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Winstrol S 50 (Singani Pharma)

Another word bad written by singani, in the box it is written Stanazolol and the correct word is Stanozolo with an O not an A. What`s up with that? Im waiting to receive some goodies from this lab but now that i notice how they write the words in english wrong makes me think twice. 24roids are you aware of this?
Will1 User profile Expert

Are you thinking the effectiveness of the compound will be less because of poor translation?
nickname_75 User profile

No, but we can get second thoughts about the legitimacy of the product, would you buy an iPhone if in the box it was written Hiphone? Lol
Swoleville User profile Expert

You shouldn`t throw stones as your very first sentence has bad English. Its not an American company producing the gear. Im pretty sure English is not their first language. Order domestic if you want something American made.
nickname_75 User profile

First of all im not american neither british,.
JSki80 User profile

Honestly I think this is a good question. 24roids hands down is the best in the Business bringing high-quality products and fair prices. I believe the community “us” and the people that run 24roids Watch out for our best interest. So if something looks a little bit off I believe it`s good to ask questions. For as big as 24roids is they might have over looked something. I really doubt this because I`ve done business with them for years and always 100%.
nickname_75 User profile

Absolutely correct, we want 24roids to be the best in everything. So this was just a heads up.
Star Fox User profile

I think OP has a valid concern and question. I also agree with everyone else in that 24roids is top and if it`s here then good to go. Good luck.
Chayseboii User profile

Why are people backing up the misspelling?!?? If you`re a company selling stuff to a different language wouldn`t you cross reference everything and make sure everything is correct!!!?!? If they don`t care about spelling then they don`t care about how they brew the gear! I love 24roids but letting this slide is not how you conduct business , especially when we`re injecting illegal substances and swallowing pills . Attention to detail says A lot about character .
nickname_75 User profile

Completely true, if they dont know how to write and dont care about that wonder if they know mats and how to calculate mgs and quantities
nickname_75 User profile

Guys please go look the latest gear pictures posted in the gear picture section and check the test prop received by a customer here, open the picture and zoom the back side of the box.
nickname_75 User profile

Im not saying the products or the lab is bunk but the lab should be more professional and more concerned about that in terms of customers
Donald_Pump User profile

As for the misspelled words, I believe it`s worth bringing attention to so the company can correct its mistake. But as for the purity and effectiveness of the product, I believe you can trust 24roids has done their due diligence to vet only the best sellers. We all love 24roids because they provide the best products so it`s only fair we hold their sellers to the same high standards. Stay swole brothers!
Weewillywinslow User profile

Yeah so I`m the one who put up the gear pic. 6 boxes of singani test pro 100 with CRAAAAAZY bad misspellings, etc on the box. I told OP, just because you don`t know English doesn`t mean you`re not a pharmalogical wizard, so like, maybe NBD, but who knows. Like a company of any decent size would probably have at least one legit English speaker on staff. Seems a bit weird, but again, if you have a fuckin doctorate and are making test pro in your kitchen but doing it the right way and don`t speak a lick of english…i`ll still buy it.
What gauge should I use to inject this? Also should I start with 50 a day then 75 then 100. What`s the beat way to use?
JD Cycle User profile Expert

I would use a 29 or 31g to pin this. I would also stay at 50 for this win. Many report 50 a day pinned is equivalent to 75-100 a day oral due to the chemical breakdown of orals.
JamesEarl User profile Expert

I always use 30 gauge needles on insulin syringes for all steroid solutions to be upfront. I`ve never noticed any problems at all, I`ve had zero to minimal pain and probably zero to minimal scar tissue. I can only suggest what works for me, good luck!
Jason123 User profile

I`d use the smallest needle it will go through. Sometimes winny crystals are hard to get through small needles. I personally hate dealing with it always getting stuck. Plus it usually hurts like hell also, so I would just drink it.
Dario1981 User profile

What do you mean just drink it. I didn’t realize you could do that. Does it give the same effect?
Joeskee User profile

U can u use a 27g but start with low dose cause injecting winstrol hurts like mutha fucka and most people can`t get threw a full cycle of winstrol but if u can best of luck cause I can`t do it it`s not worth the pain but it does work well if u can tolerate it. Good luck.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

I used Geneza test suspension and winstrol for injection and i can`t seem to pin with a 25g. I always draw with a 21g and switch the pin with a 23g. 23g that seem to be the most versatile pins since it`s not to big to pin (and barely hurts) and not too small to draw. This particular brand of winstrol you might be able to pin with 25g but i doubt you could with 29g or less. Winny is pretty crystallized even it it`s homogenized in appearance. So use 23g pin, it will draw and pin for you. If you could use 25g or 27g than good for you! But if you can tolerate the pain than you can get good gain. Oh btw i don`t get pip with winny. Guess i m lucky! Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

Winstrol injectable half-life is 24 hours so pin 50mg a day. See if you get the pump and vein like you want and then increase by 25mg. Because of its short half life you can adjust the dose daily if you need to. But i always tell the brothers “why use more when you get the same result with less?” Hope this helps!
Onyx User profile Expert

Grab the base and snap off the top. You have a white spot where to snap it. I wish you luck!
This says it is water based, but says nothing about suspension. How frequently is this injected? Also, even though it`s water based, instead of oil, does it still get injected IM only or can it go subQ? Also, can it be mixed in with the same syringe as hcg?
nickname_238 User profile

Yes inject intramuscular, and yes you can combine water base compounds together so suspension and hcg are fine together. Just don’t mix water base and oil base compounds.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

It`s suspended in water and it needed to be injected ed. its half-life is 24 hour. It`s injected like every other gear which IM at 50mg a day for 6 weeks. You can pin it subQ but i would not advice it. Some brothers even drink it. But winstrol is meant to be injected IM. It will sting since it`s crystallized, so warm it up before injection. So be mindful of the gauge of your pin. This is why you can`t pin it with hcg. Hcg used a very small volume and a very small pin. Insulin needle cannot deliver winstrol. However, hcg can be mixed with winny. Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote.
Roid_Head User profile Expert

Get it in pill form. It puts the same amount of pressure on the liver whether you inject it or take it orally. Some people drink it because it`s a C17 and can bypass your stomach. Draw from the vial, take the needle out and squirt it in your mouth.
Onyx User profile Expert

Inject in the muscle brother once per day. You can mix it with HGH. I wish you luck!
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert

The “S” is for water suspension. Shoot it everyday for best results. If this is your first time, enjoy.

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