic mass cycles” the basic lean mass cycle and the basic starter mass cycle. The main difference is gonna be that this beginners bulk cycle is really for beginners and only has 2 very tolerable anabolics vs the other stacks both contain nor-19 compounds that will need the addition of caber with 2 other anabolic compunds and they will be much harsher on your body and with side effects
I have never done steroids before but I’m fairly confused since this stack is suppose to last the whole cycle, it says to take two 1ML injections per week isn’t that only 200 MG per week? But it says to take 500Mg per week. I probably sound stupid cause I must be missing something here or I’m doing my calculations wrong cause I thought 1MG/ML=100MG/dL. I just want to make sure I’m doing the proper steps. Plus 2 bottles of test C doesn’t seem like it’s enough since isn’t each bottle around 200/250 Mg?

evan johnson

Each ML test C most likely has 250 mg per cc so 2 injections would be 500 mg test per week NOT 200.

Mike Jones

Yes the layout has you take two 1ml injections of 250mg of test c a week that brings you to 500mg of test a week, each bottle is 250mg/ml so at 500mg a week 2 bottles will last you 10 weeks if you’d like to run a longer cycle grab another bottle and run for 15 weeks.


The test cyp in this stack is 250mg/mL. So, a 1 mL injection is 250 mg. Taking 2 injections a week equals 500 mg per week. The vials are 10 mL. That means you get 2500 mg per vial. 2 vials in this stack comes out to 5000 mg of test cyp. 5000 mg at 500 mg per week would last for 10 weeks. Hope this helps.
I`ve heard various sources claiming that 10 weeks is too short of a cycle and that I should probably get another bottle of test in addition. Does anyone agree/disagree? What`s the logic behind a 10 week cycle as opposed to 15 or so?

evan johnson

!0 weeks is more than enough time for beginners/intermediates to see results. 15 weeks or longer is more for very advanced anabolic users.


In my opinion a 10wk cycle is good for a first cycle. There are many reasons to run a cycle for different amounts of time. Some depending upon the type of compounds used others depending on the type of goals that you wish to accomplish.I believe that if its your second cycle or more and you plan on bulking you should run a minimum of 12wks this is because long ester compounds take about 2wk to build up in your system so adding an extra 2wk is beneficial. I would personally run any bulking cycle at 15ws of testosterone enanthate or cypionate if I was using sustanon I would run even longer due to the longer esters in sustanon.If you`re using other compounds such as EQ or Primo you would want to extend it out as far as 20wks to get the most you can out of it but you could also run it for a shorter amount of time depending on how long that you want your natural levels to be shutdown for. The longer you run the longer it will take for your natural levels to come back to normal especially if using harsh compounds like nor-19 compounds.If you`re running the opposite and trying to cut while running a cycle you might want to only run for as long as 8wks. The amount of time you run a cycle depends on many variables.When planning your cycle plan to run it for an amount of time that makes sense for the compounds you are using and the goals you are trying to achieve while also taking into consideration your personal health.

Mike Jones

I personally opt for longer cycles but the length also depends on the compound, I wouldn’t run an oral more than 6-8 weeks max and that’s pushing it but I prefer to run longer because I make more gains. The logic behind the longer cycles is that the test your taking, which will provide most of the solid gains because dbol is a wet compound doesn’t kick in till about week 5-6 to notice any real difference in muscle tissue. So running a 15 week cycle will give you around 10 weeks to build as much solid muscle as possible before going back to normal physiological test levels as opposed to the 10week total cycle will only give you about 5 weeks to build muscle.

