Is this a good company who has tried it and is it at the same quality of gp or dp?
Bob Johneser User profile
Its good stuff, comparable to gp, dp. 24roids carries solid products all around, but Magnum is top tier. Just bacause none of the products show “lab tested” yet, doesnt mean its not high quality. Read product reviews for their other products to see what people are saying. One review said magnum is the best (i think gp is though, lol) but you get the idea.
JamesEarl User profile Expert
All the products on 24roids and the labs are vetted for high quality or they wouldn`t be sold here. 24roids built a reputation over such a long span of time that you needn`t worry. I`ve tried multiple labs and they all were high quality. Read the reviews as well in case you need reassurance. Not every lab is automatically sent out for private lab tests right at the moment you look at it, but you can rest assured the products sold here are top notch. I know, I`ve tried many labs. Continue reading Bold 300