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Tren-AQ 50 (Magnum Pharma)

So am I right to assume this is Tren within an aquis solution so it disperses incredibly fast?
Kerry Risner

Yep, like any other water based injectable.
nickname_537 User profile

Correct. Water based no ester attached is immediately released in full dosage just like testosterone suspension in water that powerlifters use before meets due to its immediate release.
Joe Longo User profile

Yes half life injectionis 12-18 hrs.this gear is required everyday prefer
Dr Scott User profile Expert

The previous responses are completely correct if you are talking about Trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone enathate has a much longer duration due to its heptanoic moiety, and is widely available on 24roids. There are also mixtures of the two (which provides the best of both worlds). I especially like the mixture and have had great success with it utilizing an every 4 or 7 day dosing pattern (depending on what else i`m running with it). Hope this helps, good luck.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

Yes aqia tren is very fast acting like needing a shot every day is best to keep blood stable
N88 User profile

Yes…very quick acting and this isnt an acetate. Regardless you have to pin it daily. good luck with this product.

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