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Drostan-E 200

I`ve read that this does not aromatize much if at all, but what type of PCT would someone recommend for this? And should I take any AI like armidex during the cycle? I plan to take this with clen for a cutting cycle.
Pookie User profile

Yes Masteron doesn`t have aromatization properties and you will not need additional arimidex support when adding this compound. You will still need to run a test base along side this, so possibly you would need an AI to support your test. Also even though the anabolic ratio is a little higher than expected on paper, there isn`t a lot of muscle gain with this product even in high doses. PCT would be standard like any other compound starting 14ish days after last pin. Good luck.
S-C-J User profile

This is NOT a “primary” steroid / compound, and is typically run as a 2nd or 3rd compound on top of testosterone and Equipoise, for example. Since your likely a first timer, just stick with testosterone enanthate or cypionate run at 400mg per week.
EDubz User profile

You shouldnt just run this with clen for a cutting cycle, this is used in combination with a test base, not by itself, or with just clen. You should Definetely do a bit more research before you decide to start a cycle read up and educate yourself on every compound before you decide to use it, . Good luck bud
Dromeo User profile

You`re right about this not aromatizing. No AI needed. But You should always run test as a base when taking gear. This is what you`ll need an AI for. Some people wait for sides to be present to take the AI and others take the AI before sides are present.
pct User profile

you dont have to worry about compounds aromatizing furing pct. the concentration should be on returning your natural production to normal.
Johnny Longsockz User profile

Run it with a test base and pct as normal Nolvadex and clomid
I noticed the description says 10:00 amps, but the photo of the box says 5 amps.. So is it 10 or 5?
Big E User profile

I can`t really say for sure but judging by the price you would actually get 10 so you could probably just disregard the photo. Contact 24roids customer support directly and they can give you an answer.
nickname_21 User profile Expert

10 Amp so it would be 2 boxes I always run masteron with every cycle love it
Siggs User profile

If it says 10 as an option then I would be 10 amps. 2 box`s of 5
Pookie User profile

Good question. The only way to find out is to contact 24roids customer service and verify this. We all can guess what the answer is but only 24roids can answer this.
S-C-J User profile

The pricing would be approprate for 10ml of 200mg per ml. Having said that, you could do better for this price, check out dragon pharma.
EDubz User profile

You will get 2 boxes, 10 all together.

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