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Testacyp (BM Pharmaceuticals, India)

Any good? Who uses 100mg per 1ml ? And how can you use this for a 1 injection per every 10 day use?
Gainz User profile

I fuess what I am asking is how can you do an effective once per 10 day shot to get similar results from a 250mg shot every 3-4 days?? Using a mix of cyp and enth?
Roid_Head User profile Expert

This is Test C, the half life is not long enough to be pinned every 10 days. The dose is low too, it`s good for trt for 2 amps a week or even 1. Pin Sustanon because they have 100mg of Test Decanoate in the mix or as someone already suggested GP test Undecanoate which is even a longer ester.
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert

100mg/ml is like TRT dosage gear. The company makes good stuff, but I wouldn`t mess with this low dose stuff. You need to inject too much volume and that`s no fun IMO.
EQhead User profile Expert

Geneza Nebido (U250) is what you`re looking for. It`s a long acting ester – undecanoate. You could do a shot every 10 days with this. Read the description and see what you think. It`s often used for those on TRT. Remember to hit the “like” button, smdh. Cheers
Thanks bro…Zach… and i think im gonna start eating right and training but im gonna need that boost so i really dont think 1 cycle is gonna hurt is it? Plus is there any tax these people add on for shipping for instance this product says 17 bucks will it be 40 bucks by the time i actually checkout and pay?just wondering and also how long did it take u guys to receive ur gear i live in NC.
nickname_518 User profile

The price u see is the price u pay but they charge at flat shipping fee of $25 no matter how much gear you order. Shipping usually takes 2-3 weeks once it’s actually sent out. If you order from European company’s then u may receive it a little sooner than 2 weeks but there’s no guarantees. As for your question about 1 cycle being a waste? A cycle is never a waste if you run everything properly and you train and diet accordingly but if u just got back in the gym then you really won’t NEED a cycle because your progress would be significant as long as your diet and training are in check of course.
Greenleanmass User profile

I made the mistake of not working out enough and didn`t watch my eating half way into my cycle I`ve seen improvements and lean muscle but could of got more out of it. 25$ shipping and handling fee that`s about it. Stay safe God bless.
Karl User profile

1 cycle won’t hurt but it’s hard to go back to natural once you’ve tried it. Proceed with caution. No tax included but a 25$ delivery fee for Test and $50 for HGh
Taylor Pendley User profile

No tax. I live in Florida and received my first order within 10 calendar days from date of shipping. Super solid service. I see now why people`s comments are so good. I agree. You will be satisfied.
Scott User profile

No tax. Flat shipping fee of $25. If you are able to be patient wait for product of the week to save half off. Test wins POTW I’d say once every 6-8 weeks. Europe labs will be the fastest for shipping always. Goodluck on whatever you route you decide to do.
J.P. User profile Expert

Blah blah blah 25 dollar shipping and all that`s been parroted above… It`ll cost more than $17 because you`ll need more than one. Try, ten lol, test this cheap either needs to be ran at a higher dose because it`s underdosed or if not it`s a good enough deal that you should stock up for your next cycle. Everyone thinks they`ll just run one cycle. Then as soon as the test kicks in and their estrogen is balanced they`re ordering or planning out their second cycle
Zach ive worked out naturally with some decent results and got to about 175 i looked better but i guess i need to be about 225lbs and im going with this steroid thing because im tired of being the slim guy on the scene..i have good mental structure and know better than to abuse anything so im pretty sure ill be able to stop but i know without seeing a doctor my test levels are low because like i said my balls are already small..cant beleive im sharing that info but fck it gonna do this i just wanna do it right and as far as diet i can eat like a horse without taking anything thats why i wanna do this..thanks for any and all comments tho i really appreciate it.
Zach Linder User profile Expert

Don`t take this the wrong way….You have the absolute wrong mindset man. just like so many people, STOP RELYING ON THIS STUFF. You say your mental structure is there but your mentality of “go hard when on everything” instead of already applying that every day says you are not ready. You want to gain 50lbs on a cycle and think it will be healthy??! lol sorry if this offends you, but remember YOU HAVE ONE BODY. Your choice to do whatever you want, just speaking from watching hundreds of people mess up themselves over the years because they had the same mindset. Just because your balls are small doesn`t mean your test levels are shut down. I agree getting blood work is key, and I think that is a step in the right direction, but get everything else in check first.. good luck
J.P. User profile Expert

