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WINSTROL 50 (Para Pharma)

24roids pros. What will protect my liver from Winstrol 50 besides test and deca?
BillySantos User profile

Look into milk thistle and liv52, that`ll get you where you need to be.
nickname_21 User profile Expert

Yes liv52 and milk thistle but on top of that make sure you get a gallon of water per day. Also dont worry to much as long as it`s under 6 weeks and no crazy dosage and a good break inbetween orals you ll be fine
nickname_311 User profile

They have liv-52 on here I always take it whenever I take anything that is oral make sure have your liver in good shape and will take care of you
nickname_238 User profile

I have always used Nac or tuddca, and milk thistle is pretty cheap so it Does not hurt to add it in. Liv-52 is a good supplement but it just doesn’t have enough strength of each ingredients in it, unless you take more servings. Winny is pretty toxic on the liver so it doesn’t hurt to take a potent amount of of each supplement mentioned to protect your liver. Good luck! Take care. Don’t forget to vote thank you!
Dr. Scott User profile Expert

Hey brother I am not doubting you, but i`ve heard you say this a number of times (that it isn`t strong enough). What are you basing this on? I`ve read probably 6-8 European studies and 1-2 US studies on LIV52 and dozens on some of the key components. Doses are in line with the product. But i do use the DS. Is this just how you feel or have you read something, because i think you are not the only one to mention this, maybe something to it. let me know-thanks.
Jogger User profile Expert

I use liv52 sold from here and it works, Tuscan is also very strong bro, take care
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Liv52 is efficacious from many studies that I`ve read and there are even government based studies in the USA on liv52 touting it`s liver protective qualities. Now regardless you must limit oral steroid usage anyhow, but liv52 is a good crutch. Milk thistle is ok but research claims it isn`t as effective as originally thought from what I`ve recently read. Add NAC if your budget allows and you should be good to go as long as you limit your oral steroid usage to about 6 weeks tops. Oxan6 or anavar however can be run up to 10 weeks or possibly 12 weeks if dosages are reasonable because anavar is rather mild. Good luck man!
CommiBiden User profile

You may respond incredibly well to HGH 176 in combination with 800mg per wk injectable primo. There is simply no substitute for proper diet and intense cardio. Reconsider & save your joints. Keep asking questions
I’m almost done with a cycle of testosterone E And added winstrol half way and I’m noticing hair loss … planning on stopping the winstrol… what is a better choice to add next cycle that doesn’t cause hair loss… and what is something to take to get hair growing again ? Thanks again i appreciate all the information I’ve gotten from you all !
Papi1266 User profile

Unfortunately it`s not just from the win, test has the same side effect as well, just one of those things you risk when you use these things, but we know that going into it. Shave it off embrace the baldness! Good luck
Taylor User profile

Its probably a mixture of the test as well as the wonny but more so the test. Maybe drop down your mg and look into a hair loss supplement that 24roids sells
hair loss User profile

winstrol is harsh on the front hair line. try using anavar next time or add proscar in the next time.
Skuchie(2) User profile

Your Hair loss isn`t solely contributed to the Winstrol. It`s probably the long term effects of the extra testosterone converting to DHT, and your genetics. So stopping the Winstrol won`t necessarily help you.
Dan User profile Expert

I used Var in my last cycke and it`s awesome. 60mg a day. Split them 30mg in the morning and 30mg in the evening. It gave me a great pump and lean me out like never before! I did eq/test 16 weeks. Added bar on week 8.
Dromeo User profile

It`s the DHT that causes the hair loss. So if you`re looking to cut you can run test prop/ tren ace. Or any test with any form of tren would work for cutting. Test and EQ would also work week for cutting.
Sorry Durdy D I meant for a company that tests individual labs,drugs and lot numbers, they are supposedly third party and have no skin in the game, and I have no reason to believe that this is not the case. but finding your drug and lot # is just hit or miss, but they do seem legit but in truth i never really looked into it much, but it might help ease your mind. Another poor mans way to find out if your gear is bunk is to have your test levels tested pre and during a cycle. It is not specific but if your levels haven`t moved then you know you got junk. This really isnt a problem like it was say 10 years ago, there was so much junk deca out there that i just avoided it altogether for a long time. But you already know 24roids really is quite amazing, trustworthy and cost effective, i really am glad I found them. And you can almost always find testing of your compound and I really do trust them.
Mr.smith User profile

