Would 2 cc of this every week be fine for my second cycle. 400 eq 400 test a week. I have adex on hand. What were the results other users of this had?
Traianos123 User profile
Yes, is a good dosage but i recommend u buy the compounds separate so u can do the dosing more easy and more accurate, for example EQ u have to take a higher dose than Test but u cant do that if your compound is premixed. Buy the compounds separate and do the dosing that u want.
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
It would be fine, but would be best to run for 16-20 weeks due to the EQ. If you had another vial if EQ on hand, I`d suggest double dosing the EQ for the first week/2 shots to get that ball rolling. If not, no big deal. Good luck dude.
nickname_238 User profile
Absolutely that would be a good starting point. If you have some experience the sweet spot would be 3cca week, great product! Enjoy the cycle. Take care.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Results will always vary. It`s going to come down to how hard you train and how much you eat. When jay Cutler was training for mr olympia I guarrentee you he was eating every for hours and probably hitting 5 or 6000 calories everyday during off season. And even during prep he was eating more then you can imagine but st the same time in a deficit. So yes the dosages are just fine but if you want to be a beast gotta eat like one. best of luck. You could always up the equipose or extend the cycle equipose is very mild on side effects
Onyx User profile
I would do 3cc per week. 600mg of each is a safe dose and you will get better results. I wish you luck!
Joeskee User profile
Yes it`s but u need to run ur test higher than eq or deca or u will be running into side affect in the long run.
.50 caliber User profile
what was your first cycle?if it was test only go with test only again but up the dose a little and run it a little longer, but if your set on this product buy some extra eq and run the stack at 400 test and 600 eq
Hey guys, I just started using this, pinning 0.5ml EOD stacked with an oral, running for 16 weeks. I completed my 2nd pin yesterday, using 25g/ 1″ needle, alternating quads. I am getting HORRIBLE soreness after injections. It`s uncomfortable to walk and down-right painful to squat down. First pin, i thought maybe it was just a bad stick, but now with the 2nd hurting just as bad, i`m not sure. This is my 8th cycle, I`ve run both compounds before this, using the same gauge needles, and always stick quads, but have never had this bad of PIP. Anyone else have issues with this blend? Thanks in advanced guys. (don`t worry, i make sure to vote 😉 )
lucasKrankowski User profile
yes for some reason I get bad pip from Dragon pharma, idk why? I used the same products with geneza and I had no issues, so I stick to mostly geneza now. I also always go in my quads. It also could be the high concentration with it be 200mg of each test and eq, so that`s 400mg in a 10ml vial. that could do it to. I`m using avogen sustanon 450mg and the pip is so bad. my quads hurt for a week each time it`s rough.
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I can`t do any quad pins, so much soreness. I use 25g on delts and glute, and 29g insulin on chest/lats. I do this to rotate sites. You cant use insulin 29g on glutes as it will likely not hit muscle unless REALLY lean. Stay away from quad and look at glute. Additionally, EOD for Boldenone and Test E is more than you need. They are long esters and you can pin twice a week, 3.5 days apart and be fine. Your delts can`t handle much more than 1 ml and I`ve put 1ml into the chest. Glutes can handle much more. Stear clear of quad pins, I even tried 31g insulin in quads and couldn`t walk still. Tried it 3 different cycles/concentrations/chemicals…..just stear clear brother.
TheMav24 User profile
Well dang, i guess i`m glad i`m not the only one. I typically use GP as well and never had too much of an issue unless i was pinning over 2ml at a time, so i started sticking to the .5-1ml and pinning more frequently. I do worry about causing damage in the quads with all the pins, but Glutes are just too difficult for me to do on my own. Funny you mention Avogen, i was just looking at their products, due to the 1 week domestic shipping promise. I guess i`ll man up, ride this out and just cry about it until my cycle is over, and next cycle i`ll go with a lower weight. Thanks for the input!
