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Super Monster Bulk A

Just throwing out another what if, this is a awesome stack already but would anyone add eq to this, why and what dosage, just asking for conversation sake


Adding EQ to a stack that has 4 compounds already seems like a bit much. The masteron will give you the hardness you`re looking for. One thing you can do is run test/ DECA/ eq for your next cycle.


No other compounds need to be added. You`re running 3-4 compounds already. Adding more to this stack is basically building your body on the drugs to the point you`ll lose your size when you get off. And that`s if you can handle all the compounds in the first place. Save the thought of EQ for later on a cycle you`re not running as much.


No I would bot this stack has everything you need probably more then you need to grow. Unless you have crazy genetics you can only grow muscle so fast the rest would be fat more then likely it`s not a sprint it`s a marathon but I love eq and is great on a stack


The stacks are designed the way they are for a reason. When it`s already running multiple compounds, you don`t want to add more stuff to it. When you are ready to add more stuff on top of a stack like this, you won`t be asking if it`s good. You also don`t want to run multiple new compounds in a single cycle because if you get negative sides from running 2-3 new compounds at the same time, you don`t know which is causing it.


Not sure why Masteron is added to a bulk cycle besides its SHBG assistance. If anything I`d swap out Masteron and add EQ.

.50 caliber

no eq would not be beneficial, plenty of gear already besides eq needs to be run much longer than 10 weeks
Would this be a good stack to add hgh to without insulin…..the whole adding insulin scares the crap out of me


Sure u can run HGH with this stack, u can run HGH with any other stack or only with Test, or u can run HGH alone, is up to u, HGH is great but u need 6 months or more to see results, insulin… i dont know, i never run and for sure i will never run insulin, the market is full of great compounds that can give great results and also safer than insulin. The ideea is run HGH with your bulking cycle, when u finish the cycle continue the HGH, also will help u to keep your gains.

Dr Scott

I have been doing this a long time and never felt the need to use insulin. In fact the only people i have ever know are competitive bb`s. You really have to be on point if you are using insulin and GH. Not really worth the risk to look good at the beach. In fact i knew a girl who committed suicide with insulin so it`s pretty serious and really easy to fuck up. Also, why?? I`m not sure how much gh you have done but this stack and GH, should be amazing without insulin. My friend i would really reconsider the whole insulin thing. I am very experienced and feel like i have lots of insight and i would never even consider insulin, but i`m no ones mom and to each his own. good luck

Big E

Yes it is perfectly fine to run HGH with this stack. be HGH canran with basically anything. If you hesitant about running insulin that don`t worry about it. Unless you`re planning on competing it really isn`t worth it in my opinion but yeah anyway go ahead and run HGH with that stack and you`ll be good to go.


Any cut cycle is enhanced with HGH. I found the results ridiculous after about 3-4 months sub 7% BF


Baby steps. First educate yourself on it then start so low. Learn how to eat and prep for it so you are not waisting your time. I started at 3units and eat homey, apple juice a snickers etc just before. Then workout and had sugar water on hand. Read up and don`t take my or anyone`s advice, it`s your life and not a haircut.


Sure, running Hgh to any cycle woyld be beneficial. I wouldnt use insulin for bodybuilding, to many risks, its very dangerous to use insulin for bodybuilding especially if your not well educated on how to do it. It can be fatal.
What pct should I use for this cycle ?

JD Cycle

PCT is generally the same for every cycle. They sell a basic PCT cycle in predesigned stacks that`s pretty good. You`ll need Nolvadex, Clomid, and highly recommend HCG as well. You`ll run all three for a month with HCG starting about two weeks earlier. I highly recommend you simply look into the pre-designed as it`s pretty comprehensive.


This question kind of makes no sense as there is only one PCT it is not like a multiple-choice answer a PCT is either you`re doing the full PCT and doing it correct or you`re just taking certain compounds of it n being cheap, HCG nolvadex clomid you will hear this same answer again and again and again because it is the one and only correct PCT for anabolics


You can stick with Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG. Maybe incorporate an AI during the cycle


For PCT i take Nolvadex 40/40/20/20, u can take and Clomid 100/100/50/50, or both, HCG me i take during cycle not during PCT, Nolva is good for PCT.
bobbby c

clomid nolva nad hcg man are the way to go, always, stay safe

Dr Scott

You really don`t need all 3. clomid or HCG and nolvadex only is you are having symptoms of gyno. nova really doesnt do anything other than protect from gyno, and it does that quite well
What protections should I take during cylce ? An AI and cabaser are enough ? What other protections should i take during this cycle ?Thank you

JD Cycle

You`ll want to have ai and have caber on hand. Two trains of thought with caber; some prefer to keep on hand and only take as needed while many also just take twice a week from the start to prevent sides. Me personally, keep on hand and use as necessary. As far as other, this has an oral so you`ll want TUDCA/NAC or many people just purchase liv-52. I`ve only gone the TUDCA/NAC route but will be running liv-52 my next. Other than that, I like to keep low dose asprin for the BP.