The symptoms that commonly are associated with low testosterone in males are not exclusive to a low testosterone diagnosis. It would make my job easier if I could just churn out test scripts all day to every guy who thought his genitals looked small, felt tired all the time, or couldn`t see his dick over his gut. Something to consider. What if you`re wrong and your testosterone isn`t low? What if you have some underlying issue that is made worse by using exogenous testosterone? I didn`t read any other answers, so I don`t know the conversational context. But visit a doctor, or find a lab online to get blood work. FYI, the typical test most doctors order for determining a mans testosterone levels is not adequate. A little research will help you know what test to ask for. About your weight. Who cares what you weigh? If you look jacked at 180, why force 200 just to wash out and look all Pillsbury? 90% of the time, my clients who complain about not being able to put on size do so because they simply never learned to eat like a bodybuilder. I`m not talking about this bs all the magazines and promotional shit that gets put out showing top IFBB pros eating chicken and rice everyday. I`m talking about how those same guys were eating back in the day to get to the size they are now before the cameras and interviews came around. Hit up your local Wendy`s, order two triple cheeseburgers with large fries value meals. Then while your waiting for your order, call your local pizza place and have them meet you at your house with a large meat lovers lol. Eat big to get big. Most of the time it should be clean, but cheat meals will ne your friend, like every other day
nickname_565 User profile Expert

With a good diet and exercise routine you will grow over time. 500 mgb of test e, 300mg of npp a week for 12 weeks along with arimidex if you ran into estrogen problem. If you have low t you cruise with 150mg a week test e during off cycle.
KTUCK User profile

Always get blood work just because you have symptoms of low t doesn`t prove like blood work will and as for you ball size maybe try txt or hmg before you jump to gear and if you do keep it simple just text no need for any extra compounds your first go again the size of your balls does not always determine your test levles
evan johnson User profile Expert

As previously mentioned your test may not actually be low so it is important that you find that out before going on steroids for that reason alone.
zeke User profile

Beyond an initial 15 lbs of water weight that dissapears when you go off cycle, steroids are not going to make you grow muscle mass. If you go into a cycle with the same diet and exercise, you will not gain any sustainable weight. You might recomp a bit, and put on some water weight, but you wont add any meaningful mass. In short, you need to fix your diet. If your not counting every single calorie that goes in your mouth, eating 1-2 grams of whole food protein for every point of body weight, and running a significant caloric surplus, you will NEVER gain weight. Its simple thermodynamics, to gain 50 lbs, you need to eat a caloric surplus of 175,000 kcals, which is going to take time and work. IMHO, people claim to have diet all figured out, but when they start measuring everything out, they are miles off the mark.
Was thinking about getting this for my first cycle then i heard sarms are safer? Im 42 naturally slim 150lbs 6 foot 2 ..i wanna be about 200lbs lean muscle i dont plan on having anymore kids but i dont want my balls disappearing either they arent that big to begin with lol somebody give me some advice on all the stuff i need to buy please and thankyou.
Mike User profile

So i have ran both, individually and together. Sarms and steroids are very similar. They are both effective but in order to accomplish what youre looking to do you will want to use steroids. This is going to take TIME and WORK. You should be in the gym everyday, as well as drastically changing your diet. Protein intake should double (at least) from what your eating now. If you weigh 150lbs then you should be having 280-300 grams of protein a day. As far as your first stack i would suggest a straight 250 test 2x a week and 20mg of aromasin eod.
Zach Linder User profile Expert

okay…..some real talk. You are 6`2″ 150lbs… shouldn`t be messing with anything. Get your diet toegther (like actually get it together) and find a training routine that works for you. At your height 200lbs is still really really small man. AAS (and SARMS) are no joke. Take your health into consideration. Good luck
LongIslandBEAST User profile

