Reponse to Solidgains11 whether Anapolon is pharma grade. Yes, Anapolon is pharmaceutical grade. Abdi Ibrahim the maker of Anapolon is a legitimate pharma company in Turkey. There are a lot of pharma grade steroids on the site, some of the brands are Organon, Iran Hormone, Cipla, Aburaihan, German remedies, Zydus, and many more from india, middle east and etc… You can click on “india pharmacy steroids” and “other pharmacy steroids brands” under the “browse by brands” section to get the full list. You got a lot of bad answers from people that are most likely newbies. I respect the hustle for rewards credit but some of those answers were just completely made up none sense.
There is a lot of bad info that is given out daily on here unfortunately. People need to research before answering.
evan johnson Expert
Thank you for your answer. That is true there are many pharma products here on Naps no just UGL. That being said, I don`t think it is best to use that as a barometer for whether or not a product is high quality or not as I have gotten great results from many of their UGL products. Continue reading Anapolon