Roid_Head User profile Expert
Some people like myself don`t react well on dragon`s mixed vials. I got the same bad pip as you describe from their test blend. It maybe because the vial is too concentrated but I micro dosed eod and pinned in my delts. I got away with little pip and managed to go through the test blend.
crazy Dan User profile Expert
I think it`s the concentration you are pinning. I am pinning sustanon 4 test blend at 400mg/ml and eq at 400mg/ml and my butt is sore and painful after my first pin. I goes away in 4 days. 2nd pin was sore but not painful. 3rd pin feel like a knot at the site but no pain. It gets better each time you pin. I do glute pin and i roll on the site to help spread the gear out. that will help as well. Try rubbing the site for several minutes after pinning. Try also warming the vial up as well. Quad usually have a propensity for pip for most people. i know you don`t have issue. But maybe try glute. Sitting on the site and rolling on it really help me! I sometime pin 2.5ml so that`s why it has a knot as well 🙂 But in short, you are pinning 400mg/ml of gear so that`s concentrated. Again warm the vial before you draw may help. And don`t forget….:) Good luck buddy!
Sorry man, “see how many IU”….))) sorry, i want to say mg.
B Rad User profile Expert
Hopefully he gets the idea and knows what you meant 🙂 Ive screwed up a few few times responding and only realized it after I hit submit, it happens but weve got a good community here and usually it gets corrected pretty fast.
JD Cycle User profile Expert
They get the gist of what you mean based on the product used. HCG, HGH run by ius. Most other run by mg. Pretty common and I`ve slipped myself occasionally.
Jojo the whale User profile
Just make sure your test is always a little higher than any compound you run
Taylor User profile
Theres been a few times where I`ve typed out mgs and meant ius, pressed send and immediately went to stop it to correct it with no way of fixing it. If someone is running gear hopefully they`ve got enough knowledge to know what you meant, lol
ShreddedFreak User profile
Easy mistake hopefully he gets the idea lol
Pookie User profile
We all accidently use MG for IU for MCG etc We all knew what you meant but thanks for throwing out a comment on it =)
Wassup peeps. Hey I`m going to buy 3 bottles of this stack. I was waiting on dhb instead to stack with this Tbol I have but I guess it`s going to be out of stock longer than expected. My question is what opinion you think to run the Tbol at the beginning of cycle or at the end. Give me your pointers so I can get the best out this stack. Also I have my pct ready and also arimdex that going to be 0.5 a day
ShreddedFreak User profile
I would run the tbol at the start of the cycle other than that looks like you got a great cycle planned out! Have fun and good luck!!
Will User profile Expert
Orals meas with my appetite. So regardless of the oral and my experience with them, I always start with the lowest effective dose and build.
JeyReign User profile
I would run Tbol at the beginning 4-6 weeks.. EQ and Test are a great cycle choice, and you save some money since they both come in the same vial. Best of luck to you. Get those glorious gains
traianos123 User profile
Only 3 bottles of this stack it will not be enough, u need minimum 5 or 6 vials, also dont forget that u need to run minimum 16 weeks otherwise is pointless using it, if u plan to buy only 3 vials i will say that u better do the math, see how many IU u will use per week and how many weeks u will run this cycle, u will see that 3 vials is not enough. About Tbol, run it in the first 6 weeks of your cycle as kickstarter.
Traipse User profile
I would say take 400ng each of this per week so 400 test and 400eq. I would take dbol one month in because this is when you would be at peak test levels. I would also take the arimidex every other day or .25mg every day. Less is more don`t crash your estrogen.
Anonymous 01 User profile
Definitely tbol at the beginning to jumpstart your cycle. As far as dose, maybe start low and work your way up.
Taylor User profile
I would jumpstart this with Tbol for 4-6 weeks or even Dianabol for 4-6 weeks. If you go the Dbol route start off with 40mg splitting it up into 20mg in the am and 20mg in the late afternoon. Slowly bump that up to 60mg then 80mg stopping there towards the end.
based on the molecular weight in 1ml does this have pip?
Juice World User profile
it isn`t so bad, i mostly get the pip from gp oils, not the drugs themselves. this one isnt too bad based on the drugs mixed.
Turducken User profile
neither are incredibly heavy, but 400mg of any drug in 1ml of oil will have some pain.
FatDadstack User profile
It has pip compared to just test but nothing like test 400 or dp350. Its a good option if ran with a test base and other essentia.
Simpleton User profile
i used this for a few months, and injected a couple ccs in each glute for months. it would sweel the days after and sometimes was uncomfortable but tolerable.
jenna User profile
this blend isnt too bad. i used it a few times and wasnt sure if it was dosed appropriately, but it was without too much pip but hurt a few times.
Viking blood User profile
it isn`t toobad. i run 3 ml of this a week and sometimes add an extra ml of eq 200. ive never had an issue and pin 2ml at a time every 2-3 days.
