Hi, I`m going to start low dose therapy maybe 150mg every 2 weeks for 12 weeks. Will I need to do a pct after this even though it`s such a low dose? If so what is recommended? I`m also considering hcg. Would this be a better option to test or should I take it with it at the same time. Thank you!
JohnSmith User profile
yes, after any dose of a synthetic, your natural production is shut down and pct is required. Also, 150mg e ery two weeks will not srve you well. it will spike your hormones and crash them. try 75mg a week.
nickname_404 User profile Expert
Just a few things, that is a low dose event for TRT and why would you only do this for 12 weeks? I expect at those doses and that duration you will have zero gains, it just doesn`t work like that. I know lots of guys talk about doing things like this thinking that they are “safer”. As i said zero gains, and you are opening yourself up to risks, injecting a foreign substance is always a gamble even at low doses for short durations, this is a controlled substance blah blah. Why open yourself up to risks (no matter how unlikely) for very little chance of any gain. either do a proper cycle or begin TRT therapy, you cant do both. but you will do as you see fit just my two cents. I would think it very unlikely that at that dose for that short time (6 injections total) that you would have a noticeable drop in endogenous T, but it will drop a so why not, although again prob not necessary. Not trying to get in your business but i would really rethink this “cycle”. In terms of HCG for TRT, this is a relatively new idea, and I have some thoughts. first the male makes very little HCG so long term addition seems risky to me. Also, constantly kicking the HTGA in the ass to constantly make testosterone seems much more harsh then simply adding a small amount of bioidentical hormone. I really think testosterone has been so vilified that the average guy will do a lot to avoid it, even if it is at his own peril IMO. Anyhow just my 2 cents. best of luck bro
Jogger User profile Expert
Bro this all depends on what you want, if you are going on trt you need at least 140mg a week, if you want to do a cycle pin at least 350-400 a week split twice, yes you will need a pct either way, I recommend Clomid and nolva bro, good luck
POOKIE User profile
I`m doc prescribed 100 mgs a week and that keeps my ng/do at 750 which is perfect. If you want to take 140 mgs every two weeks I would at least split the dose and take it once a week. With that, since you are only doing 12 weeks I recommend bumping up the dose to at least 250 a week if not more. True therapy is continuous so would either do a mini cycle or do therapy that lasts longer. Just use test for now and not HCG on cycle. Depending on how heavy your cycle is, you can use HCG at the end to get your natural test going again, but if you stick to your 140 every two weeks plan just Clomid will do the trick. Run for 4 weeks, 50 mgs daily. Good luck
Branko User profile
That dose is very low…so low that it could make you worse than you are now. Trt doses range from 100-200mg weekly . The sweet spot, most common is 150mg per week. Any amount will shut down natural production, and at 75mg a week you`ll be lucky to replace you natural level with a low level….so no point. Try 100mg a week and see how you feel after 6 weeks. Get bloodwork done, and keep it or go up the dose if need be. If your going to come off, then yes, you need a PCT. .otherwise just stay around 100-150 for as long as you feel good. If you are planning children then get on HCG, otgerwise, save that for PCT.
Anyone have any suggestions on which one I should buy?
Cyp User profile
Not sure which you`re asking? Any test cyp on here will be similar in quality.
ThePony User profile
Are you asking which test cyp to buy? If she this will do, or buy dragon pharma on sale tomorrow for 50%off
Dp cyp User profile
Dp cyp 250 is on sale for 50 percent off as the product of the week.
Kbird User profile
All test cyp here will be gtg, but as mentioned the product of the week is test cyp
john smith User profile
This one, gp cyp, dp cyp, ao many to chose from and will get the same great quality with them all.
Mike p User profile
Follow the advice above and chose dragon pharma cyp as its on sale and a good start
If I use this at a therapeutic very low dose how long will 250ml last? Also how long can I take it? Indefinitely?Thank you
Unc33135 User profile
If by therapeutic level you mean like a trt dose then around 125mg a week. One bottle would then last you 20 weeks at that dose. How long you take it all depends. You can take it the rest of your life if your on test replacement. If your dosing to bodybuild then typically around 12 weeks at 500mg a week is how its taken.
Big B User profile
Test Cyp Or Enth Will Last 14 Days Half Life. Taken Every 7 Days Is Ideal For What You`re Looking For. Bodybuilding Wise, Should Be Taken Twice Weekly. Monday & Thursday Etc.
JD Cycle User profile Expert
This is 250mg per ml and the vial is 10 ml. At 250mg a week (kinda high for TRT), it`ll last about 10 weeks. At 125mg a week, 20 weeks.
pats User profile
If you are talking about trt dose about 200mg it will last over 10 weeks bro but always have extra just in case
Matt Beard User profile
As said above depends on your weekly dose but the maths is simple enough. The amount you need varies between people so blood work will be needed to find your right amount.
Dan User profile Expert
TRT dose are 200mg per week and less. Yes you can be on trt indefinitely but it is best you consult w a doctor prior to jumping into trt indefinitely. If this is the case100mg per week is best to start with. Any higher than 200mg is a cycle. Good luck
When you get product out of maylasia what customs port does it go through when entering the United States I`m in Michigan so I was just curious which state say mine would go through first
Fit_mom User profile
Our Malaysia shipments normally come through San Francisco.
EDubz User profile
Most likely San Fran.
nickname_610 User profile
They have warehouses around the world, it can come through any custom obviously.
john dogget User profile
san fransisco man, good luck with the gear, all the best
Zach Linder User profile Expert
San Fran bro. Just had a package go through. I`ve never had an issue with customs, yet my orders are generally smaller. Good luck
Skuchie User profile
Depends on how and who it`s shipped. By boat or by air, and I`ve had one come thru JFK CUSTOMS and One from Encino in LA..