Hey, was wondering if using NPP does the same rule apply as with Deca, half the NPP/Deca to the amount of test? Any experienced info or advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance
EDubz User profile
I wouldnt say it`s a rule that Deca should be ran at half of what your test is. I would say just make sure your test is a bit higher than the Deca. Like 750 test and 500 deca is fine. I always just make sure my test is higher but not necessarily double. NPP will be a bit stronger mg. To mg. Than Deca because of the shorter ester. In other words you dont need as much NPP as you would regular Deca. Just like you dont need as much test Prop as you would test E or C. Hope that makes sence to you. Good luck.
MichaelSmith User profile
There is no 2/1 deca rule. That would mean to take 400 deca you would need800 year which I can assure you is not the case. If anything it`s closer to 1/1 ratio with test being like 500/600 and deca being around 400-500.
Mr and Mrs J User profile
I believe the “rule” you speak of is just to keep your test higher than deca. Thats mostly to prevent deca dick. Its mostly anecdotal though, I don`t run my test lower than my nandralone. And I prefer npp. I got deca dick before on nandralone decanoate running higher than test. No problems on npp with at least an equal ratio. I`m currently on 525mg test and 525mg of npp and no ed problems
JamesEarl User profile Expert Continue reading GP Phenyl 100