My buddy just came into town from Vegas he is a professional dancer and he and his coworkers use this product lots and wanted to know if i had any thoughts. i`m kind of dark naturally and live in FL so i`ve never used it and don`t really have any thoughts, do you guys? Frankly, from what i`ve read it kind of creeps me out but again, i`ve never used it. Any input would be appreciated.
Md Phd User profile
The product has a direct link to increased malignant melanoma. If that`s your cup of tea then join in or keep asking questions. Many have complained of major skin anomalies such as hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation.
nickname_1 User profile Expert
From what I understand it darkens your skin like a tan with out have to be in the sun. Not sure in dosage but after you get to your desires tan you lower dosage as a maintence dosage. You can find the specifics on you tube. It is not permanent
RFB User profile
Good morning Dr Scott. I have used Melanotan II, which is a newer version of Melanotan. I did not use this particular brand, but the brand I used worked as advertised. I used 250 micro grams every day for 2 weeks, then bumped it up to 500 micro grams for another 2 weeks. Darkest I`ve ever been and I`m Caucasian but I tan easily. You need direct sunlight or the use of a tanning bed to bring out the full effect of the product. The good: makes you hyper sexual the first 2 months and helped curb my appetite. The bad: stomach cramps and nausea for the first hour. And as far as the results being creepy, the tan you achieve is a bit unnatural (think “Something about Mary,” the old leather skinned woman that Cameron Diaz`s character lived with), worked well for me in the summer months but I wouldn`t use it in the winter months. It`s relatively inexpensive and produces a great tan.
Carlos User profile
I agree. It creeps me out too. I saw a special on two kids from Ireland that are addicted to taking this. They literally look like an african couple and they live in Ireland! Really creepy and no way can be safe for you. I just use tanning beds since I live in NYC
GearHead User profile
You still need to get some sun to help the product start and retain a nice tan
nickname_464 User profile
I`ve heard of it being used as a kinda women`s type of viagra if you will. There is a YouTube guy Greg Doucette and he and his wife both use it and he has a pretty extensive video about it. Best of luck mate.