Has anyone tried Dbol made by Alpha or BM? If so any good results?
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Orale Papi, I have triend alphabol dbol by Alpha pharma and it made me sick. I couldn`t eat on it so I stopped taking it. This doesn`t mean it isn`t good or won`t work well for other people. Just didn`t agree with me. I started out splitting 10mg into am and pm dosages and worked up to 40mg/day, starting getting sick and titrated back down and had to come off. For me, adrol works way better for building muscle since I don`t get sick on it. Thanks for the question
[email protected] User profile
Used BM with very very good results! Put on a solid 7 pounds in 2 weeks. All brands on 24roids are
Roid_Head User profile Expert
I don`t know if bm produces dbol, can`t find them on the site but Alpha pharma is one of the best ugls out there. Been using their products for years.
Big Dogg User profile
Havent used there Dbol but Alpha is a legit pharmaceutical company. I use there Proviron, clomid, and nolva often. No experience with BM but I`ve heard they`re good. If it was me I would go with Alpha. Continue reading Alphabol (Methandienone)