Has anyone used this product before? And what were your results? After some research I`ve decided to run EQ and test for my next cycle. I was going to front load weeks 1-2 with 800mg EQ and 800mg test. Then weeks 3-12 run it at 600mg EQ and test. I was planning on running winstrol for the final 6 weeks, but I think I`ll save that for another cycle. Thanks for the feedback.
Papi1266 User profile
Dragon Pharma is Greg, I use them alot, I have used their test but not eq, I ran 500mgs for 10 weeks and gained 20lbs, but that was eating like crazy and pounding protein every chance I got, it`s all in the diet does not matter what you use if not eating right. Good luck
Barry Gibson User profile
Everybody is different man. I frontloaded dragon pharma EQ at literally 1,500mg per week for two weeks then did about 650mg weekly therafter with test at 250mg weekly plus 800mg primo weekly and results were less than with tren ace. Tren ace vaacularity was very good, EQ vaacularity was non existent almost. Just me though.
.50 caliber User profile
ive never used thi product before because i like to keep the mgs of eq higher than test, so that would mean id have to buy extra eq so i just get them seperately. as far as front loading goes ive done it with eq , which did not seem to help any , but never fronloaded test good luck
Cyclone User profile Expert
Absolutely fantastic combination, great for lean gains. 600+600 is a lot of gear though, I like to run 600eq and 400 test, so with this product you might wanna run 500 and 500 per week. Winstrol is a nice compliment to this cycle btw, but I would limit to 4 weeks.
nickname_219 User profile Expert
There is absolutely no need to front load It just pick a dosage and run it 800mg of test right off the bat is going to sky rocket your hormones in a bad way. Just let it come on as it builds each week you will be getting stronger and bigger it`s a waste.
BigOlRed User profile
Sounds good just make sure your diet is clean
I am looking for some advice on what to run on my second cycle. I finished my first cycle 4 weeks ago and am still running pct. I ran test e for 10 weeks at 500mg/week with arimidex, I`m taking nolva now. Any suggestions?i was thinking test e 500mg/week, EQ 500mg/week for 10 weeks and winstrol 50/mg ED for that last 6 weeks with arimidex EOD I`m looking to cut. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
Matt Beard User profile
I`m a relative novice to all this but the piece of advice I`m sticking to is to just run test only for first couple of cycles. It`s a marathon not a sprint etc. Also, you didnt state how long you are leaving it before starting next cycle but again advice I have seen a lot is to wait for at least as long as your cycle was, Inc pct.
omeed haji User profile
I would say run test at 500mg a week but EQ run like 700mg or 800mg for first 2 week and go down to 600mg and do it for longer than 10 week do it for at least 12 week or 16 week .because eq kick after maybe week 6 and 500mg is not enough for eq
Matthew User profile
Sounds like a pretty decent cycle to follow up your first. Arimadex should be 1mg every other day in my opinion and make sure you get some CLOMID and Nolvadex for your next PCT. I do like EQ but be careful with the water weight. Also it is slow acting so takes a while to show results and also takes a while to leave the system. I`ve read that it stays in your system for a year to a year and half
Lord User profile
I wouldn`t run eq for anything less than 14 weeks. It has such a long half life. I would probably go with test and masteron, test and primo, or test and dhb for 12 weeks with winstrol the last 6
nickname_464 User profile
A easy rule to follow os to only add one new thing at a time, so drop the winstrol. Run the test at 500mg a week and the eq at 600mg a week and run them together for a total of 14 to 16 weeks followed by your PCT again. The only thing with eq is it increases my appetite a lot so be careful about getting good calories in. Enjoy the marathon! Best of luck mate.
Big E User profile
For your second cycle I would simply suggest run 500mg of test again but stretch it out to maybe 12 weeks this go around and stack it with anavar and clenbuterol. Good Luck
Oh my GOD please guys can we please vote this to be 50%. Not only is the price extremely cheap considering its 2 compounds but in addition to the buy 10 get 2 free deal right now it would be a muuutha fuuuckin steal!!! Please god vote 50% off before this deal goes away
Metal Mike User profile
I would be down but I`m not really sure they honor further discounts or promotions for things that are POTW.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey coco, I think there is a misunderstanding about how deals work on 24roids. In my experience, they would not combine two deals. They would not have the 10 + 2 AND POTW on the same product. Plus, if you notice, they raise the price up to full price before cutting it in half for POTW, so it`s not as good a deal as it seems. But I feel you on trying to get the community to band together for a common cause. I`ve seen lots of posts like this and unfortunately none of them ever have any impact, sorry to tell you. I`ve tried myself with primo many times and it never works. Anyways, I hope you get this to work but don`t expect combined deals and keep in mind the price will go up before cutting in half. Still a good deal IMO. Thanks for the question.
