So 100mcg of sermorelin and 100mcf of GHRP-2 to start with per day?
JuiceNaps User profile Expert
If you`re gonna go that route then it`s not a bad starting point. Thanks for the question
.50 caliber User profile
i alwars thouhgt 2 mcg of hgh, but if your doing ghrp-2 with it you might want to start 1 and 1
patsalos mixalis User profile
Sounds good man maybe you could ask the IFBB pro on this site
Drew User profile
I would rather just take hgh but if your gunna take that than that`s a good starting.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes that is the proper dosing of those 2 compounds
nickname_464 User profile
Yes those are both acceptable doses. I like the GHRPresident after meals as it aids in processing food through your system faster and when your taking in lots of protein this can make a big difference in digestion. Best of luck mate.
how many mcg`s of sermerolin + GHRP-2 are do you reccomend per day. I am 6`2″ 230 and with real 15% body fat
RJB16 User profile
With the stuff I have read on HGH and also on this I think you need to ramp up to test tolerance. That said start with 200 Mcgs and work up from there….
anonymous679 User profile
start with 200mcg and go up from there
mchilds User profile
Most can see benefits from 200mcg. Just make sure you are eating healthy because that will increase your appetite significantly and you don`t want to taking in empty calories.
K.D.T User profile
100 mags of each is a good starting dose do a Google Search on saturation dose for both can`t remember exactly what it is buts between 10o and 200 mcgs
evan johnson User profile Expert
Start with 200mcgs and work up from there depending on your goals and experience with the drug.
Zach Linder User profile Expert
200mcg like everyone else is saying is a good rule of thumb….make sure you are ready to be hungry, this stuff rocks if used properly. Good luck