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Follistatin 1mg

Greetings. How much bacteriostatic water is put in the Follistatin bottle and what is the suggested dose for a bodybuilder? What syringe is recommended?Thank you!
Mike Jones User profile Expert

For this mix 1ml of bac water and use an insulin pen, every 10 units will give you 100mcg which is the recommended dosage.
T-dog User profile

You would put 1mL of BAC into each vial, like Mike stated 100mcg ED is sufficient.
Micheal Ervin User profile

Use 1ml of bac water to get accurate dosing every 10 units will be 100mcg the recommendation of dosing
Socaljuicer User profile Expert

As others have indicated, use 1ml of bacteriostatic water, and virtually ANY insulin syringe will do the trick. I typically just order them by price on eBay in boxes of 100. Continue reading Follistatin 1mg

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Mod GRF (1-29) 5mg (CJC-1295 no DAC) Modified Growth Releasing Factor

is this a blended mix of the two? If so what is the recommended dosing?
nickname_464 User profile

So mod GRF 1-29 is the same as CJC-1295, just different names for describing product. Most people start will 500mcg dosed once daily either before bed or after a workout. Of course if no sides tou can work your dose up. It`s a 5mg bottle so if you add 5ml of water, 1/2ml will equal 500mcg. Remember peptides can sometimes take a while to kick in and are not always worth the cost on theor own, but are better when added to other products. Hope this helps. Best of luck.
Serp User profile

thanks for the reply. Question for you if you dont mind. I am looking at a CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg (Blend). Would I load 5ML Bac water? And what dose per day would you suggest? thanks

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Mod GRF (1-29) 2mg (CJC-1295 no DAC) Modified Growth Releasing Factor

It does not State dose in description,my bad,, do any of you have any experience taking blood pressure pills from naps to lower about 10points ,if so what can I use
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey SOTL, I noticed that too — that it doesn`t say the dosage in the description. My doctor gives me extended release proranalol for blood pressure. This is a medicine that is for white males. Apparently there are some genetics that factor into blood pressure meds. Not sure what the best is on naps but ask your doctor for ER propranalol. They will start you at 60mg and if it doesn`t work in 4 weeks you`ll go up from there. Propranalol is a great medication and I love being on it. It relieves anxiety and makes it so your sympathetic nervous system won`t go nuts. A lot of people on television take it so they don`t get nervous. I take the quick release any time I give a public speech and it keeps me super cool, calm and collected. It`s a beta blocker btw. Thanks for the question.
Big Dogg User profile

For a 10 point reduction hibiscus tea works for me. Also if you`re not taking potassium and magnesium supps you should. I use one made for keto diet that had high amounts of potassium.
Drew User profile

I also take Carvdalol for my bp and that stuff works great I take one a day and it totally keeps my bp in check. Continue reading Mod GRF (1-29) 2mg (CJC-1295 no DAC) Modified Growth Releasing Factor