Another way to find out if your stuff is junk is to up the dose, nothing crazy, but g innthe high end of what is normal and if there is nothing after a week then I guess I’d be suspicious. I had some avatar I thought was bad but it turned out to be fine, just took about 2 weeks to kick in.
Shad User profile

+1 for anabolic lab dot com, amazing truly objective / nonbiased site. In 4-5 years buying with 24roids I still have never received a bunk or underdosed product, they are pretty meticulous with their vetting.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Most anabolic lab tests are legit, but for winstrol if you have legit winni which is rarely ever faked because it is very cheap you will have achey joints within a week or two of taking a 30-60mg dose a day I`ve never had faked winni only faked var passed off as winni
Drew User profile

The only thing is a lot of the lab tests are outdated but it`s a good source to see what has been tested in the past or recently.
mchilds User profile

There are actually home kits out there that let you know what`s in a certain compound. I believe the analyzer is a couple hundred dollars but can be reused multiple times so if you are doing multiple cycles a year it might be worth it to get one of these so you don`t have to send things out to a lab. Just Google it. I know a lot of the homebrew sites where you can buy powders sell these.
Durdy D User profile

Thanks Dr Scott and Bob doubt 24roids is amazing! I`m also very glad I found them. I`d been interested in cycling ever since the first time years ago and never had a solid place to get anything from. So far everything from here has been awesome and I`ve already let it go and wont worry about it. If the site ever comes back up I may authenticate them but I`m not gonna lose sleep over it. I have confidence in 24roids. Thank for the info on the website btw also. That could prove very useful in the future!
Morning Bros. So we often hear about compounds that bind to and make more ineffective SHBG. These include Proviron, Masteron, Winstrol, etc. My question is at what dose of Winstrol do you get the same SHBG effects as day 25mg Proviron? I know we don’t have labs so it’s anecdotal at best but it’s worth asking bc Proviron is expensive and if we can substitute a small amount of Winstrol or something else it’s worth having that knowledge. So I’m your experiences using these compounds which do you feel helped more to free up test and what dose were you using? Looking forward to your answers.
patsalos mixalis User profile

Man I’m on a cut so that’s 25mg proviron twice daily and 25 winstrol 2x daily. Works wonders and u can also use less test with a cycle, throw in eq and it’s miraculous, good luck man
anonymous255 User profile

Studies show .2mg winstrol per kg of body weight per day will effectively lower your shgb. I have personally tried this while only using 250mg of test per week and it worked very well.
K.D.T User profile

From what i have read study`s show that there wasn`t any significant increase in free testosterone from taking 25 and 50 mgs of proviron also read that turinbol can significantly increased free testosterone can`t remember the dose this is just from what I researched I have taken both don`t have labs to show either way
NPCLIFE User profile

I have used both and played around with different doses. You have to realize everyone’s body is different and responds to compounds differently. What worked best for me out of these 2 compounds was 80mg winny V. 40mg twice a day. For an example deca does nothing for me and for others it’s amazing. It’s great your asking questions but use these answers as a starting point. Obviously keep your test as a base and play around with one compound at a time until you find the dose that works. When we take 5 compounds at the same time we don’t know what’s working and what’s not. This will take a long time but you will find your king cycle. Good luck be safe
Dr Scott User profile Expert

I have pondered this myself, I like anony255 answer and may be the most complete one. Normally only about 1-2% of testosterone is unbound and thus bioavailable if I`m remembering my biochemistry correctly. I have always heard that winny is better at blocking the effects of SHBG then proviron but like you said this is just anecdotal and I have no studies to point to, but they may be out there. Maybe try them both at different times and let us know. Anytime you block the effects of SHBG you are allowing the rest of your stack to work better and because 98-99% is bound even a little can produce desired effects. It probably doesnt really matter and other factors like liver toxicity (proviron is almost surely worse) and cost might be the more important considerations. I hope this helps.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

