I purchased PEG MGF 5mg. How much bac water do I need to use? And depending on how much bac water I use, what will 200mcg be? Is that a good dose? It`s 5mg in one bottle. Thanks in advance.
Traianos123 User profile Expert
The recommended dosage is 200-400mcg per day, at a 5mg vial u need 2.5ml bac water, this will give u at 10IU mark on the insulin syringe 200mcg, so for 400mcg u go up to 20IU.
How long would you suggest running this? 30 days/pin ED? or protocol similar to HGH?
anonymous255 User profile
I use this for 5-6 week cycles.
Drew User profile
I would run this product for at least 6-8 weeks injection are Ed.
RNPCLIFE User profile
Depends on your goals and what your looking for. You won’t notice any gains in the gym. Your best bang and my opinion also safest is to run HGH
Greenleanmass User profile
Yep like the other comments explained 5-6 weeks and you inject ed. God bless stay safe.
YD1 User profile
Hey bud. For optimal benefits it is usually recommended to use up to 5 to 6 weeks although many have gone much longer. In addition, it is a good idea to start low and then raise dose to so your body can adjust to it. Good luck.
patsalos mixalis User profile
5-6 weeks is ideal, good luck man
how much is used a day
Mike Jones User profile Expert
200-400 mcg a day for recovery and muscle repair.