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Winstrol 10 (Singani Pharma)

Gona be injecting 600mg of test c a week can i stack winstrol with it and how much should i consume if so ?
Gan User profile

It really depends on your experience and your past trials with AAS. However, by asking this question I would assume it`s your first time introducing orals into your cycle, after hopefully experimenting with test only first. I have personally taken winstrol in doses around 40-60 mg/ED, and have had great results with it. Two things to remember: winstrol is fairly toxic for your organs, so make sure you take liver support like liv 52, milk thistle, and consume leafy greens to keep liver enzymes in check. Also, most people tend to experience dry joints when taking winstrol, so it would be nice to take a therapeutic dose of nandrolone in addition.
nickname_238 User profile

Not sure if this is your first cycle, if it is keep it simple and just run the testosterone. If not you can take the test for 12 or 14 weeks, and the last 6-8 weeks you can add the winstrol at the end of the cycle if you want to harden up. Take care.
Joeskee User profile

Yes u can stack it with winstrol but make sure u split ur test dose up 300 mg on mondays and Thursday
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Sure you can stack winstrol. Keep it a 5 week cycle as for the winstrol part of it. The rest use as long as you planned. Remember winstrol is hepatoxic so as not to harm your liver keep it at about 5 weeks for safety. Incidentally winstrol is liver hepatoxic whether injected or oral whereas other injectables don`t effect your liver at all or enough for it to be noteworthy.
JohnSmith User profile

Yes this is a very common beginner cutting cycle. Test and winny. I`d run your test for 10-12 weeks if it`s a longer eater like cyp. You can run winny for 4-6 weeks at the wnd of your cycle at a dose between 40-100mg a day. I normally run 60 for 4 weeks and go to 100 the last 2-3 weeks
44 yr old male.. whats the deal any …taking winstrol as a stand alone orally? any info..healthiest way? and assuming need a pct for after?
nickname_21 User profile Expert

Winstrol will immediately shut Down all testosterone . That`s bad all kinds of side effects. Gotta run small dosage of test with it
mixalhs patsalou User profile

Don`t do it you will regret it just do test 400mg weekly mate
Pookie User profile

It`s always best to run a test base with any oral or any anabolic. If you run a winny only cycle you will suppress your natural test production which is extremely bad and will make you feel like crap. And once you stop taking the oral you`ll most likely lose a lot of your gains regardless of PCT. At a minimum you could shoot 100 mgs of test a week to keep your test values good….300-400 mgs would be recommended
nickname_464 User profile

I would recommend taking with at least a TRT dose of test as a base or you will not have any energy or drive I the gym and in daily life. Take 200 to 250mg at a minimum of test with your Winny. Of course when taking Winny be sure to add a liver supplement into your daily routine. Best of luck mate.
Cam514 User profile

I agree with the other. Your definitely want to use a test base with Whinny.
JMann User profile

Yep always have a test base, doesn’t have to be a crazy amount , you can run 200-300mg so you are not shut down and feel like crap, especially if you are older, might be on the low end of testosterone range unless you are on TrT.
Thanks everyone for your prompt response. I have taken Anavar, in the past I was taking 10mg a day pre workout for 5 weeks. I had great result., put on some good muscle mass while I leaned out, took 5 weeks off and wanted to try Winstrol.. I`m actually small person 129Lb 5`4″. Thanks again!!!
JD Cycle User profile Expert

I personally love Win, but be careful if you have joint pain already. It made nagging shoulder issue damn near unbearable. I ran low dose test with 20mg preworkout, 10mg late in day, and another 10mg before bed. You may not notice results right away, then all the sudden the weights are light and the pump is mighty! Good luck!
Skuchie User profile

If you had great results with Anavar, I`d just stick with that. It appears you ran a relatively mild dose and still got great results, which leads me to believe it will work again, with similar results. You won`t get the `mass` gains from Winstrol that you achieved from Anavar, which is why I suggested sticking with the Var for one more cycle..
JB205 User profile Expert

I ran winny without a test base and experienced some joint pain and cramps in my legs even while just walking. Everyone is different so you may not experience this, but it seriously sucked as far as hindering my workouts. Going off your height and weight, you may want to run Tbol to help add mass and I have known some guys I workout with to run this without test as a bridge between cycles and they never had any sides.
B Rad User profile Expert

If you had good results from anavar only then a winny cycle might make sense, its certainly stronger than anavar all around, maybe run it a few weeks longer than your last cycle and see what you put on.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