Yes provion is a bit more on the prices but well worth it being the way you feel while taking it is great,pumps and sex drive is worth the price per pill
Some thoughts on Winny injectable vs Oral that YD1 in particular may find interesting. Stanozolol is not readily dissolved in an aqueous vehicle and creates a suspension vs a solution like other AAs. This is why most preps if not all will settle out if left overnight and must be gently agitated prior to injection to re suspend. This also causes a bit more PIP. “Cutting” drugs is sort of a myth because most AAs work the same. Some like winny, anavar, primo and even tren upset the electrolyte balance less aromatize less and cause much less bloat and water retention. What`s the point of getting shredded if you are carrying a quarter inch of water over your muscles. I find that AIs like arimidex and diuretics like lasix and HCTZ/triamterene to be very beneficial in mitigating bloat. Diuretics should be used with caution and NEVER higher then recommended dosages. I find oral to be the way to go, because it is much less toxic to the liver then say Anadrol or Dbol and much cheaper then Anavar or primo but some will say that the injectable is slightly more effective but I have not found this to be the case. Winny (oral or inject able)also helps to decrease the amount of SHBG which allows the other drugs in your stack to work better, this is a huge benefit. Also I have read some evidence that Winny blocks estrogen and progesterone, but not to the degree of an AI so should not be relied on for this. Anyways, it is a good addition to any stack IMO and is cheap, relatively safe and very effective. best of luck.
YD1 User profile

Whats up doc. Thanks for the reply and break down. Yes Ivee heard it also lowers/blocks estrogen levels but not sure to what degree although I would not depend on any steroid to control my estro. I tried winstrol Injectables but left it alone after shot 3 lol just didnt like especially the pip and there is just something in my mind that I just dont trust anything white in liquid lol its just a head thing though. Anyways, Thanks for the info.
patsalos mixalis User profile

Great man thx for that
Norman User profile

I love primo but damn expensive. I used the injectable whinny but ne Ed tried oral. Thanks for info. Def worth it for me to give a second look into it. Appreciate you
RJB16 User profile

Agree with YD1, I also have read that there are properties of Winny that would aid in the blocking of Estro but as YD1 said I couldn`t get past the PIP it was insane. I have also have tried oral but still stuck with my same PCT plan after. Guess I will have to read up more or hopefully someone here has some experience on this subject….
Skuchie User profile

Thanks for this information. It`s extremely helpful and educational. It also cements my theory about running 50mgs of Winny with my testosterone Enanthate with the belief that it helps my body utilize more of the testosterone through free testosterone production and reduces the amount of available estrogen. Thanks again
Joe ricci User profile

Good info thanks i learn something new everyday. This is why i love this website. Ive learned so much here
Okay I made a mistake. I meant litecoin. . the current price is $90. 88. Yesterday I put in some cash into my Coinbase wallet in order to send the money to 24roids, although when I click on “send” it says “not sufficient funds” although my money has been settled. So my question is, the money I deposit into the account does it have to be higher Than the litecoin price in order to be able to send?
Nathan Co User profile

That’s more clear! Thank you. I’m not all that familiar with that but I would assume that it is no different that Bitcoin. .. I could be wrong tho. With bitcoin you can send almost all of it no matter what amount you have. I would just use bitcoin. I think there is a feature in Coinbase where you can transfer currencies for no charge. Google how to do that.
Newbie999 User profile

I had to wait 15 days before I could transfer out of my wallet. I used the coin based app
ROBERT User profile

You need to put more money into your account you dont have enough bitcoin. The price of cryptocurrency changes so much, so with that you must keep an eye at the value to the point of exchange.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

It seems that you simply do not have enough funds in your bitcoin wallet to send the desired amount. Am I missing something?
N88 User profile

Always keep a little more incase of currency rate changes and associated fees; if any. Also check and make sure what your true available is as newly added money sometimes isnt available
RJB User profile

Always keep more in then needed, with the changing currency rate it could be that.
How exactly would a seven week cycle of 50mg winstrol alone affect someone’s body? Liver, kidneys , strength, muscle mass, joints, etc. ?
Thad User profile

Well that`s kind of a ambiguous question to answer I`ll do the best I can. Of course I`m going to assume that you`re going to do an oral Winstrol. I would suggest you start off on a lighter dose maybe 25mgs makes for the first week or so and then work your way up to 50 milligrams. If you keep your diet fairly strict and you`re active you should lose some body fat while keeping your muscle mass or even possibly gaining some muscle mass if your training heavy. Your SGOT liver enzymes are going to rise because of the 17 alkaloid toxicity. And as for your joints are going to start aching after about three to four weeks and the best cure for that is deca if you have access to that. Good luck. c
JHB User profile

