My gear is coming out of California. Is it real gear?
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Michael, YES, the gear is real gear. There are warehouses all over the world. If you want to test it yourself I recommend getting blood work done and report back your test levels. Thanks for the question
Dan User profile Expert
Several time my order was shipped out of LingBeach and other places in LA. But it took 3-4weeks to get to me. I think it`s a shipping strategy for clandestine labs. Regardless the gear are legit!
Taylor User profile
Your gear can be coming from Antarctica, if you ordered from 24roids then 999 out of 1000 times you will have legit stuff.
.50 caliber User profile
Did shipping originally start over seas and usps picked up the tracking when it hit Cali. I’ve only hear of hgh blue tops ship fro California. Although it would be nice if some more products were already in the country when we order them
EDubz User profile
Yes it`s real, sometimes it will xome from CA they have a warehouse there.
Barry Gibson User profile
Yes it is real. 24roids vets it`s vendors very well, don`t worry!
How many weeks out should propionate be cut out before a show?
barclord User profile
If you are concerned about testing, then you will need 2 to 3 weeks depending on how fast your body clears drugs. If you are not being tested, and are only concerned with water retention, then a week is plenty.
Will User profile Expert
If it`s a natural show with testing, you shouldn`t be taking it if you`re doing that type of show. If you`re talking in general taking shots out of the mix before a show, the last week is usually when youd cut injections out.
nickname_868 User profile Expert
There is section on the site called “ask an ifbb pro” register and a pro bodybuilder will answer
Ted User profile
This really comes down to if you will be tested or not. I believe that test prop is detectable for 14 days after your last pin.
N88 User profile
I assume this is for a NON tested show. It all depends on how you hold water. For most i cut test and other injectables 7-10 days before the show then keep running orals. Others that are drier two weeks out i keep them on a little longer but lower the dose then cut it out. If this is your first show cut test p out earlier vs later and see how you respond
FatDadstack User profile
2 weeks for sure then run a low trt dose to stay moving and you should be good to go.