What is the best weekly dose for Mast? I hear 600 is the minimmum if you actually want to see its effects, and also I hear that you must pin ED? would it be ok to do every other day? I want real knowledge from experience not just people repeating what it says in the article
Bob Johneser User profile
If its drostanolone enanthate, twice weekly is what I do, drostanolone propionate is EOD. In only doing 100 x 2 a week, with EQ, Test, and when I added masteron, i did tighten up and round out the muscles. I usually go lighter dosages though (600/wk sounds good though).
RyanVogel User profile
I`ve heard 200-400mg a week for 8-12 weeks
PeterShenouda User profile
There is no `best` dosage for everyone – it just depends on how you respond to gear (genetics), duration of ped use, training etc.. i never recommend any dosage, I just share what I use.The ester you purchase will depend on the amount of times you need to pin, i use Mast prop more frequently (every second day) and Masteron Enanthate, I like using at least twice a week.I feel great on Masteron and most times I run it higher then my testosterone as it doesn`t aromitize. I`ve been a PED user for years and I`ve had results from 400 a week and I`ve gone up to 800 a week. (Though I always run 2 or 3 compounds together)Use a minimal dose (200 – 400 weekly) and only increase if you feel like you don`t get results, the goal is to get results from the most minimal usage possible, and only increase when you need to. Good luck Continue reading Mastebolin vial