You would be much better off doing even a low dose of test and even maybe lowering your winstrol dose with it you`ll have much better results all around
Micheal Ervin User profile

At 50mg a day or higher for 7 weeks your body is first going to suppress your natural testosterone so you will have a slight shutdown, your liver enzymes will be elevated, depending on your body maybe extremely, as for your kidneys as long as your hydrating a lot they should be good if not they will dry out. Your strength might actually go up but you won’t be able to press a lot of weight because your joints are going to start aching the very first week, it will definitely cut you up and maybe add a little muscle but it will be painful without test/deca to prevent shutdown/aching
Mike Jones User profile Expert

At 50 mg a day for 7 weeks I can bet pretty accurately that you would crash your HTPA and therefore suppress your natural testosterone, so for this you should run at least a maintenance dose of test with it and run a full pct afterwards to help get your body back to endocrine homeostasis. It won’t affect your kidneys to much as long as your drinking lots of water and not drinking alcohol, it will definitely stress your liver, for me winstrol and anadrol are the most stressful orals you can take, depending on your starting point and diet and training you may actually add some lean muscle mass, as far as strength it will probably add more strength but you won’t be able to use it, due to how sore your joints will be, I never go over 40mg of winni and by day 3-4 my elbows and knees are killing me that’s why I’ll only ever run it with deca now. I’m not a fan of oral only cycles because your stressing your body for minimal results and crashing your endocrine system.
Jaris User profile

Only running any oral by it self is not a good idea. You need to have some kind of testosterone in your cycle. Also running winstrol, can cause hair loss (thats what happened to me), ofcourse if youre prone to it, you can have back and joint problems. I dont recommend to run any oral for a long period of time. So if it is your first cycle, you can start off with Testosterone propionate 100mg every other day, and Winstrol 50mg every day, for 6 weeks. Then will you how your body is reacting to these compounds, and then you can plan other cycles keeping effects in mind. Also run post cycle therapy, nolvadex and clomid is good idea.
evan johnson User profile Expert

It will stress your liver causing your liver enzymes to be elevated and hurt your joints. However, your strength and muscle mass should both go up significantly.
General question here; how prevalent is hair loss with a mild cycle, how reversable is hair loss, and how equivalent is alcohol use to the use of orals? In terms of winstrol’s effect on the liver, what is 50mg of winstrol in terms of x amount of bottles of alcohol?
BB89 User profile

When it comes to hair loss only comounds that are DHT or get converted to DHT will cause hair loss. Winstrol is a DHT and will cause some hair loss but its mostly based on genetics. If you are suseptable to hair loss then you will get it. To reverse you can take finasteride, latanoprost and minoxidil.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

If by mild cycle, you mean testosterone only cycle, then hair loss is prevalent, but it can be mitigated with use of finasteride or even better dutasteride, ketoconazole shampoo and minoxidil. Of course non-mild cycles are going to ruin your hair even more, on some steroids 5-AR inhibitors don`t even work. Alcohol to winstrol liver damage conversion doesn`t exist. . . Oral steroids are quite taxing on the organs, that`s why it is recommended to use for only short periods of time. But with proper care, not as high safety risk as drinking every day for next 8 weeks. . .
mchilds User profile

Wini is a DHT drug and will aid in hair loss no doubt. Some have less of an effect but Wini can be one of the worst for some people. I use Masteron now without problem. But I also use Propecia after every DHT cycle I use. Also if you find a research article equating alcohol use and amount to the exact amount of Wini that relates to liver toxicity I would be keen to see it. Unfortunately that will never exist. Use a liver protectant aid for all orals and don’t drink any alcohol while on an oral cycle. Actually dont drink alcohol ever if you want the best results possible with a healthy quality of life.
LegacyLifter User profile

Hair loss will only occur if you’re prone to it. Don’t count on it being reversible. Don’t even think about think drinking any alcohol while on an oral cycle.
ROBERT BERG User profile

