So I’ve used GP suspension before. Loved it! It mixed up well as it tends to separate if vial
CommiBiden User profile
Agreed. I add 35mg of oxymetholone per ml to mine and shoot less than an hour before. The best lifts of my life hands down. Included in that cycle is Test Enanthate Monday, Thursday. Vigorously shake the bottle for 30sec regardless.
Gymkiller70 User profile
For sure, love the suspension for a pre workout, awesome !!
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Just shake it vigorously to dilute the crystals. Additionally you can place it under hot running water along with shaking it, you may want to hold it with some tongs, like the metal salad tongs. I wouldn`t advise boiling it however due to the rubber top. But I bet shaking it vigorously and running it under very warm water would easily do the trick as well. Good luck!
EDubz User profile
What I do is get a shot glass fill it with hoy water from my water cooler or use the microwave to heat tje water then let the vial sit on there with just the top pit of the water got a couple of minutes, then shake and pin real quick. That works for me. Good luck and don`t forget to vote.
Gymkiller70 User profile
Thanx Team, I was going to try that hot water thing. I figured if it was warm it may mix better. Kinda of a pain though unless it stays mixed at that point. Regardless I’ll give it a try warming it up more. I did that last night. Maybe wasn’t warm enough. Again Thanx guys……appreciate the feedback!
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Yeah just gently swirl it around before you inject that`s what I do with all my testosterone of just to make sure that nothing separated and stuff make sure everything is good make sure nothing looks like settle to the bottom sometimes I think it`s just a psychological thing with me I`ll do it so much
Who did have experience with test suspension. Is it good for gain mass ? And to stack with what is good to cycle ? If it`s better then test e and sustanon then why is not that popular like test e and c …act ? Thank you guys
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Test C and E are popular because they only require 2 shots per week. Test Susp will require everyday injections. As far as being better, I`d say it`s more niche as better is subjective. It may be better suited for a particular cycle, while not for others. Better is just dependent upon what you`re looking for from the product.
Big Dogg User profile
Test suspension is test with no ester so it has an active life of a few hours. It is mainly used as a pre workout. You would need to inject multiple times Sunday to cycle with this. Use it pre workout and use test prop to fill in the gaps if you want to try it. It is not something I`d recommend to anyone inexperienced.
Drew User profile
To bulk you would want to run a cycle of test c or e and throw injections of suspension into the cycle to gain mass. I normally inject as a preworkout one hr before the gym.
Roid_Head User profile Expert
I use it. Some people think Test S half life is only few hours but there were studies done on horses where they still has test 36 hours after injection. Some people also don`t like the pip they get from suspension
NPC LIFE User profile
Honestly bro I don`t know why anyone would want to use it for a cycle. For steady gains and to keep mental stability our Goals are to keep our test levels as stable as possible. At the end of the day test is test.I strongly suggest sticking with test E or C.
nickname_629 User profile
There is a reason why suspension is not very popular. This only case where it would be relevant is tested athletes who are tested for test / epitestosterone testing, and what to use pre workout and clear.
I want to mix suspension 100 with Test Cip so it won’t clog my 25 gauge syringe. Suspension is water based and hardens to quick by its self.
omeed haji User profile
I will not make water with oil based while oil is harder than water to inject. good luck bro
nickname_556 User profile
Using an 18 gage to draw a bolth your suseption and cup into same syringe may help but I woudnt recommend prefixing the 2
Julio Flores User profile
Never mix oil based and water based in the same syringe. Not a good idea. Get some 29 gauge insulin pins and inject sub Q or IM for the suspension. Test C in a 25 G is fine with 1/12 or 1 inch IM
Taylor Pendley User profile
Please do not do this. Please do not mix. Use two separate injections. You can use high gauge insulin syringes with the suspension (27, 29). Use regular IM gauge with the cup (23, 25).
Nashdaddy User profile
Oil and water do not mix as im sure you are well aware. But if you do draw both in the same syringe and get them in you are going to have that same mess inside your body. Internally this isnt going to absorb well and you may run a higher risk of getting an infection. I`d be careful.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Oil based anabolics and water based ones like test suspension need to be injected separately not in the same syringe.
