I want to take 100mg a week. How many CC would I need?
BigZ User profile
Are you cruising? If so 100mg a week might be enough so you want to pin 50mg mon/thurs each line is usually 25mg so 2Nd line would equal about 50mg.
ShelbieSzymanek User profile
I’m a femal and trying this for the first time.i thought 100mg would be goo to start like it says. My syringe goes up to 3ML/CC. So I should take 1ML/CC Monday and Thursday?
BigZ User profile
No no 1cc would be 250mg of test the 2nd little line on your syringe. Each line is 25mg on most syringes. For example half a cc is 125mg. 1cc 250mg. I hope that make sense
ShelbieSzymanek User profile
It does! Thank you! The advise is greatly appreciated!
BillySantos User profile
Honestly the average male produces about 50mg of testosterone a week, you`ll be injecting twice that. I`m sure that you`re aware of the effects that testosterone has on the body hair growth, bone density, facial structure, deepening of the voice, etc. You`d want to inject 0.2ml of test every Monday and Thursday. Continue reading GP Test Cyp 250