Giovanni User profile
I don t know if promoting for Product of the week voted on 24roids question answer board is approved so I`ll stay away from this one. Be careful what goes on here fellas. We don`t want to ruin a great thing
Drew User profile
Unfortunately brother they will not honor the buy 10 get two free it the product becomes product of the week it would just be half off no free bottles.
Hiker001 User profile
I’m interested but also looking for Test C to be a POTW.
JB205 User profile Expert
I`m down
Just wanted to let everyone know that 24roids cleared it up. It is in fact just the way they do mm/dd/year in Europe. I figured as much but I also let 24roids know just in case so it wouldn`t cause any confusion. At no point did I think anything shady was going on. 24roids is 100 percent on the level with everything. In fact I`ll be placing another order with them shortly.
Trenbologna Sandwich User profile
Thanks for the info brother stay swole
nickname_704 User profile
24roids has some of the best customer service bar none orders are always on point
N88 User profile
Good to know…thx for clearing up the date question
Swolebro User profile
Good to hear bro. 24roids is the best bar none.
LongIslandBEAST User profile
I never had an issue that 24roids didn’t make right. They do a lot of business and they know it all comes down to trust. We have to trust them a lot to send that much money. Good for us because they have been around for a while and as far as I know they always do the right thing even if they mess up an order.
C30 User profile
Thanks for the notice. Now we know how they sign off on test reports. Good to know
Can anyone explain to me why this products lab analysis test date is 12/4/19? Today is 11/29/19.
Rick Flare User profile
Old products 24roids is 100%. Usually test new brand`s. Everything here is 100%
patsalos mixalis User profile
Lab tests are random not done everyday, all stuff here is legit, no worries
Test Case User profile
typo maybe..buy it____ shoot it___ get blood work____ then report back… …. if you shoot 1ml them the next day get blood work your test levels should be above 1200 … ez…. the only problem is test is so cheaply made it`s hardly ever faked. ” so they say” . EQ.. I`m not that sure on.. but it`s so week.. you might as well just run extra test vs not EQ.. but I`m still doing my homework on eq.. .. right now I only run test.. I don`t plan on play sports on getting on stage so. test is cool.. .. I had planned on running some EQ but my research showed just running a little more test is equivalent at least for my goals. save me $$ (shoulder shrug)
Larry User profile
Looks like a mistake. 24roids is credible so doubt anything scratchy is going on. Good catch though. They should correct it
traianos123 User profile
Maybe 12 April 2019 it was done the test
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
No one can say that these are 100 but I`ve known nap for years and know that this stuffs what he says it is
Hey guys. Did anyone try this Dragon stack of EQ200/TestE200? How potent is it? I like to try it for winter bulk. Can we vote for this week product of the week?
NPCLIFE User profile
I like it will definitely vote. Be safe bro
nickname_334 User profile Expert
I like to buy them separately. EQ works much better when fronloaded and needs to be taken on high doses. 700-800mg/week eq and 400-500mg test a week. They are both relatively cheap, vote for something expensive like Anavar by Dragon. If Var is not in the top 3 I`ll vote for test/eq
nickname_537 User profile
I`d suggest buying it separately so you have better control on individual dosing man. Also eq works best over 16 or 20 week cycles, it is slow build up of quality gains that are supposed to stick around. Also eq must be run at least 500mg weekly.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
I would like to push primo or some other expensive compound for POTW. We could get a crazy deal if we voted one of the bundles
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Hiw potent is it well its 200 mg equipose and 200mg test per ml. Thay answer s that. Bow if you want recomended dosages well I would tell you for first time using this I would do 2 cc per week thay 400mg eq 400mg test. If you have done both before I would saw bump it up to 3 cc per week and I would do it for 12 to 15 weeks it`s a good stack eat lean calorie surplus train hard and during traing you will notice a better traing session more energy better pumps after your done you might want to do more enjoy
Adam22 User profile
Personally i wouldnt buy this eq should be run at 600-800 per week for any results and i wouldnt go to 800 mg test while using eq. I like to purchase them separately that way i can run 400-600 mg test and 800-900 mg eq. Also i like to make sure im getting the exact dose, theres really no way to tell if you getting exactly 200 mg of each compound per cc.
