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GP Oxy (Anadrol/Anapolon)

What kind of test is best to run with A bombs
nickname_311 User profile

Test is test. It`s all the same just different esters. Propianate inject every day. Enanthate and cypionate I would recommend 2 times a week. There are other esters but those are the most common
stevegarbutt User profile

Thanks for the info man
nickname_311 User profile

Remember to vote up
BillySantos User profile

Enanthate or Cypionate imo, I don’t want to have to pin every day or every other day. Like 311 said test is test and will ensure results. Good luck brother.
Roid_Head User profile Expert

The difference between the testosterones p, e, c and etc is the half life. To answer your question, it doesn`t matter but I recommend Sustaviron because it`s a mix of short and long esters, It`s up to you
A19 User profile

I would run sustanon. I have been using sustenon since it originally came out from Organon, if there is one product i know about it is this (in any of its incantations, i have tried them all). I have also had my levels tested many times (many) on this compound and at a dose of 500mg every 7 days and my levels do not drop below immeasurable 1,500ng/dl until somewhere between 10 and 14 days. Just as the mfg suggests, go figure. The name says it all susta as in SUSTAined blood levels. There is no need to take it more then every 7 days and one of the only reasons to buy this product in the first place. And to think you need daily dosing or that the med and long chain esters become somehow saturated and erratic (why would it be any different for sustenon than any other med or long chain ester) is bro science, oversimplified and just plain wrong, sorry. If you dont believe me read the write up for the product i wrote this under or just get you own levels checked at 7,10, 14 and 28 days. Its cheap a little bit of a pain in the ass but gives you the ability to speak with some credibility.
Pump3 User profile

All test is the same except for the esters that are the time release mechanism. I would just stick with test c or e and inject at least every 3.5 days.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

“test is test brother!” But the reason you use anadrol is fir kickstart. So Abomb is usually use with testE or testCyp since both will take about 4-5 weeks to kick in. Having Abomb kick in at week 1 is perfect for that scenario since it is liver toxic and need to be stop at week6 and no longer! Normal 12 weeks cycle are usually incorporate normal standard pct protocol and that is clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 fir 4 weeks. Hope that answer your questions buddy! Don`t forget to vote.
POOKIE User profile

Is this your first cycle? If so an only test cycle is the way to go. If this isnt your first, run the same amount of AI you needed the last time you took 500 mgs of test. For me at 500 I take 0.25 (yes quarter tab) of adex twice a week and only start when I feel sides coming on. You may need a dose or none at all depending on your conversion rate. Good luck
POOKIE User profile

Forgot to add……you most likely will not need caber but have it ready. If you experience deca sides due to high prolactin, start with 0.5 on injection days. Good luck
Cyclone User profile Expert

Solid answer from Pookie. As far as managing prolactin from the Deca, many bros are able to keep levels low using vitamin B6 supplementation at 600mg per day – cheap and readily available. You always need to have some caber on hand just in case, but for many it`s not necessary. Also, keep in mind that elevated prolactin is ALWAYS preceded by elevated estrogen – so if you watch and manage E2, you typically won`t have any other problems.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

500mg testE and 250mg to 350mg deca per week is solid. I usually recommend guys to take 300mg deca per week. You need an AI always in hand before you start a cycle. For deca you also need cabergolin to mitigate prolactin. Don`t take ancillaries unless you need them. Anadrol 50mg ed as a kick start fine. Solid cycle. Good luck!
evan johnson User profile Expert

Just .5 mg adex eod should be enough. Have extra and caber on hand but they should not be necessary for this cycle.
Dosage? Looking to kickstart my cycle. This is going to be the Tren/Test/Anadrol cycle that everyone likes so much for bulking. Tried just about everything already. Ready for the Abombs. School me. I`m guessing start at 50 a day split into two doses then bump to 100 once certain I can handle the sides. As per usual please don`t waste the space with one line answers and thanks for the input bros!
ITT User profile

Man off tren, test, and anadrol you will just put on some lean mass, nothing crazy. I go for something else for mass gainz
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

Tren and anadrol . Look bro go with what you know your body responds well to not what you read from random parrots online You are in for super hella sides and gains if you can handle what`s coming. Abombs make me worthless and just want to sleep, not eat or work out at all after a week on them so try dbol ,tren just stay low dose and you might be ok. Good luck don`t just jump in on another person`s so called cycle and who knows the quality of the gear they had. We get real good correct dosed or higher gear hear not street oils
Dr Scott User profile Expert

