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Humatrope 18 IU Cartridge (Eli Lilly)

Getting ready to start on HGH want to know how many days is 1 kit good for at say 3 iu a day?
Dr. Scott User profile Expert

Well Humatrope is Eli Lilly`s GH, good product but one of the more expensive out there. probably not for beginners, just from a cost perspective, maybe think about the NAPs colored tops. But to answer your question each cartridge (it`s not really a kit) contains 18IU so you can get 6 days worth at 3iu. You should get at least 6 months worth, but 8 is better. Great product but pricey. good luck
Alex714 User profile

Which of the color tops would you recommend and how many for 8 months worth?Thanks for the help!
Dr. Scott User profile Expert

Well, i`ve used the grey tops and vetted them every way I know how, they are legit. But i would imagine all are fine, i just have the most experience with the greys and at the time they were the most cost effective-this may or may not be the case today you just have to do the math. So it depends on your goals and your individual response to HGH, sides ect as to the dose. Also, the number of days off. I do 5 on and weekends off. Generally speaking, If you want some minor fat burning, sleep anti aging, skin tightening then you could prob get away with as little as 2iu/day. At that dose each kit of the grey will last 60 days so you need 3-4 kits depending on how many off days. for me to build muscle i need at least 6iu/day so each kit would last 20 days at that dose. there are some really good price breaks on the colored tops at 5 and 10 kits ordered so keep that in mind. Lots to learn brother but you are in the right spot, doing the right thing and I and others will help along the way if we can. Done correctly the results are slow but can be fairly dramatic IMO.
nickname_791 User profile

If you want to boost your growth hormone without shutting it down then take MK677. Hgh is exspencive and is more of a lifestyle thing with long term results. Mk677 is cheap about 50-70 a month taken orally and has great results. Can be found on sarm websites.
JamesEarl User profile Expert

I bought the grey tops. Each vial has 12iu hgh. Each kit has 10 vials. That`s a total of 120iu of hgh. That equates to 40 3iu shots. With 5 days on and two days off which is generally recommended, you`d get 20 3iu shots per month. So double it up to 40 3iu shots. That`s exactly 2 months worth. Purchase 3 kits minimum because you need at least 6 months of hgh usage to see any results. Personally I`d opt to purchase a 12 month supply. Hgh requires no pct either. Some use hgh indefinitely with maybe a month off per year to reset any hgh receptor site related downregulation. Remember you need a minimum of 6 months to notice positive changes.
Shadow43 User profile

I have used pharmaceutical grade and grey tops only. If you are gauging the quality based on side effects, which most people do, they had identical results. I wish I had known about the grey tops sooner. I would have saved a lot of money.
How long can the joint and muscle pain last?
Adam Glinski User profile

it all depends on the person , my buddy didnt have any issues but in my case it went away after the 6 weeks
Mike Jones User profile Expert

The joint pain can last the whole time depending on your cycle, people that have reported running anti aging doses 1-2 a day don’t report joint pain while the “bodybuilding dose” of 4-8 iu a day report joint pain the whole time running it. So it depends on the person and their body structure for instance how much water a person holds will be different for everyone and that extra water weight could increase pressure on the joints, so best case scenario would be just run smaller dose for longer periods of time, you still get the anti aging, and recovery benefits.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Ive never had any issues with joint or muscle pain while using but Ive heard it can last the whole cycle from those who are affected.
JESSE PEARSON User profile Expert

If you`re experiencing joint and muscle pain try reducing your dose. It`s likely that you increased the dose by too much to soon.
T-dog User profile

If you’re talking about the cartilage regeneration you shouldn’t really feel pain at lower doses, but if you’re talking about carpal tunnel and too much fluid retention above 4 iu then it will be for as long as your cycle lasts unless you decrease the dose a bit.

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