I agree with the other guys here. You need to really focus on your diet and training I you are that skinny. I know there are hard gainers, I’m one of them, but you can still gain weight if you eat and train correctly. When i broke through my natural wall, going from 150lbs to 180lbs at age 23 I threw all healthy eating out the window. Instead of eating healthy food and watching my antioxidants etc I just ate shit. I’m talking working out and then hitting up the burger joint for $10 worth of $2 cheeseburgers and chicken sandwiches. $1 & $2 burritos from the Bell. Just packing in calories and cheap protein. For me it was hard to eat protein bars and shakes so instead I ate stuff I enjoyed eating like fast food. Of course this is not healthy and you don’t want to do this forever but to break out of being skinny you need to eat like a fat person. So eat like a fat person. Also lift like a large person. Large people lift heavy ass weight. So try to lift heavy and cut down on reps. You aren’t trying to get ripped and tone you are trying to gain size and strength because strength will allow you to lift heavier and gain more. Always lift for strength unless you are trying to look like a bodybuilder. If you are prepared to do these things than you can begin to think about juicing. I don’t always think it’s a bad idea to do gear if you aren’t already big. Sometimes it’s just impossible to get big if your thyroid dictates your metabolism. I get it. But realize gear won’t solve problems that diet and exercise will fix. Use it responsibly at 500mg a week and just take testosterone until you are at least 210lbs. At your weight and height you should be able to hit 210lbs within four months if you stuff your face and lift. Don’t do cardio either. Get fat and lift.
Fit_mom User profile

Wow cant believe some of the previous responses. You dont need to eat like a fat guy and workout just to gain muscle. You actually wont gain muscle but fat. My husband has been a hard gainer his entire life. He will have a great diet and work out and put on little muscle. This is how his body works naturally. I think some people misunderstand genetics and how that is a limiting factor in gaining muscle or not in a natural setting. Using a test only cycle is a great way to gain size. It may be slower for you compared to these other guys that eat $2 cheeseburgers and all swole and all. The nice thing about going on trt you dont have to cycle off to a pct. You can cruise on a low dose like 100mg a week. Testicles atrophy could take many years to occur. They will not totally disappear. You can take hcg if you concernd. This will help reduce testicular atrophy. Good luck. You will find many have opinions not based on real researches facts.
nickname_458 User profile

Take it from a GUY that has been in a similar situation most of my life. If your looking to gain some good mass/muscle and get dedicated, increase your calories/protein, implement a good workout routine and you will grow. Yes of course test is gonna make you grow but food above all is the most important in this game….PERIOD! If you are not having low test sides then up your macros and workout, see where a couple months of that takes you. If your not satisfied then add in some test enanthate or cypionate 400mg biweekly shots for 10 weeks. Get some adex and take .5mg 2x week. I would definite recommend a pct, 10 days from last injection:40/40/20/20 of Nolvadex. Of course you can cruise but unless your ready for a lifelong commitment and understand the risks then do the pct. steroids will certainly help add mass to your physique but if the diet and training regimen is not in place then you wasting your time and money and putting ur body at risk without receiving the benefits as well. If you do opt to take some rest then some hcg 250iu subq 2x week during cycle will help with testicular atrophy. Best of luck.
nickname User profile Expert

If you pin 500iu of hcg twice a week your balls won`t shrink whole on steroids. There are studies where men in their 60s took 50mg of clomid a day and their natural test increased within 3 months
Getting ready to order for 1st cycle. Just wanted any expert feedback or recommendations. Thanks in Advance!StatsAge: 35Height: 6`2Weight: 195 Since this is my first run I was planning on just doing 400mg per week for a 10 week period. Im wondering if I need to have anything else on deck or since the dosage is low do I even need to worry about it? What else would I want to have and at what amounts what I use?
Dalton Carpenter User profile

I would def have an AI on hand. Arimidex preferable. . 5 EOD and if you’re prone to gyno . 5 ED. I would have proper pct on hand as well Nolvadex and clomid. And also HCG 250iu 1-2x per week.
Lav3ga User profile Expert

At 400mg a week you will need some AI most likely. I would run arimedex . 5 mg every four days (with your test shot). You need to get bloods down the road to confirm but I would guess that puts your estrogen in a good spot. As for other ancillary stuff. Any time you run test, have nolvadex or ralox on hand. If you get any issues with gyno run a low dose of either and up the arimedex dosage. After a few weeks taper off the SERM and if the gyno doesn`t flare up, you found the right dose of AI for that dose of test. Still confirm with blood work. I like estrogen at the top of the normal range when on cycle.
ROBERT User profile

Afterwards like mentioned you might want Nolvadex and Clomid on hand for PCT. You could also use Proviron which blocks your receptors from taking in estrogen as well as helping with your libido. Monitor yourself with bloodwork before and after to make sure your levels are steady, also when injecting make sure you do it at the same time of the day. Good luck
smalldres User profile