David France

Well this is beginners cycle you don’t need to jump into a heavy cycle yet for your first time maybe the most u need is an extra 2 weeks. For first cycles I grew up on 10-12wks


When determining cycle duration it`s more of a balance between compounds and personal experience. That said 10 is plenty long enough for this cycle. I do however tend to agree with picking up another vial or two of test since you`re looking at using a longer acting form. Even still, it`s not necessary, nor will it make a world of difference. On another note, here`s something I`ve had my people run for a beginner bulk cycle when they were set on using something as sloppy as Dianabol. Instead of cypionate, run test prop. It`s typically a better fit for shorter cycles. Also instead of Anastrozole, use Aromasin. Anastrozole will leave you with a rebound effect of estrogen when it`s discontinued. However, since Aromasin does cost more you could use it for the second half, or final third of your cycle while running Anastrozole in the beginning. When it comes to post cycle therapy though, absolutely use Aromasin over Anastrozole. Remember, anabolics is a marathon, not a drag race. Those who run these compounds conservatively are those who reap the benefits for years to come
I`m wondering if this brand of test E in this cycle have a good reputation for little to no PIP for virgin muscle?????? How does this compare to putting together the same cycle with Dragon Pharma test E 250 for better PIP reduction??? I`m more afraid of PIP than the actual needle! Needle doesn`t bother me , it`s the agony of PIP!!

Mike Jones

With this stack it is Geneza or GP brand test and compounds, GP will be the same quality as dragon as most labs that aren’t pharmaceutical company’s use mct or grape seed oil vs cotton seed oil like Bayer or Eli but as far as pip the first injection will hurt since your virgin I would use the standard protocol heat the oil, then the syringe, use smaller gauge needle I personally backload 32G insulin pens for trt and inject delts with no pip ever. But always remember NO PAIN NO GAIN.

PanterA rules

As long as you use a 22g at 1 inch length syringe, flex your buttocks to find the thickest part but dont accidentally flex while in, go allthe way in straight an push in as slow as you can an it shouldnt hurt at all, the thinner the gauge the lower the PIP will be

Brandon Simon

Finding the meatiest and most accessible area for you on buttox will decrease pain because you will be more steady. 22g 1mm is ideal, if you`re not scared it`ll hurt less. Take a few breaths and don`t think about jt


In most scenarios, true post injection pain is due to poor filtration, a rushed manufacturing process, cheap preservatives or just shitty injection techniques. I feel like a lot of times PIP is confused with just the actual feeling from intramuscular injections. Some PIP is just part of injecting. If you think about it, we are forcing multiple milliliters of an oil based, foriegn substance into a dense muscle via a hollowed out needle, past nerves and organs that are designed to not let outside stuff in. It`s going to hurt. True PIP is more of a burning sensation felt just after the plunger has begun to inject. This burning sensation will last until your body neutralizes its effects or dispersion takes place. Expecting no PIP is like being shocked that a 45 pound plate hurts when it lands on your foot. Companies like Geneza or Dragon are going to provide similar injection experiences. I prefer Geneza because I`ve had good experiences and dragons just aren`t very friendly little guys. There are compounds on the market that regardless of the aforementioned scenarios will just hurt when injected, but that`s a whole different conversation. All in all, with the exception of certain compounds, products from 24roids are going to be of high enough quality that PIP is due to the whole shoving a needle in your body thing, and not a product inferiority thing. That said, if you inject at the beginning of your day you`ll be moving around and working the oil as your muscles move. You can also apply some pressure and or massage the injection site post administration. When some of my clients are freaky lean PIP can be worse. For this I have used a heating pad or even a vibrating neck massager.
I`ve never done steroids before and was considering buying this, would this be all I needed for first time doing a cycle or would I need to purchase anything else along with it?

Mike Jones

Hopefully you’ve done your research. But for a first time cycle this dbol or even a tbol cycle is a good choice and is a complete cycle, the only extras you need is your pct, the best protocol would be hcg the last 5 weeks of your cycle at 250iu twice a week And then after coming off cycle Start Nolvadex 20mg or clomid 50mg at 40/40/20/20 or 100/100/50/50mg per day. Hope this helps and happy cycling!

Dan Drought

This is a pretty good basic cycle the only thing else you need is either Nolva and Clomid enough for a 4 week PTC. Your first cycle in reality should be only test anyways to see how react to steroids but this is little more bang for your buck .