Depends on what you are taking also what your body responds to also what the sides are you need to combat to be safe have caber nolvadex arimidex Liv 52 Omega-3 those are just a few I keep on hand as there are plenty more


Using Cabergoline and Aromasin/ Arimidex should be sufficient. Some people use HCG during there cycle, I personally don`t.


HCG works well for testicular function on cycle and PCT. Get lab tested first, you will thank yourself later. Cabergoline is useful for high doses and fragile folks who run high estrogen. I don`t know anyone who runs more than once per week post sides. I have never needed it at 1g of deca and 100mg Oxy. Go figure.


If u have Caber and Anastrozole is good, this u need, if u want to take HCG and HGH is good but is up to u.

jogn d

hcg for testes, caber and arimidex or aromasin should always be close by my friend
Greetings All, I am running HGH at 4iu daily. Planning to increase to 6iu. Will the HGH and this stack be ok together? I know I can’t pin together and so on. My real question is will I see quality growth and is it safe? I have been searching with Dr. Google and haven’t found much. Also any other precautions I should take with this stack. Thank you in advance for your time and response .


Whats up bud. Its ok to run it with that as Ive sen many do without any pro. But the way they did it was tgat they first started with the monster bulk first then they added the hgh afrer several weeks in low doses untill they reached what they were comfortable at. I believe idbour going to do that bulk why not keep your ius at 4 instead of rasing it to 6. Im saying this because this bulk will definitely put some size on yyoy if of course your diet is in check as you know already. But yes. Try keeping it at 4 like you are and add this monster bulk. G-Luck bud.


This is a quality mass gaining stack, but def not recommended for a beginner. You haven’t really given much info on yourself or what you’ve taken in the past. If you’re experienced, this will be fine with HGH and they are giving you the meds to combat any sides. You can take HGH with anything. If you’re a beginner, you will get great results with just Test and HGH. Good luck.


Yes of course. Hgh goes well with was but the catch is you need to run hgh for 6 months to a year to receive the full benefit. So be consistent and good luck!


Short answer, yes it is safe. This is an amazing stack but not recommended for a first time bulk. The only thing I would say to be careful with is, if you start experiencing side effects especially excessive water retention you may want to try going back to 4iu. If this is your first time with certain compounds, jeep a journal so you have a reference to what`s causing what. Best of luck mate.


Is any of this “safe”? Probably not in such high doses. I would slowly implement you bulk stack and then wait to see if you need to increase the gh dose or not. It really depends on the gh you have too. Can it be done? Yes. Just make sure you are doing all the precautionary stuff and have a game plan coming off so your not suppressed for months afterwards and actually keep some of the gains.


Yes this will be ok to stack out for the sides and your good to go
When it comes to nutrition for a bulk, what should my carbs look like in relation to my protein and fat intake? I`ve always done like a 60 percent protein 25 percwnt carb and 15 percent fat kind of breakdown but that`s just how I`ve always done it. Should i up my carbs to get better results?


Keep it simple. Get one gram of protein per pound of body weight and let the rest be carbs and fat. Simple and it works. If you`re really in overdrive do 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight and let the carbs and fat follow along. Protein is key so get it in, the rest will follow. Just tweak your calories after you meet your protein requirements up for bulking or down for cutting. Simple things work in life, complexities are artificial hogwash and make less to no results and a fake miserable life man.
omeed haji

Get one gram of protein per 2 pound of body weight I mean if you are 200lb take 100gram protein and take 3500 calories everyday you will get good results


I would go with 1.5grams of protein for every lb of body weight and eat as much carbs and fats as you can with that.


Go with 1.5grams protein per pound. Definitely don`t neglect carbs. The carbs need to be available so the body doesn`t use the protein as last resort source of energy. Carbs spare the protein. I personally go with 1.75g of carbs per pound. Good luck brother


I use my MyFitnessPal and track calories and protein. Eat a small calorie surplus, get 1gram of protein per lb of body weight, and try to stick to non processed foods. Do this and your carbs and fat will fall in line naturally. Listen to your body and train hard.

Johnny Longsockz

1-2 grams of preotein per pound of body weight. I eat alot of tuna fish it`s easy to up the protein count with something like that in my opinion
This seems like an aggressive cycle.Is the tamo and cabaser going to be enough to counter any side effects?Would adding in some proviron or aromasin be a good idea?


Well everyone has different sides to differnt compound s if your worried then yes have an AI on have just incase. I wouldn`t worry about adding proviron this is a huge cycle for a beginner but remember you gotta eat big to get big make sure your calories are at least 500 over maintence and the cleaner the calories the leaner the gains


This is the main issue i always encounter and my answer is always the same, some get very little to no side effects and others get a lot. I would have an ai on hand in case. But don`t use unnecessary chemicals unless yoi actually need them. As for me i honestly never used am ai nor caber and all was just fine even on as high as 1,500mg test per week and 1,000mg tren ace per week still no prolactin related nor estrogenic gyno nor acne, nothing except some irratibolity. Everyone is different man.

