Hi all. Im 51 and have been in the gym since i was in high school. 6ft 220lbs. I eat just fine and am in great shape. Im on HGH 3iu a day weekends off for 7 months now. The woman young and old still give me a double look and i def look way younger then 51 (thanks 24roids!) Ive done test cycles before, never above 350mgs and got great results. Used dbal before too. I bought a bunch of these Aaster Test 200/Eq 200 vials. I really dont wanna do 600mgs of test a week. Or EQ either if i don`t have too. Will two 1ml injects for 400mg a week of each for 16 weeks get the job done? Is 400 EQ enough for a 1st time EQ user? I dont want to bulk anymore. I want a hard leaner look.Thanks bros!
voodoo User profile
400mg EQ per week is plenty. Most will tell you to take EQ more than test but 1:1 is fine imo. So 400mgtestE and 400mg EQ is good to go. Good luck.
Drew User profile
If you have taken 350mgs in the past and it worked for you than definitely start with 2mls a weeks and see how you feel. But I will say aster has great products so you should be just fine with 400mgs of test and 400of eq a month.
Skuchie User profile
I wish you would of included the brand of growth your using as I`m currently about to pick up the Hygetropin, and am curious if it`s that much better than the black tops currently on sale. But I digress, to your question, I`ve never been a fan of the testosterone/equipoise blend for the simple reason that you usually run EQ at a slightly higher ratio than a 1 to 1 that this mix is dosed at. So if you`re running 250mg of testosterone Enanthate a week, then you would probably run 400-600mg of EQ. If your at 500 mg a week of testosterone Enanthate, you`ll probably want to run 600 or 700mg of Eq. At least that`s what I`ve done and have seen the greatest results. It`s trial an error. Give it a shot at the administration protocol you outlined and if after 10 weeks you don`t see the desired results, switch it up to the ratio I suggest. Good luck.
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I ran 400 mg my first EQ cycle and say solid lean gains. You won`t notice anything at all for the first 4-6 weeks though. I will definitely be running 600mg next EQ run. I personally love it. If you run it, front load with 800mg the first two weeks.
nickname_629 User profile
EQ is VERY Mild and can be run at much higher dosage without concern of side effects. I would run 400mg of each per week, it would be better to run 200mg test and 600mg EQ, but you don`t have that option.
RJB16 User profile
If you run 400 mg you will be good. I am gonna use the same product for this cycle and will be doing it that way…
what exactly is the free bonus gift when ordering this and other aaster producs? is it the 2 free vials when buying 10
Zach Linder User profile Expert
Pretty sure it`s free viagra. Woohoo!!
EDubz User profile
Yes that`s correct for every 10 you buy you get 2 free
SteveC User profile
Yes, it is the 2 free vials. However, it I were you I wouldn`t be too concerned with the free extras. Aaster is by far the best lab I have ever tried… and I`ve tried a lot of brands lol.
Jared User profile
Every free product may differ for each item, some it`s free stiffy pills and others it`s extra product of what your buying in the first place. Either way, it`s free who cares lol
nickname_537 User profile
Viagara i believe. But freebies can sometimes change lol they`re freebies. Regardless 24roids deals with reputable companies.
LongIslandBEAST User profile
Last time I saw it said it was viagra I believe. If you want add t to your cart and then go to the cart in the drop down menu. It should say what it is in there.
Hi guys! Do you guys know what oil does Aaster use and are all their products made on the same oil? I tried their tren enan and test cyp along with Anavar and these products were absolutely the best I have ever tried. And their oil was very, very thin, almost like water. It went easily through the thinniest of needles and was totally painless. I wonder if they use the same oil (and what it is?) with other products, especially in this Pro Mass blend and Test Mix? I would like to try out these two products next along with Halo so a reply would be much appreciated. Anybody?
Nickname_745 User profile
I have never had Aaster but thin water like oils are usually MCT oil. I know Geneza uses pharma grade MCT and their vials look like water as well and super smooth. I draw and pin them with insulin syringe without any problem.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
This is a pretty new lab that does not have an informational website, so I wasn`t able to find any information related to your question. However, as another person mentioned, very thin oils are usually MCT. Perhaps 24roids support might be able to pass your question on to a contact at the manufacturer?
LegacyLifter User profile
Do you know if the cycle is working thus far? Also has there been any PIP? Otherwise that sounds great
Tommie t User profile
If your using that lab and getting great results you mine as well stick to it. Like Mentioned if the labs oil’s are thin with tren and there cyp than there mix’s should be the same oils I don’t see them using totally different oils in different compounds but either way go for it you have nothing to lose 24roids gear always come through with the best quality product at the cheapest prices
AASTER User profile
Hello Friends. Love Gear, thanks for using our products and appreciating our efforts to provide the best possible products on the market. We are very happy to hear that you like our stuff and we will be more than happy to provide more high-end products should you decide to stay with our brand for longer. As for your question. Depending on products we use different oils. All pharma grade. These specific products you asked about are all made on MCT, hence their very good viscosity and almost water-like thinness. Best regards,AASTER