It all depends on your goals man. Is it to harden up and lose bf or just add more mass? If your going for a long ester like cypionate I would run the cycle at least 12, tops 16 weeks since it`ll take a while to build it in the system. If you want to run a short 8-10 week cycle I would definitely go with propionate instead. Make sure you do more research on your own as far as having an AI and proper PCT protocol.
BB89 User profile

Its good to run just a test only cycle for your first cycle. Have some AI in hand, you never know how your body is going to react to excess testosterone. You need to get blood work done during the cycle to see your estrogen levels. Remember you need some estrogen for muscle growth and joints, skin etc. .. don`t shut it completely
Mike Childs User profile

If you are referring to AI and PCT Then yes you can have suppression even at 400 a week. Yeah your age don’t risk it and make sure do you just have 0. 5mg arimidex in hand per week as needed and nolva/clomid as pct. HCG wouldn’t be a bad idea especially if you plan on having children (more children). Just remember that the more test you run the more estrogen conversion you will get. About mid cycle you will most likely want to see what 600 can do but remember that sides come along with that. My first cycle was straight and I got good results at 500 and then the mid cycle week that I did 750 was when I saw incredible gains. Everyone started to look at me different and act different. You will be amazed at the respect you get when you are more muscular than someone else.
If 1 pack is 10 ampoules does that equate to 10ml or 10-100mg doses?Im trying to figure out how many packs I would need to purchase for a 10 week cycle at 400cc per week.
GainsVille_85 User profile

To run test cyp at 400mg/wk you would need to purchase 4 packs of 10 ampules.
Matthew User profile

To run this cycle, you will need 4 ampules a week if you are running 400mg a week. If you need 4 ampules a week for a total of 10 weeks this means you will need 40 ampules total. If each pack is 10 ampules, then you need a total of FOUR packs of 10 ampules to run a cycle of 400 mg a week for ten weeks.
Mike Childs User profile

Each amp is 100mg/mL. So 10 ampules=only 1000mg total
Greg Landes User profile

You will need 4 amps per week, times 10 weeks is 40. Oaks.
SocalJuice User profile Expert

You will need to purchase four packs of the 10 ampules in order to complete the cycle as described. This as a first cycle will produce excellent results and is a good starting point. As such a moderate dose, you are unlikely to need an aromatase inhibitor, which is a bonus!
Don O User profile Expert

1 amp is 1ml and 100mg of testosterone. If you need 4 amps per week for 10 weeks then you will need to purchase 4 packs of 10 ampules.
What is the difference between test Cypionate and test Entenate. Why should one take one over the other?
Socaljuicer User profile Expert

These two esters (time release components) are essential identical and completely interchangeable. Pick whichever one is cheaper or more easily accessible.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

You can threat them as if they were the same. The only difference between them is half-life, as well as very slight difference in how much testosterone each one of them carries per gram of the ester, which is negligible. Enanthate has terminal half-life of 4.5 days while cypionate has 5 days. For your needs, they are exactly the same.
evan johnson User profile Expert

These 2 esters are both long acting forms of testosterone. That being said, it doesn`t much matter which one you pick.
Lav3ga User profile Expert

Very little difference here man. So test is test regardless of what ester is attached to it. The ester just allows the body to slowly release the hormone into blood. Each ester had a different weight. Ace and prop are lighter than cyp or E, and those are lighter still than deconate and undeclnate. Because the esters have different weights. 200 mg of test prop has MORE test than 200 mg of test cyp. The difference is the weight of the esters. To answer your question, the cyp is SLIGHTLY heavier than the enethate. This means it has a marginally longer half life to release into the body, as well as a slightly less amount of total hormone to release. The other difference is that the different esters allow different amounts of hormones to be suspended in the oil. The cyp is usually 200mg/ml and the e 250mg/ml.
big baby bear User profile Expert

There is only a single carbon difference in the fatty acid ester chains attached to testosterone, cypionate has one more carbon than enanthate. Practically speaking they are nearly identical and one isnt really better than the other. Price is going to be the big deciding factor for most people so go with whats a better deal.
PanterA rules User profile

They are basically the exact same thing. Both are long estered forms of testosterone and pretty much interchangeable. Test e has a slightly longer half life. Test e has a half life of 10.5 days. Test cyp has a half life of 7 days, but they are the exact same thing. Both need to be injected at least once per week but ideally twice per week for the most stable blood hormone levels.

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