I have done that cycle many times it is exceptional. For me very hard on my liver and causes nausea. I start at 50mg divided into 2 doses withw food (get a pill splitter 5 bucks or so most a bombs are not scored and hard to split. i do that for 15 days followed bay ten days at 100mg and then 15 days back at 50. lots of anadrol mfg make packs of 50 like maha so make it easy and about all i can stand. good luck get some liv support and hydrate
Roid_Head User profile Expert

Anadrol is one the best orals out there. 50mg a day is plenty, anything above that is the point of diminishing returns. you don`t need to bump it up to 100mg. 50mg a day for 5-6 weeks and you won`t do another cycle without it.
Shadow User profile

I personally like the A bombs to Kickstart my cycles as well and don`t have many sides with them. With that being said, my Max dosage per day on these is 75mg. For me, there`s not that much noticable difference between 50 and 75mg. And I notice ZERO difference between 75 and 100. Start low (25mg) and move up from there since you never took them b4. Good luck and be safe….
ShreddedFreak User profile

As stated above always start with a low dose 25mg and work your way up! I personally stay away from Anadrol but stick to what works for you! An AI and cabergoline or something for prolactin should be on hand with this cycle aswell!
I think these things are really preference. Hopefully with this cycle you know how your body responds to the test at least. My current cycle I`m on .5 Adex twice a week while on 500mg test. The difference between the two is Adex blocks the estrogen and Aromasin kills it. When it comes to HCG it`s also preference as to taking it on cycle or taking it right before PCT. Some want to keep the nuts running and are concerned with the shrinkage following the shut down. Others will take it right before pct to kick start the nuts and assist in pct. I have always taken it following last test injection up till starting Nolva and clomid. Good luck man. Keep asking questions
Big Dogg User profile

AI depends on you personally and how you aromatize test. I, although I cant run it now due to BP, when I was younger never had E2 sides from Adrol. There is nothing stronger than exemastane for AI. It is a steroidal suicidal AI (and the only one). HCG is up to you but I would highly recommend before and half way through PCT. You should run longer PCT with that cycle. (I would). Caber is an anti prolactin for 19nor compounds only.
nickname_464 User profile

It looks like a solid cycle to me. I would go with the .5 adex every third day. Aromasin can kill your estrogen really hard and you want some estrogen on board for gaining muscle. Maybe that`s what happened last time. Honestly you could try only taking it as needed if you start to feel sides like to much bloat or puffy itchy nipples take half tab adex and go from there. Of course eat big to grow big, which when I take eq is easy to do. It increases my appetite a lot. Don`t forget to get your rest too. Enjoy your cycle. Best of luck mate.
Papi1224 User profile

I find that .5mgs of Arimidex eod works good for me, when symptoms start and always keep them at bay.
Kumar the Rodeo star User profile

HCG is necessary for testicular function. 500iu once every week is critical as is 500iu 3X per week post cycle with 100mg of Clomid for 30days. Start on Tamoxifen at 10mg per day and run that for the entire cycle and PCT. If you feel that you need more then run 10mg both AM & PM before considering anything stronger. All others are detrimental. If you want to gain weight then eat, force feed and then eat more until you puck and then eat your puck. But seriously, learn new ways to add calories first. Gear is not the substitute for proper sleep and diet. Oxy is best used as injectable AM & PM 35mg or 35mg with H2O suspension one hour pre workout. Its incredibly liver toxic. It burns me out fast. The gains are phenomenal but some complain of hunger suppression. Keep asking questions.
Lucas User profile

Try and get your labs done and go from there, everything effects everyone differently and that`s why there`s a range of dosing but you truly can`t get a good accurate look at what`s going on with your body without bloodwork.
Hi, I was wondering if you will get results by taking Oxy by itself or if it`s something you need to stack with. Thanks!
Coolio User profile

You need to stack with Testosterone. Testosterone is a base for any stack and doing. Other compounds without it is basically a waste of time and money. Unfortunately, it`s a commitment once you decide to cross over. Good luck
Johnny Longsockz User profile

Almost anything stops your body from making Testosterone so you want to stack test with anything to be safe.
UsedPickle User profile

