I just got the suspension in. I ran it under hot water for about three minutes I still was only able to drawl about .6 ML`s in the syringe, I guess I will try to let it heat up a little longer. Has anybody use this particular suspension and the amps?
JamesEarl User profile Expert
I suggest you heat it longer under more hot water and here`s what might help, shake it for a minute or even two nice and hard. It never happened to me however and I drew it out with a tiny insulin needle without an issue, but I did shake it long and hard. Good luck!
nickname_238 User profile
Water based compounds are sensitive they tend to crash every now and then. Get a pan and add enough water but don’t submerge the vile under the water, let the water get warm not hot! Give it 10 minuets .Also It wouldn’t hurt to ask 24roids if there is anything thing they could do. Good luck. Take care.
crazy Dan User profile Expert
It doesn`t matter which brand test suspension you are using, they are all the same as far as drawing goes. I have test suspension from Dragon and GP, and they both takes forever to draw up! At least it`s not as bad as winstrol for injection. Use a larger needle like a 20g needle to draw and a 23g to pin. That`s what i did and it`s works! Drawing takes a while so just be patience. Pinning goes much faster but don`t go too fast because it will sting. As for putting it in warm water or heating it up to go in solution it`s not going to work. The precipitates will not dissolve. Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote. Continue reading Test S 100 (Singani Pharma)