Joe ricci

Tamoxifen is a serm, and caber controls prolactin. Ai works differently than both of those i always use an ai but some people dont need them at all. Id atleast have some arimidex on hand while using this cycle


I would add in adex at .5 every other day.


I would still get an AI and use that vs nolva. This cycle is pretty potent and if you convert alot start the adex or aromasin from the beginning…low dose then increase as needed. 0.5 or 12.5 EOD would be a good starting place.


Id definitely get an AI to have on hand. Aromasin or adex will work.
How many of each do u get in this pack?..I know for the price it can`t be one bottle each?

Don O

4 bottles of TestMIX 250 , 3 bottles of deca 250 , 3 bottles of mast e 200 , 1 box anadrol 50


If you read the description is says 4 testmix, 3 deca, 3 masteron, 1 pack of anadrol, 1 bottle of cabaser, and 1 pack of Nolvadex. It also gives you the cycle layout in the description.


It specifically states how many you get of each indicated by the number on the left of the items in the description of the listing. Each vial holds 10 ml. You get 4 test, 3 deca, and 3 masteron vials. You also get a 100 50 mg tablets of anadrol as well as some caber and tamoxifen.

Mr and Mrs J

Items included: 4 x TestMIX 250mg 3 x Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg 3 x Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg 1 x Anapolon 50mg


It`s in the description. You get all the compounds for a “supe rmoster bulk A” cycle. You even get ancillaries for it, caber and tamoxifen. Although you`ll still need to buy actual PCT meds with it as well, some more tamoxifen (I don`t think you`ll get enough of it for PCT in this stack, probably just for on-cycle support) and Clomid. Like Don O said, + additional caber and tamoxifen as free bonus gift.


If you scroll down, you can clearly see an itemization with quantities under “items included”
Is the anadrol in this oral or injectable?


It is an oral. If you look at the directions it says 150mg split into three doses and to take with your meals.

Dalton Carpenter

it is oral.

David Cooper

Oral, very potent


This stack contains the oral form

evan johnson

Oral. Injectable anadrol is very uncommon although there are a couple compaies on 24roids that happen to sell it.


Oral, I have never seen inject able, and with the half life, this is kind of pointless.
Good morning… would it be a good idea to add dbols to this package… better yet what other items would you recommend to bulk up to make it an ultimate package…

evan johnson

No that would not be a good idea. If you look at what is included in this stack, you will see anadrol is included at up to 150mg ed. Not only is anadrol much more effective on putting on mass and strength than dbol but combining the 2 would probably just bring unwanted side effects. These cycles are put together by people who know what they are doing so I suggest you follow them as prescribed especially this one.


So, I think you`re assuming that more gear means more gains.. which is not true, and taking too many things at once is 100% not good for your liver to run that many orals..Plus you would have dbol and anavar which are two opposites essentially.This cycle with the mast and anavar alongside deca looks to be for trying to get bulky but stay with very hard muscle and insane strength. I think that honestly this cycle is pretty interesting, I`ve never run anything like it.. but to make it an “Ultimate Package” like you said we`d need to know your stats.. and what you look to gain. But I do think that this package is extremely interesting to look at and would probably be a lot of fun to run. But again, I think any more products and you`d be just a bit too over the top with it. A “full cycle” package it already finished.


This isn`t a bad stack already. But of course adding either dbol or adrol will always blast the **** out of it. Running it at least for the first 4-6 weeks to kick start it. And it works almost immediately. (within days)


You could add d-bol from week 1-4, BUT ONLY IF YOU DONT TAKE THE ANADROL and save it for a future cycle. Otherwise the answer is no, Adding multiple high potency oral kickstart steroids is a recipe for problems. Bro, this is a very complex stack already, More gear doesn’t necessarily mean better gains. Make sure your diet and training are 100% on point before you get started. Best of luck!
Is this gear legit? Can’t find any reviews on aster solutions


Mate, of course it is legit. The lab is quite new hence few opinions yet but you can never go wrong with 24roids. He always takes care of their providers being legit and highest quality. Aaster products are one of the best I have ever tried and you will love them if you decide to try them out.


Sounds good, just placed my order!

Mike Jones

If it’s on 24roids it will be legit, of all the stuff I’ve ordered so far from various different labs it’s all be g2g and does what it’s suppose to do, most labs especially up and coming ones will make great and even sometimes overdosed gear to get repeat customers so you can’t go wrong with this.


Aaster is a newer, featured lab on 24roids. During a recent promotion and I ordered a number of products, and while I haven’t run them yet, the packaging and quality was fantastic. Listen, I’ve been using 24roids for about five years, and never had a single underdosed or bunk product, not even once. They carefully source and select the most reliable labs, And even conducts independent lab testing to ensure potency and quality.

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