Always run test in a stack with anything
JD Cycle User profile Expert

You`ll see some gains, followed by a trashing of your own testosterone. Then you`ll likely lose everything when you come off because you shut down natural test production. Orals supplement testosterone shots…not the other way around. If you`re not ready to pin, you`re not ready for AAS.
Will User profile Expert

Umm yes, you need to stack testosterone with this if you want to keep any results you get. If you take an oral by itself, you`ll get results, but they will just be temporary because orals shut down your testosterone production. No testosterone means you`ll lose whatever results you made after you discontinue use and then your testosterone is down in the dumps. Test should be in EVERY cycle you ever run.
Big Dogg User profile

Need to add testosterone. Based on the fact that you asked that question I would suggest do some research and plan on starting with a test only cycle. Make sure you read about PCT.
Hi, I`m getting ready to start my first ever cycle which includes GP oxy, GP deca, and GP sust. I was just wondering how I should schedule those injections and oral tabs? I didn`t know if it`s safe to do 2 injections back to back or if I should do them days apart? Thanks!
Swoleville User profile

Woah woah woah. This is your first cycle and your using three compounds. Bro, just do test only first couple cycles to see how your body responds. If you have bad sides how are you supposed to know what`s causing it. Don`t be in a rush or a fool. This is your body bro you only have one. Be safe
Drew User profile

If it`s your first cycle ever I would suggest that you do a test only cycle. Run you test at 500mgs a week. I would just save your other products for your next cycle when you know your not allergic. Next cycle I would throw an oral into the mix as you add compounds to cycles you should add them one thing at a time.
Skuchie User profile

Your probably going to hear this 6 times, but it needs to be said. There is not a reputable or knowledgeable person on this forum that will address this question, without first telling you , from experience, if this is your “first cycle ever” you really need to start with ONE compound. Solo. Alone. All by itself. Because once you start to experience side effects, which you most definitely will, you`ll have no idea which compound is causing it or how to treat it. I can not stress enough how important it is to start off slow, to guage how your body will tolerate steroids. With that foundation, since you already have the Sustanon, I would start with that at 1cc a week for 10 weeks. That`s it. Put the other stuff aside for 10 months from now. You`ll probably gain 10lbs.
Dr Scott User profile Expert

When you say oxy, I take it you mean Anadrol? the most liver toxic AAs on planet earth IMO, for your first cycle-come on man. I love the Abombs but they should absolutely be respected, use the susta 350-500mg a week, until you get this figured out. better yet hold off for a bit and do more research.
RJB16 User profile

Agree with everyone else, maybe slow down on your first cycle and rethink it. Anadrol woah… As stated try 1 compound at a time and work from there. Good luck …
Md. Phd User profile

You leave so much out of your question. Why AS, what are your goals? Everyone(not looking to profit from you) will parrot the same,`Do a test only cycle first`. I strongly disagree. A short HCG & Hexarline cycle would benift most. Peak your natural potential first, build connective tissue, eat, research and educate yourself with the human Endocrine System. Keep asking questions
How can I buy Bitcoin right now and use that to place my order right now? Western Union and MoneyGram are not working on this site and that is my usual payment method? Also using rewards with Bitcoin am I correct I only have to pay shipping? And can I order HGH with rewards?Posting this twice to weed out the dollar dope fiends and so I can get the truthful answers that people have used. Thank you guys this order needs to go through ASAP
My name is jeff User profile

Everyone uses coinbase but I prefer cash app. When you buy bitcoin with cash app your bank doesn`t know you are buying bitcoin so there are no red flags. My one bank sent me a warning letter because of coinbase saying they would close my account if I used it again.
Mr.t User profile

I have used cash app as well. It`s like Venmo but you can buy and send bitcoin as well. It is actually easier than CB
LongIslandBEAST User profile

Use Coinbase and link a debit card that way you don’t need to wait for it to clear. You might have to add a bank account and put in your identification but that’s about it. I created an account years ago so I’m not sure if it has changed since then. Otherwise you can use a bitcoin ATM but those have very high fees. Not sure about the rewards for HGH, I never tried. Only purchased HGH once and that was months ago before I really played with my rewards so much.
Johnny Longsockz User profile

Cash app is a easy and safe way to buy with. Just look it up its pretty easy.
RJB16 User profile

As stated use the cash app, didn`t know that WU and MG arent working…
Daniel Kostov User profile