I heard of people taking winny injectsble orally cause it was such a pain to shoot. So has anyone ever heard of it being done with suspension 100???
N88 User profile
I havent heard of anyone taking injectable winny orally. I think the normal approach of bad pip would be to just get pill form.
omeed haji User profile
I take winny with test e and I got good results but yes u can do sus 100 to u will get good results test sus is good to kick
Taylor Pendley User profile
Please do not take sus orally. Your stomach and liver will destroy the molecule. It will not work properly. It will waste.
anonymous255 User profile
My friend drinks his winstrol. Injectable winstrol is meythlated so it can bypass the liver. Test suspension is not, so it will be waste to drink it.
nickname_587 User profile Expert
You never know if its going to survive your stomach acid and digestive system but why not get it in pill form in the first place?
Skuchie User profile
The winstrol that’s taken orally is chemically designed to be taken that way in order to tolerate digestion. It’s not like you can take injectable winstrol and shoot the liquid into your mouth!! It would be destroyed by your saliva and digestive acids, not to mention the damage it would do to your stomach. So to answer your question, NO !! YOU CAN NOT TAKE INJECTABLE TESTOSTERONE SUSPENSION ORALLY !
Is this item water-based or oil-base
Swoleville User profile
Test suspension is water based. I stay clear of it cause it can be very tricky to inject. Every time I have tried to inject the needle gets clogged.
Massgains User profile
Dragon suspension is water base but if you looking for some oil based ark carries it in on it not gained 5 this week.
Anonymousone User profile
This item is Water based and it`s pain in the ass. I always go with oil based suspension.
Dan J User profile
It is water based, it even says so in the description.
Lav3ga User profile Expert
This one is water, and you need a big tip on your dart (like a 22g) or your gonna clog up. This makes the shot hurt because of the big pin, and the water based gear. I would look for oil and make sure you warm up your injections (oil or water) to help it make it thru the pin
Scott User profile
Major PIP on these water base compounds. Stick with oil.
Does Test Suspension really grow the muscle you inject it in or is it just another bodybuilding myth?
Archangel User profile
No it does not grow the particular muscle you inject it into. It being a pure raw testosterone with no ester attached to it makes it very strong. Estrogen is definitely a problem with this stuff. Also most injections of others do not cause pain. But this one in particular does. It will make it hard to sleep hard to move. Hard to do just about anything for some time after the injection. I think you would be better off by going with test e or c. Goodluck. Lots fo articles you can read about test suspension.
mark User profile
ive pinned countless times all over,never noticed any particular area growth,with any compound. just my actual experience.
Muscle Pup User profile
It’s a myth. The test will affect all of your muscles in terms of growth
ViktorN User profile
Are you trying to get your wee wee big?? Just joking. It’s Monday :)Absolutely false! Reason you pin in the muscle (any muscles) so the hormones get into the blood as fast as possible so it can get distributed through out your body. It Reached other muscles and tell the muscle cells to do things; in your case make more protein which is the building bock of muscles. Also your need to workout too so you can tears a bunch of muscle fibers. Then those proteins repair the teared muscles and your muscle get big. Test do other things, important things but you need to take a cell bio class. :)So no. The site/muscle of pin doesn’t get big only. Hope that explains a little. Keep reading and listen to your 24roids colleagues.
Don O User profile Expert
In my opinion its just a myth, but it certainly can cause some localized inflammation which can make a muscle look a little bit bigger in the short term.
Tren Man User profile
No its a myth, what ever you get is from inflammation
Since Test suspension is water based can you inject it with insulin needle?
TT KK User profile
I have seen people do it on youtube
Micheal Ervin User profile
I do all my injections with an insulin needle primarily in the delts and quads
smalldres User profile
Yes you can. You can also inject oil based with an insulin needle as well if you back load it.
RJB User profile
Yes you can, have done injections with insulin pins many times. ..
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes it can be done but I still do mine with a standard 25 gauge inch needle
drlsuper87 User profile
As long as it is IM then I see no problem with it.