What is the best weekly dose for Mast? I hear 600 is the minimmum if you actually want to see its effects, and also I hear that you must pin ED? would it be ok to do every other day? I want real knowledge from experience not just people repeating what it says in the article
Bob Johneser User profile
If its drostanolone enanthate, twice weekly is what I do, drostanolone propionate is EOD. In only doing 100 x 2 a week, with EQ, Test, and when I added masteron, i did tighten up and round out the muscles. I usually go lighter dosages though (600/wk sounds good though).
RyanVogel User profile
I`ve heard 200-400mg a week for 8-12 weeks
PeterShenouda User profile
There is no `best` dosage for everyone – it just depends on how you respond to gear (genetics), duration of ped use, training etc.. i never recommend any dosage, I just share what I use.The ester you purchase will depend on the amount of times you need to pin, i use Mast prop more frequently (every second day) and Masteron Enanthate, I like using at least twice a week.I feel great on Masteron and most times I run it higher then my testosterone as it doesn`t aromitize. I`ve been a PED user for years and I`ve had results from 400 a week and I`ve gone up to 800 a week. (Though I always run 2 or 3 compounds together)Use a minimal dose (200 – 400 weekly) and only increase if you feel like you don`t get results, the goal is to get results from the most minimal usage possible, and only increase when you need to. Good luck
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Everybody is different, some need very little steroids like pro bodybuilder Lee Priest who uses very low dosages. It comes down to genetics. However the general consensus is between 200mg to 400mg per week. Keep in mind that masteron works well when your body fat is 10% or below. It`s a hardning cosmetic steroid mainly used for pre contest.
ItaiBenari User profile
200-400mg/W is enough imo
Simonak User profile
Honestly it just depends on you as a person since everything affects everyone differently some people can have lower doses some people need higher doses I myself do 200 mg twice per week for a total of 400mg of Mast 200 per week. If it`s something you haven`t done before I myself like to start low and see how it effects me and then go up from there. Good luck my friend
EQhead User profile Expert
I got great results at 350mg. Mast Prop should be pinned at least eod if not daily. Mast Enan can be pinned twice weekly. It all depends on the ester attached to the Drost. Start low (300ish) and increase as tolerated. 600 imo is a high dose for first time use. You want to find lowest effective dose and go from there. Good luck jerm.
Will masteron suppress your natural testosterone production? if so could you run this by itself without a testosterone base?
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes ALL steroids suppress natural testosterone production and masteron is no exception. Should be run WITH a test base.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Yes, all testosterone or dht derivatives will suppress your endogenous production, so you will need test and preferably another compound like Deca, or dbol for mass or tren/var or winni for cutting.