FIND a BTC dealer!!! get good with them and usually you only pay 5% extra not like 10-13% ;ike those ATMs you can find some on apps like mycelium
I can`t decide whether to try this or Superdrol. I have run a few cycles and never tried orals because of liver toxicity but think I want to now. After seeing how high the ratios are I kinda wish I already had. Super is dryer correct? Less water weight? What are the harsh sides they say it has? Couldn`t I just keep it at a low dose and be fine? Is there a specific reason Anadrol is favored usually and more popular? I know super is a little more harsh but is it that big a difference?
KTUCK User profile

Superdrol is severely liver toxick even More so then adrol bolth are pretty harsh on the liver but yes it is more dry and no estrogen sides make sure you have a good liver saport its essential for both
nickname_537 User profile

Pretty liver toxic. Use liv52. Don`t use over 6 weeks tops. I`d rather 4-5 weeks. Dp blood wprl before and after if you`d like. But if you do it moderate dosage wise and wbout 6 weeks or less you`ll be fine man as long as you don`t already have a bad liver. I wouldn`t worry too much.
omeed haji User profile

I have been using 2 oral dbol and oxy I did got good results and have no problem with any side effects but I will not run 2 oral anymore because 1 of them is gonna give good results to
Swoleville User profile

I have used both. Even though superdrol is more liver toxic I prefer it over anadrol. I feel so much better and lean out more and don`t get nasty headaches and nose bleeds due to high blood pressure like with anadrol
N88 User profile

Anadrol is a better oral. You wont gain that much of a difference with Sdrol but to get a little extra the sides are way worse. If you are looking for something drier go with tbol or var or winny or even low dose halo is better than sdrol.
YD1 User profile

Hey whats up. Im currently on Superdrol at 20mg day and test at 500mg/week. Its great stuff. I recently went for a blood test and my liver looks good. The SD has made me look Nice and tight unlike others that make you bloat. Good luck.
I`m new to this site and would like to bulk up I`m 5`8 145lbs wanna hit 165 to175lbs of sold muscle so what do I need to take to get there that`s kind of safe like I said this is all new to me so any helpful information be great product information everything really not in the shooting up looking for oral I have zero body fat so I don`t need nobody fat burner
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

Oral only cycles are completely ineffective, but I have to admit that when I started, I ran one because I wasn`t ready to dive into the deep end. Since you have likely made up your mind, Turinabol is the perfect compound that won`t make you bloat up with a bunch of water, but will give you some lean gains. Run it at 40-50mg per day one hour pre workout.
michael patsalou User profile

I would go with a low dose test Enanthate and have a proper pct planed and ai. Please do more research as this stuff can be dangerous. Good luck
Marcus User profile

Nobody likes injections but you either do it or dont. If you dont want to pin then dont do steroids. Orals are killer for the liver and only oral cycle wont give you much. I would do 250mg of test e, 250mg deca and kick start it with tbol or dbol for first 6 weeks. 10-12 weeks cycle.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

You are new, go with testosterone injections. Yes, injections. Orals are way more harsh on your system and your general health. If you can`t get past the fact that you need to self-inject, then you are not ready for gear. No pain no gain.
Skuchie User profile

Your desire to put on 30lbs of pure muscle, is understandable, (that’s all of our wishes), however it’s unrealistic. Judging by your question, you appear to be young and new to this “process”, and although it’s effective, you’re choosing the most liver-toxic oral available, for your first foray into these waters. Before you begin down this path, I suggest you start by getting your gym routine and nutrition on point,then do your research, there’s enough information out there to educate yourself.
I’ve read the half life is 9 hours is that correct? How many individual doses would I need to break my daily total dose into to keep blood levels stable. Also for a first time trying it as a kickstart to a test cycle what is a good first dose and length? 50mgs a day for the first 6 weeks of the cycle?
Swoleville User profile

If you have never taken this compound or anytime taking something new always start out with a lower dose to see how you respond to it. It`s a lot easier to increase the dose rather than starting too high
Zach Linder User profile Expert

Adrol is intense, split 50mg into two doses (12 hours apart) for the first 4 weeks. Test the waters with this compound in this cycle. 100mg won`t be necessary. Stay super hydrated, and eat! 🙂 6 weeks is doable, but 4 will be enough. it`s your call really
LongIslandBEAST User profile

