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What are some of the pro vs con on tbol how does it make u feel I know it`s all dose dependent and a varies person to person what the best brand for this compound and does para ship from uk Europe thanks for the help
louk User profile Expert

Hey pasta what’s up man, when I took it first time I did 40mg for 4 weeks, strength and endurance went up I felt fine all the time, you need test as a base though otherwise it’s not worth it friend, good luck and and btw I got no sides at all
Cyclone User profile Expert

Para pharma does NOT ship from Europe, but rather Singapore, Ukraine, etc. I think that Tbols is one of the most underrated oral compounds – nice lean gains with basically zero sides. The only real drawback is price.
Frank User profile

Tbol is great. You`ll get good solid gains if you use it as a kickstarter for your cycle. Run it with test as a base and you can add additional compounds such as deca, tren or masteron. It goes great with everything. The one downside to it is that it is toxic to the liver so you`ll want to run liver protection. As for the brands, I like Dragon and Geneza for my orals. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote!
Afternoon Bros. Wondering how toxic tbol has been for you all. I used to be able to take dbol like skittles but recently I have felt absolutely terrible whenever I take an oral. I have Superdrol that’s I had to stop a week in because I felt so terrible, I have Winstrol that is sitting there along with a bunch of Dbol, Proviron and Anadrol and have been looking at turinabol for a while for the endurance and gains. But very concerned if I buy it I will end up stopping it after a week because it makes me feel like crap. So In your experience how has tbol been to you versus your experience with other orals? Please only those who have taken tbol and at least one other oral out of Anadrol, Dianabol and Winstrol. Hopefully I can find something that works otherwise I’m giving up on orals, which I am almost going to do anyway. But yeah hit me with those quality answers. Thanks guys.
patsalos mixalis User profile

Tbol was ok for me but when I exceeded 40mg I had slight headaches. Dbol after2 weeks mad me lose appetite, don’t forget to take liver protection every day, stay safe
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Tbol for me is super mild, I didn`t notice any toxicity effects personaly, I can also take anadrol without any sides but super, dbol, winni, and even anavar at higher doses causes loss of appetite, overall shitty feeling like your sick, everything affects people differently, just start off at the lowest possible dose then dose up
BABA User profile

Tbol is one of the more mild ones and has no obvious negative side effects for a lot of users. The only one that people notice even less side effects on is Anavar.
Zach Linder User profile Expert

Wow man you have a lot of orals lol Tbol is not so toxic, it is one of my favorite orals as I have never had any issues with it. I have never ran a dose higher than 40mg and never ran it longer than 4 weeks. Hope this helps, good luck
Bearcan1 User profile

I think every one reacts differently, I fell amazing on DBOL but can`t handle anadrol at the same or even a lower dose. I would stick to what your body likes as opposed to fighting through sides.
RJB16 User profile

Tbol was super mild for me but as Bear said I also felt amazing on Dbol..
How should i cycle tbol alone essentially. pct? arimidex? dailey doses?
anonymous255 User profile

Do not cycle Tbol alone. Tbol will stop the production of your natural testosterone. This is going to make you feel awful. Use at least 100mg a week of testosterone. You will not need adex with Tbol or 100mg a week of test. Get nolva, clomid, and HCG for pct.
.50 caliber User profile

never use an aas without at least a little test. be safe use clomid and nolv for pct
Ryan User profile

40mg per day, no need for arimidex as it doesn’t aromatise. For pct, run nolva at 40 mg per day for weeks 1-2, 20mg per day for weeks 3-4. By week 4-5 of the actual cycle, you are going to have a low testosterone condition btw, that’s why everyone will tell you that you need to take with exogenous testosterone.
nickname_845 User profile Expert

Potent Orals like Tbol are great for strength in short period of time and that`s about it. Tbol alone is not going to do anything for you because you can`t take it more than 4 weeks and nothing builds muscle in 4 weeks. The weight gain you see from Dbol and oxy are all water. Orals are mainly for kick starting cycle and thats about it.
Manster User profile

I wouldnt try to run it alone. Use a test base and use tbol to jumpstart your cycle of test e. Run it the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle.
Charles Blaydes User profile

Not by itself like other`s have said i run tbol for 6 week`s 4 is good too that`s up too you, have arimidex in hand just in case but don`t use it daily no need. use low dose of test per week if you`re getting test run it 100-200 a week depending on how many vial`s you get but u don`t need much, tbol is my favorite oral you keep the gain`s and feel great ai low doses only if you notice symptom`s good luck
If I am going to use this as a bridge should i still do full pct after my cycle?
evan johnson User profile Expert

Yes you should still do a PCT after since Turinabol like all other steroids shuts down natural test production.
T-dog User profile

I may be biased, but I personally never bridge and just do PCT because, if i’m not mistaken, you can use T-bol in low doses during a bridge to keep androgen levels high and preserve muscle mass between cycles but remember that it is still an androgen, even in low doses, and as long as there’s exogenous androgens in your system your HPTA will not fully recover 100% because your body thinks it doesn’t need to produce it’s own.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

If your going to “bridge” it would be better to just run a “blast and cruise” or trt doses. Any testosterone or dht derivative will shit down your HTPA even low doses of anavar that’s why it’s best to run a full pct with no “bridge” if you plan on cycling off and on.
J.P. User profile Expert

Turinabol isn`t a bridging compound at all. It will essentially void your PCT efforts in a way. Best bet is to just keep it simple. Run a full and thorough post cycle therapy. Get blood work to make sure you`ve recovered. Then after some time off add that Turinabol to a full cycle and enjoy it to it`s full potential. Leave bridging to the professionals who have long ago lost their potential of producing their own testosterone naturally.

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