Does this work? would i see results. Could it be and alternative to injects and i could use this with an oral steroid var, winny?
No this is not going to work for you. Use testosterone injections. If you really can’t inject look in to androgel.
Absolutely will not work effectively, you must inject.
50 caliber
i tied these befor, not this brand but they were 40mg with the liquid test in the capsule they did nothing for me
No stick with injections. These are meant more for trt
This productbis more like a very low does of trt. As I remember it was mostly prescribed to kids with low T. If you going to do this you go all the way and do it right. This will only upset you not because the waist of money but the overall lack of results you will achieve by taking this product. Get yourself some testosterone cypionate or Enathate and pin once a week to start instead of twice a week. Have someone pin you. Its not bad at all. Dont let the neesle size full you. Good luck
If it’s capusles, or gel, or cream etc I do not recommend as it doesn’t have the same potent that injectables have.