I agree with Zach, split it into two daily doses of 20-25mg each for 4 weeks. Orals are no joke and can do a lot of hurt to your body. You don’t want to have to come off cycle because your liver is all jacked up. I have done this and it’s the worst. Start with the lowest dose and do it as short as you can until the injectables kick in.
N88 User profile

For most orals you`ll never keep hormone levels efficiently stable like you can with injectables….the halves are too short. Youd have to take this every 3 to 4 hours to meet that goal. As the others stated this is a strong compound and works great for a kickstart. I dose it all one shot about 2 hours before the workout if 50 mgs or less. If you are attempting to break up daily doses (not all at once) i would cut this into quarters and do one pre workout and one 12 hours before. Just do 25 mgs to start out. Then if you decide to go up add a third dose (now all 8 hours apart) and if you end up at 50 a day add a forth….every 6 hours or so. I`ve dosed this several ways and still I get the best results from all 50 preworkout….my hormone level is at its highest when hitting the weights which works perfect.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

Due to the active life, two doses per day are recommended. You should space them throughout the day as evenly as possible. Remember to take oxy on an empty stomach. So yeah, divide your daily dosage into two. Also if it`s your first cycle, avoid it and go with testosterone only, 500 mg/week, every 3.5 days pinning 250 mg of testosterone enanthate/cyp. Anadrol is quite a harsh compound, too harsh for absolute beginners.
nickname_48 User profile Expert

Take them twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed to keep stable level. If this is your first time using oral keep it short, four weeks is enough to Kickstart your cycle. Keep an eye on your estrogen levels even though anadrol doesn`t convert its known for Causing estrogen side effects
What could I also take with this ? I don’t like shots, I have a estrogen blocker all ready, could I take a oral test or something with this? For extra strength and gains ??
SteveC User profile

Honestly, if you are going to do steroids you need to get over your fear of needles. Pinning is a necessity when it comes to doing AAS. Start off with a test only cycle (either cypionate or enanthate) and do 400mg/week divided between 2 shots each week. This will require pinning, but if you aren`t willing to use needles then this isn`t for you my friend.
Thad User profile

If you can`t get the shots, then I would suggest orals that are good for size and strength are D ball and Winstrol. Please keep in mind that these orals are liver toxic and a cycle should last no longer than 8 to 10 weeks on just orals. In the long run if the anabolics is something that you want to do, then I would definitely suggest pinning as it is much safer and easier on your liver. Good luck.
ViktorN User profile

It’s all about going out of your comfort zone! You are taking steroids and eventually you going to need to graduate from oral. Taking oral meds must go through the break down and process through several organs before it reach your blood. And that means liver damage! Pinning goes straight to your muscles and bloodstream. Also pinning give you an advantage of getting a wide variety of results! Lean and mean. Big and bulky. Big and lean. 🙂 it’s all depends on the combo/stack. Tad and Steve is right. If aas is what you want to do. You need to get pinned. Why don’t you have a trusted friend or a seasoned aas colleague to pin you while you lay down on you buttock? Sounds weird but think of it like visiting a doctors office. Hope that helps and good luck !!
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

As absolutely everyone with experience will tell you, taking oral steroids over an extended period of time is simply not sustainable – you will have to get past your fear of needles. This isn`t just a few bros opinion on the matter, its bible truth. Really it comes down to a matter of health. Oral steroids are very liver toxic, while taking low to moderate doses of inject able testosterone based steroids has been proven to have negligible to zero health risks, perhaps a slight risk associated with elevated cholesterol. Furthermore, injectable testosterone will provide meaningful and long term gains in both strength and physique. Watch when you cycle off of that Anadrol how quickly you lose those “gains”, as most are water and glycogen. Plus with orals, you can only stay on them for a matter of 4-6 weeks, which isn`t really a long enough window to make significant gains. As soon as you start taking them, your natural testosterone production stops and you will end up with a low testosterone condition within a few weeks. I could go on and on, but you gotta trust the experts on this one brother!
Lav3ga User profile Expert

Get over the needle man. Just not effective to run orals only. Not to mention they destroy your liver. It`s not that big of a deal and honestly if you`re not ready to stick yourself oh, you probably not committed enough to your diet and train if you`re running anything on this site. If you ain`t limping you ain`t pimpin. Come on over to the dark side get yourself some rigs.
mchilds User profile

I think everyone else said it best, have to get over your fear of needles if you want to have safe and effective cycles. You could use oral, test, tren, dbol, etc if you don’t value your liver and internal organs.

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