I stay away from oral only cycles just for the reason of shutdown with no functioning test, so that will lower your free test, now the good thing with var is that it is a dht so all the test your body is using will be free tests since it`s gonna lower your shbg
barclord User profile

I think Winstrol is the perfect steroid in injectible form. Orals are harsh but you are taking little so you will probably be fine. Though Anavar is considered a cutting drug, Winstrol trumps it hands down. It is much more anabolic and dries me out much nicer for a full and shredded look. It is rare that compounds will both be anabolic and water reducing and this is why Winstrol rocks. I`ve never experienced joint issues like some complain about using this. You might consider the injectible form if you can handle it as it is much more user friendly.
Hi!I`m a female and looking into trying Winstrol, I`d like to know what would be a good dose for a female to start with. Thanks.
John Willis User profile

5 to 10 mg per day off Winstrol is what`s recommended for women. I would start on the lower end. You will also want a testosterone base. Best of luck
nickname_537 User profile

Very low like 50mg per week for the depot (injectable). You should try anavar instead at 5mg daily.
skitt User profile

Well welcome to AAS if you haven`t already.. lol anyways if you pick up a 100 pill pack of 10 mg pills for female it will be different for sure even from female to female.. Most guys will do around 40 to 50 mg a day.. Honestly to be safe start out with 5mg a day the first week.. take a 10 mg pill and pill spliter and divide it 4 ways.. Now with that being said it might be difficult to take that 5 mg piece and divide it into 2 piece`s so you can have two 2.5 mg doses.. one in the am and one pre workout.. but if you can do that go ahead if not.. then do the 5 mg as a pre work out and when week 2 comes around you can move up to 10 mg a day and divide it into 2 5mg doses which will be easier.. at that point 10 mg sound be plenty for you for 5 to 6 weeks.. You may be able to push it to 15 mg a day but I wouldn`t advise it but that would depend on how you and your body is handling the 10 mg a day dose… If you start seeing any sides like cracking in your voice or sensitivity in you clit.. Then you need to back off the dose and go down 5 mg from whatever dose you are at.. Make sure you have some liver support while you are doing the whinny as you will need it to protect yourself… Have any other questions don`t hesitate to ask as we are all here to help you out.. Also do a bit of research on women and taking whinny while making this decision.. Good luck
Zach Linder User profile Expert

If this is your first rodeo with Winny, 50mg probably will be too harsh. 5 – 10mg max for a first cycle of winny is plenty. this compound is very androgenic and you may experience sides at a lower dose. it`s best to always start small and learn how your body reacts and tolerates each and every compound. also, I wouldn`t run it for more than 6 weeks. Please always remember, less is more. I feel like most people on here DO NOT have experience with female cycles (my knowledge is very little as well) so PLEASE do some research or maybe even consider hiring a coach that is very well versed in female cycles. Good luck, be safe
Austin User profile

Winstrol is fine , but anavar is better. Both can be dosed at 5 to 10 mg per day, being very cautious to watch for symptoms of virilization
Gearpeace User profile Expert

Yes low 10mg or less. I agree anavar would be superior also 10mg or less daily. Good luck
Anavar/ Winstrol… What`s the most i can do without using a pct, arimidex,Testosterone. just anavar or winstrol only can i do and how long to off cycle? In my early 20s so i have great test
Don O User profile Expert

Palumbo often recommends for first timers a 10-12 week cycle using winstrol 25 mg per day and anavar 25 mg per day. In his experience you can come off and bounce back with a herbal pct without much trouble.
omeed haji User profile

Yeah you can take it alone with no test but if you want good results with cutting u will put some test c on your cycle
patsalos mixalis User profile

I would wait a few years at that age you don`t need anything. Without test though you won`t gain much 40 to 50mg is good
Alex User profile

You can take it without smyest but you wont get much, also i wouldnt advise taking two orals at the same time. Start off with test only at a low dose for 10-12 weeks and you will need pct regardless if you want gains.
Fit_mom User profile

2 orals at one cycle may be more harsh one the liver than desired. The return on investment on either of these for a Male is not great. You will want the 50mg pills for a male. To at least make it easier on how many pills you need at one time. The larger is a little more at times but more steroid in the dose. You will want testosterone as well. Keep asking questions and learning on the various gear types. How they are used and side effects. Young 20`s should really stay away from gear as to not mess your young system up. Good luck
traianos123 User profile

Try winstrol, 10 weeks on cycle and 8 weeks off cycle, dont take a high dosage, good luck

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