I would NOT drink on any steroid. I personally was taking 100mg daily of Winstrol and never had hair loss. Some people are different so just be aware and pay attention. Good luck!
Micheal Ervin User profile

you can’t equate oral steroids to alcohol, they are both very taxing on your liver but they don’t equate, taking any orals you should be using liver aids like Tudca, as far as hair loss it’s all genetic, I use finasteride,and I haven’t experienced any hair loss to date, as far as taking a dht derivative like winni, var, mast, proviron, could accelerate hairloss
So, I have a genetic predisposition for acne, and I do already have mild acne. I however am not genetically predisposed to hair loss. What is the chance I develop worsening acne and or hair loss on this specific drug? I imagine it varies by individual, but I thought I’d just ask what others have experienced? Oh yeah, I’ve heard joint lubrication is an issue with this drug as well? Any knowledge on the subject is appreciated.
Thad User profile

Any steriod with a DHT derivative will accelerate hair loss much faster in some men. Other men it has no effect on. Anabolics like winstrol, test, dianabol, are the main culprits store hair loss.
N88 User profile

Eventhough this oral is a DHT derivative, winstrol doesnt convert into DHT. Which makes it safe for women to take at low doses. It can still increase oils and other side effects but at a much lesser androgenic rate when compared to other steroids. This would be a safer drug if you`re acne prone but with everything if you eat well and keep your face clean this will greatly reduce acne breakouts.
RJB User profile

Have used Winny and yes it does see to give joint pain. Like Thad said any Dht compound will accelerate hair loss.
Lav3ga User profile Expert

When he isn`t going to oil your skin up too bad there are definitely other compounds I`ll make it worse. As far as the joint issue. If you don`t overdo the winning or your aromatase inhibitor you should be fine. A trick that I employ when I use Winnie is also run a wet compound like d-bal or anadrol. (Not great for you acne issues) after three or four days on winning if I have any issues with my joints or just feel like throwing a little bit wet gear into the next I`ll run 2 or 3 days of anadrol. By the time some of the water retention from the anadrol sets in it`s time to flip back and Winnie and dry it back out. This allows you to balance your side from the two anabolics. If you are going to do this and acne as a main concern use dball.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Pretty much all steroids will give you acne if you do not practice proper hygiene, which includes showering with soap and water post workout. Winstrol is a DHT and may lead to hair loss, but if you are not predisposed to MPB you may not get it. Stacking with deca can alleviate any joint related issues.
ROBERT User profile

I`m in the boat as you and have taken 100mg of Winstrol on a daily basis. I took it for 12 weeks, my acne didn`t get any worse and my hair didn`t change one bit.
Is it possible to physically split the winstrol 50 tabs into a 25mg dose; One for the morning and one for nine hours later?. .. this would be to ensure stable blood levels due to the 9hr half life. .. Will this even matter since I will be running 500mg of test alongside the 50mg winstrol. Will my blood levels already be elevated enough with the test to not need to worry about administration times and doses of winstrol. Feedback is appreciated, Thanks.
Matthew User profile

Your levels will be always elevated yes, but not with both drugs just to be test. If you want your test and winstrol levels to be level, split your winstrol dose to one in the morning one predators out of it you workout in the morning one preworkout and one before bed. That way the winstrol stays active in your system.
Muscle Pup User profile

It sounds like you are asking if you can physically cut them in half. The answer is yes. I do that with my dbol tabs which are the same size as the winstrol tabs. I use a pill splitter which you can get at a pharmacy. It’s a small case that holds the pill in place and then cuts it in half.
D-man User profile Expert

Yes, you can cut the pill in half. Some will say that the dosage may not be consistent throughout the tab, but I don`t think this is anything to be concerned with. As with any compound the more often you take it, the more stable the compound will be in your blood. The more stable your levels are, the fewer sides you will experience.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

The oral half life of Winstrol is 9 hours, I personally like to take the full daily dosage right before I work out or compete so that I get that extra bump in strength and aggression right when I need it. Splitting the dose is REALLY helpful when orals give you bad side effects like headaches, doing this for a week or more while your body gets used to the new compound seems to do the trick for me!
smalldres User profile

Yes you can cut them. Get a pill cutter online or from a pharmacy store and it should do the trick. I like to split up my winstrol as well. 25mg in the am and 25mg later in the evening before the gym.
ROBERT User profile

Yes, you can break them and split dosage. Just make sure you drunk alot of water and do it at the same time so your blood levels stay steady. Might want to consider getting blood work more towards the halfway mark and think about running a PCT after you`re finished up. Good luck

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