I received my NPP and the liquid was a solid wax like substance. The whole bottle. I had to soak it in hot water for a while to get it to liquify and then a few days later it was a solid wax looking substance again. Is this normal? I`ve had voles with some crystalling before but never a complete solid state. Is it safe to inject after soaking it in hot water?
SwollSparky User profile
No it should not form a solid mass of wax. Crystalizing is normal for authentic gear at temperatures greater or lesser then the recommended temperatures. If I was you I would take a pic of it and submit the picture with a ticket to 24roids and they should replace the product that aint right man. When submitting the ticket there is an option to attach a photo and that would be your best bet. 24roids always keeps the customer happy and they take pride in that. Good luck getting the sauce replaced bro.
Bulk_Bod User profile
So I have used dragon pharma before and I have had no issues with the brand. That being said I am a big user of the nandrolone family and I have never had NPP turn solid to include dragon pharma. It should be milky white to simi clear liquid oil just like most anibloc gear. I would submit a ticket to 24roids and im sure they will help you out. They have never let me down. Good luck man.
Bob Johneser User profile
That doesnt sound like anything I have ever heard of. 20 years dealing with gear I have only had dihydroboldenone crash where the crystals bonded together. I would not risk it! Open a ticket and send them pics for sure. Good luck bro, be safe!! Continue reading NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)