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Mod GRF (1-29) 2mg (CJC-1295 no DAC) Modified Growth Releasing Factor

It does not State dose in description,my bad,, do any of you have any experience taking blood pressure pills from naps to lower about 10points ,if so what can I use
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey SOTL, I noticed that too — that it doesn`t say the dosage in the description. My doctor gives me extended release proranalol for blood pressure. This is a medicine that is for white males. Apparently there are some genetics that factor into blood pressure meds. Not sure what the best is on naps but ask your doctor for ER propranalol. They will start you at 60mg and if it doesn`t work in 4 weeks you`ll go up from there. Propranalol is a great medication and I love being on it. It relieves anxiety and makes it so your sympathetic nervous system won`t go nuts. A lot of people on television take it so they don`t get nervous. I take the quick release any time I give a public speech and it keeps me super cool, calm and collected. It`s a beta blocker btw. Thanks for the question.
Big Dogg User profile

For a 10 point reduction hibiscus tea works for me. Also if you`re not taking potassium and magnesium supps you should. I use one made for keto diet that had high amounts of potassium.
Drew User profile

I also take Carvdalol for my bp and that stuff works great I take one a day and it totally keeps my bp in check.
nickname_629 User profile

You should try to understand the underlying cause of the blood pressure. If its just water retention from being on a cycle, you can simply incorporate an AI to reduce estrogen and the water retention associated with it. If your trying to lower BP from a genuine medical condition, better to do this with a doctor and bloodwork.
Dr Scott User profile Expert

Anyone responsible would tell you to see a doc but thats not your question. I could write soooo much on this but if i do it wont get posted. long story short, HTN caused by your gear is almost surly caused be fluid overload lasix is the best option on naps. Diuretics get a bad rap but if you stick or below normal doses 20-40mg a day of furosemide (lasix) you will have no problems and blood pressure will drop quickly and effectively. look up lasix
N88 User profile

carditone from the vitamin shoppe…one pill a day and youll be golden
What is the recommended dosage is stacked with GHRP6?
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey Louie, Growth hormone replacement peptides (GHRP 6) is typically used for synergistic effects, in conjunction with CJC-1295. For those on the weekly cycle, one evening injection of GHRP 6 is administered; this is done at night because it causes less of a cortisol surge, and prolactin, in comparison to GHRP 2. The GHRP 6 can also be used simultaneously with HGH cycles, 2 to 3 times daily, for a prolonged cycle, lasting several weeks. The injection is non-pyrogenic, sterile, and intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection use. It is to be administered after reconcentration with sterile water for injection purposes. An insulin syringe can be used for subcutaneous injection, with a 2 mg CJC-1295 dosage per injection. Per vial, a 1 X 2 ml injection is to be administered. When using .5 ml of water for mixing, this provides 2 mg dosage (.50 ml or 50 units in one syringe). When using 1 ml of water, this equates to 2 mg dosage (1 ml or 100 units). The intended frequency is once weekly, with 2 mg dosage, due to the prolonged half-life.
nickname_629 User profile

Dosage of CJC 1295 is going to vary for each individual. Never used this myself but I`ve heard you need to inject 1 to 2 mg per syringe, which is injected on a weekly basis for most users.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

J do beleave it states the dosage in the description
N88 User profile

1-2 mgs weekly….good luck with this. It helps fat loss big time
Drew User profile

I would go with .2mgs edmy friend. Or you can split shots one and one
Big Dogg User profile

For CJC I do 1mg 2 x per week. I would recommend Ipamorelin if you dont already have GHRP6. Ipam 100mcg 1-3x per day at least once at night.
Would this be good to stack with Sermorelin? What is the half life and dosage frequency? And standard dosage? Or would MK 667 be better, though I can`t find it on Naps..
Drew User profile

Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the webWith a single injection, CJC-1295 increases plasma GH levels by 2- to 10-fold for 6 days or longer and plasma IGF-1 levels by 1.5- to 3-fold for 9 to 11 days. The drug has an estimated half-life of about 6 to 8 days
YD1 User profile

Naps dont carry mk667. I believe it has to do with it not having enough research on it. Some consider it a sarm and others dont. Id you are going to do something stuck to compounds that have good research by its side. You dont want to be a test subject. Good luck bud.
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

I prefer mk-677 at 20mg per day taken at 5pm. Sarm-tech dot net has strong stuff
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Mk6 is a good compound but it doesn`t have much reasearch on it to prove it`s safe, as for the cjc the average dose is 1mg and dosing frequency is every 3-5 days
patsalos mixalis User profile

Me is better man but not a lot of research on these compounds so be careful
anonymous255 User profile

You don’t want sermorelin. It’s is very similar to cjc. You want to use mk-677, impamorlin, ghrp-2, ghrp-6, or hex. I prefer mk-677.

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