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Omnitrope 30 IU Cartridge (Sandoz)

I just received my cartridges, but they have been in transit about 3 weeks. Wouldnt the heat and exposure have ruined these since they are pre-mixed?Also does anyone know how much to draw on an insulin pen for every 1IU ?
Jason123 User profile

I always stock up in the winter because I`m paranoid to buy gh in the summer months. Who knows if it will be a little less potent but I wouldn`t be surprised since it was probably exposed to some high temps.
EQhead User profile Expert

Hmmm no telling. I`ve always ordered unmixed. 30iu will not last long. If my math is correct 1iu would be 0.05ml (1.5ml/30iu). So that`s halfway to the 10th mark on an insulin syringe. The 10th mark being 2iu. Good luck. Cheers!
nickname_311 User profile Expert

Hard to tell get jostled all around and stuff. You`d think stuff would be somewhat room temperature. I worked with the postal service though and they had no ac in their trucks. Continue reading Omnitrope 30 IU Cartridge (Sandoz)

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Omnitrope 15 IU Cartridge (Sandoz)

does this come with the pen? if not how do I dispense? is 1iu 10 on an insulin needle?
Mike Jones User profile Expert

No to use the cartridge you’ll still need the omnitrope gh pen, you could use a slin pen and if you do 1 iu would be 6.5 units or .65 ml
JESSE PEARSON User profile Expert

No pen. But one is not needed if you have some insulin syringes.
Eddie Haul User profile

The pen is sold separate. You can also use an insulin syringe tho they are sold on naps.

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SAIZEN (Merck)

Is the Pen included in the Price?
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Since it`s clearly listed in the photo I`d think it is. But in case they claim accessories not included type of a deal as manufacturers sometimes do commonly just ask naps. Type napshelp in your search bar in the internet browser, and ask naps. They`ll get back fast within 24 hrs to 48hrs. That`d be your most informative route.
How many IU`s is this?
Dromeo User profile

You can find a conversion calculator online. They`re really easy to use and come in handy for this. Continue reading SAIZEN (Merck)