New here, planning on starting my first cycle in a couple months.(3-400mg test cyp) planning on having asin & adex on hand so if I don`t respond to one I can try the other & then nolva for pct and maybe Clomid too? Here asking why isn`t there more talk about alpha pharma since it has the scratch off for the two step authentication. It being my first time, legitimacy is a big stress for me and I may just be paranoid. Could y`all recommend some top brands for everything I`m planning on to get?
Yoshi User profile
I cant speak about alpha directly, In my experience you, you wont get bunk gear from 24roids. Since gear from 24roids is so reliable I would assume that`s why no one is really talking about it. I`m currently going with Hilma, but dragons good so is genza and there is a great sale on genza right now. You wont be disappointed ordering from here and if you are the customer service is outstanding, so you can always reach out. I`d also like to suggest throwing some HCG in for your first cycle. PCT is very important and it starts with HCG on cycle. The HUCOG is a great product, 500ius a week. I split it into 250ius the day before each poke.
JMann User profile
Since it’s your first cycle 400- to 500mgs of Test e or test c, would be good, either or arimidex or aromasin will be fine. The test will start working around 4 to 5 weeks, then keep an eye on any estrogen sides, and dose your AI accordingly, 400mg should not give you crazy side effects but everyone’s different. If you take .5mg e3d would probably be alright. Same thing for your pct nova or clomid will be fine one or the other with your hcg. As far as brands go, everyone here that’s tried 24roids selection of gear knows that they don’t carry bunk, most of the labs are third party tested. Which ever brand you choose you no your getting legit stuff so don’t worry about that. It’s funny you mentioned alpha Pharma I just received a nice size order of deca and tren. It dose have the scratch off code for verification. Alpha makes great gear, also have used Dragon, Geneza, several others, great products and probably the two most popular brands on the site. Dragons test e is great quality test, would be good if you just want to run that for 12 weeks. Good luck man Continue reading Testocyp vial. (Test Cypionate) Alpha Pharma