How many mg`s a day of winni do you recommend with my test e for my first cycle?
Poppy User profile
60-70 Mg would be a good starting point. Hopefully it`s an oral. The injectable burned awful bad when pinned. After that I just drink the winny instead. Stay swole!!
Zach Linder User profile Expert
Hi CL796, 50mg is more than enough. I wouldn`t run winny for more than 4 weeks. Winny`s half life is around 9 hours, so be sure to dose multiple times throughout each day. You want to be leaner when taking winny, you will see little to no benefit from taking it above maybe 12% body fat. If it was my first cycle, I would just stick to test only (maybe 350mg per week). You do what you want, just make sure to have your AI, SERM, and PCT ready. Expect orders to take some time too. Mine are taking 50+ days to arrive. Good luck and plan accordingly
crazy Dan User profile Expert
Since you have a 50mg tab i would recommend you take 50mg a day. But you should take it at the latter half of the cycle. TestE 500mg a week split it into 250mg per pin. Go on a 12 weeks cycle. Get your diet dial in! eat clean and lean. At start of week 7, take one tab on winny ed until week 12. Wait 2 weeks then start your pct. Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote. Continue reading WINSTROL 50 (Maha Pharma)