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Norditropin Simplexx 45 IU (Novo Nordisk)

My pen came without needles. Do u just break it open and take out the cartridge and try to draw from it or can i order needles foe it? Also i was under the impression that it had to be refrigerated before use. Took 6 weeks to get , i am a bit skeptical about it potency if any at all
JamesEarl User profile Expert

I did for mine but it was not exactly your brand, I was cautious so as not to contaminate anything and mine was pre mixed and I`m assuming yours is too. Just be careful if you choose to draw it out and keep it sterile and after drawn inject fast within a week of the required amounts. I mean it was ok for me but decide for yourself.
How much is the cartridge with out pen?
Dan User profile Expert

$362. If you read the disruption it stated The pen is a bonus to this cartridge purchase.
Mass rahe User profile

Pen is free you must first get the cartridge and pen is bonus Continue reading Norditropin Simplexx 45 IU (Novo Nordisk)

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Humatrope 72 IU Cartridge (Eli Lilly)

Hey guys, anyone tell me how long this stays good for once reconstituted?, trying to figure out how much time I can squeeze out of this kit. Also how much is 1 IU on a slin pin is it the same as the generic hgh? I`ve seen guys use this with slin pins instead of the pen just wondering if the dilution is the same. I`m looking to use 2-3 IU a day for better sleep and joint health and some fat loss would be nice too. Thanks in advance for any help..
nickname_311 User profile Expert

Should be about a month as long as store correctly
nickname_311 User profile Expert

Wish I could be of more assistance but that I`ve never used that but that`s what I`ve heard in the past
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

It is not how long it stays reconstituted once you reconstituted the hormones become alive thus they will die after about 30 days they are living organisms so you will want to use them little guys quickly do not reconstituted unless you plan on using the whole vial within a month or so keep it refrigerated Continue reading Humatrope 72 IU Cartridge (Eli Lilly)

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Humatrope 36 IU Cartridge (Eli Lilly)

Given that this substance has proven useful to heal human tissue damage; if a person with central nervous system tissue damage , have any real hope of repairing the internal tissue damage (that was initially caused by bone breakage in that specific area of the CNS ie: C-6 broken, healed, leaving tissue damage in the surrounding tissue). My Question to be clear: Can rHGH191aa or HGH191aa heal Central Nervous System tissue damage? & If u say no, plz explain. Thank u
anonymous_1212 User profile Expert

In the past I have read about HGH helping to heal these problems. I also did a lot of research on fasting and the effects of it. It bolsters HGH production greatly after 2 days and people have healed their injuries from this process. You have to be stress free and not work at so the both can heal, regenerate and repair. This will not happen overnight either expect at least 6 weeks. I also know it can be site specific so injections in the general area would be best. You could reference some youtube videos, google: clinical trials and nature articles online. Also, I must mention Anavar this `wonderoid` has been heavily research through its years after creation and one that I prefer the most. It has been shown to: reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, reverse alcoholic fatty liver disease, help regenerate and repair nerves in and out of the brain, as well as preventing muscle waisting through 96% protein binding ability. I`ll type more when i have time but i hope this helps you bro, live well and be safe. Dont forget to vote for q&a and product of the week. Continue reading Humatrope 36 IU Cartridge (Eli Lilly)