Eddie Haul

This comes with everything you need from start to finish at good normal dosages that won’t lead a lot of side effects.


My answer to that would be run one thing at at time for a few weeks or maybe a little longer, long enough to see if there are sides that will appear once I know what a compound will do I`ll add something I stagger them so I can know witch one is giveing me sides, I also recommend getting liver work done an sticking to small doses once you creep up to high end you`ll prolly not come back down an will start taking more of the compounds an costing you more for same results, do your home work an run your experiment responsible done right this can be done for yard with no huge sides but just know there is a up side an down to all of it, be safe my friend
is this stack supposed to last you an entire cycle?

Mike Jones

Yes this will last you an entire cycle, you could always get another vial of test and adex and run it through 12-13 weeks. And don’t forget to get nolva and/or clomid for pct after stopping the adex and if you wanted to be on the safe side run 250iu of hcg twice a week, from weeks 7-12 to help restart your htpa quicker.

Dan Drought

Yes this a complete.10 week cycle and everything a beginner needs.

PanterA rules

Yes this is a 10-week cycle, but you can go up to 20 weeks in a single cycle if you want
I never done steroids before is this a good kit for me?

Mike Jones

Yes this would be a good beginning cycle, don’t forget to get some Nolvadex or clomid for pct as well.

Dalton Carpenter

Yes this is a great cycle, just be sure to run an AI and proper PCT


I`d just run the test only. No need for the oral the first cycle. You could get away with ordering a long ester test and run it at 300-400 for 12-14 weeks and get crazy gains the first cycle


Beginners should run testosterone only. 500mg weekly at most. Testosterone is the base and always used in cycles. Better to know how it works rather than mix it with other steroids. This way you`ll know how each steroid effects you. Good luck!


This is a great begginer cycle from will have Insane gains of quality and run a good pct it will be perfect for you.20lbs plus weight gain easy

patsalos mixalis

I did first cycle, its great man, many do test only cycles first time round
Would this cycle require any or more PCT?.


I doubt it. But always keep HCG handy just in case

Mike Jones

Yes if your cycling you always need pct, adex is not pct it only acts to eliminate estrogen levels in the body. I suggest running hcg at 250iu twice a week from the middle of your cycle then 2 weeks after you come off everything run nolva and/or clomid in either 40/40/20/20 or 100/100/50/50 per day


Yes this will shut down normal test production and you`ll need a PCT to kick start your testies. At a minimum run clomid/nolva at the above dosages.


This stack will require a standard PCT regiment – tamoxifen at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2 and 20mg per day for weeks 3-4.


Pct varies. Some recover faster while others do so slower. Hcg is good. Get rHCG. R stands for synthetic which means it is not from pregnant woman urine. The regular hcg cannot guarantee ever that it is disease free (it`s from piss man). Clomid helps too if not using hcg, some use both.


Most will run a tamoxifenpct similar to this layout at 40mg per day for weeks 1-2 and 20mg per day .you can ad hcg 200mg Ed for the last 2weeks and clomid 50ed for last 2weeks as well
Does this come with the syringes? If not what syringes are recommended? Thanks!


There is syringes and needles section on the website. They offer them separately. 2ml syringes already come with the right needle together.

Mike Jones

No this doesn’t come with any syringes, but they are cheap and easy to get online. I personally like drawing with a 23g needle then backloading 32g insulin syringes for injections. Takes a little longer but no pain during or post injection makes it easier if your doing multiple injections a week.


You can buy syringes for pretty cheap


No this does not come with syringes . 23-25 gauge 1inch or 1.5 Inch. You can order these thru 24roids local pharmacies should sell them


No syringes come with it. Honestly 30 gauge half inch insulin needles are pain free almost and don`t cause scar tissue build up and yiu can inject all along quads, delts, chest, bis, tris, calves, forearms anywhere almost. I do, it works. Order on ebay.


no you gotta get them seperatly. I go to Sams and get them for 7 cents each over the counter.

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