My fellow 24roids! Product of the week is on the race again. So can I get some love this week with this product? Could y`all add a vote for Dragon EQ200/TestE 200 premixed vial? I am planning to get a bunch of this of it makes to POW. This way I don`t have to ask you all for another 2 years!! 🙂
anonymous255 User profile
Well I have been trying to get dragon masteron enanthate or tren enanthate up for months now. I even always get the comment that tren is always up there but it’s never dragon tren enanthate. Good luck.
EDubz User profile
You got my vote,I love EQ, and I`ll definitely be picking some up if it goes on product of the week. Something I can look forward to for one of my future Cycles.
nickname_957 User profile
ill help you out! that would be a good product especially for product of the week
YD1 User profile
What up bud. I dont think dragon will be pow for a bit. From the looks of it GP took over like no tomorrow and Id been following and doing lots of probability/math equations for a month straight. Bo matter how many votes DP gets GP will be on top. But im still holding on to DP no matter what!
Anonymous 467 User profile
Will do brother
B Rad User profile Expert
Ask and you shall receive, ill cast my vote for it.
I know this is not the forum to ask this but there’s no other way to reach out to you brothers and sisters of 24roids. Cyp has been too these couple of weeks so I will vote for Cyp for Product of the Week. But can you vote for Dragon EQ200/Enanth200 pre-mixed as well?? I have never seen this eq200/Enanth200 as product of the week and would like to stock up on this. Since this is never POTW I prob get 15-20 vials!! And you know what that mean when winter is about to arrive, Winter Bulk!! Thanks !
Ryan User profile
Ill vote for it!
Zach Linder User profile Expert
I totally agree. LETS MIX THIS UP FOR ONCE PEOPLE. We`ve seen some form of test or tren literally every other week. Let`s show some of these other compounds some love. So happy the masteron is on sale, especially Geneza, thanks guys
E man User profile
Good idea bud, you got my vote!!
nickname_518 User profile
Would love for this as well so u got my vote
Swoleville User profile
Sure you have my vote
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Just get them separate as they come up on potw.stock up on each one
Hello everyone -I`m usually very wary of blends like this, but has anyone had any firsthand experience with this specific product? Would it be easier just to purchase the Cyp and EQ separate? Is the 500mg EQ viable even though it`s such a high dose in one ml?If there is another product line that you recommend for Cyp/EQ, run it by me!I`m planning on going on for about 12-16 weeks this winter and I`m looking for the best possible course of action. Pinning is never an issue, so if I have to do it 6 times a week it`s no big deal.Thanks for the help, and have a great week!
Jock User profile
Personally, I dint like the blends. My take on it is I`m not sure how good it`s mixed and the compounds/oils have settled. I feel like it won`t give me an even amount each pin. I would stick to Drahon Pharma did test E/ and EQ. 12-16 weeks is a good cycle. EQ takes about 12 weeks to even notice any gains but you will be happy with the results. Pin 2x a week and add both Test and EQ together with each pin
Jasonz User profile
Hey mate. I`ve run plenty of dragon product but not this particular one. All of there products are highly regarded so I`m sure it will be good-real good! 12-16 weeks for this cycle is a good choice as the eq especially takes time to show results. Pin twice a week will be fine. Keep an eye on your red blood cell count as the eq can elevate this quite high putting you at risk of blood clots as I have found out. Insist on giving blood every 10 weeks if this happens. Good luck!
Matthew User profile
It doesn’t matter if you get eq and test desperately and draw whatever you need. I prefer EQ200/Enanth200 premixed since per volume i get more gear. So if I want 600eq and 600enant per week I only draw 1.5 ml per pin. But desperately I have to draw a total of 2 ml or more. And that’s at lower dose. In the end it’s preference. I m going to ask everyone next week to vote for Dragon EQ200/Enanth200 for Product of Week.
Will User profile Expert
They are a quality brand and I`ve used them a lot on multiple different compounds, but with that said, I don`t run blends. I buy each compound and then I`m able to run each at the dose I want. Overall better piece of mind when you want to be perfect on dosing of each compound. I also usually opt to go for something lower than 500mg per ml dose. I have dragon and GP EQ that have 250mg/300mg per vial. That`s my preferred method and would recommend it as I feel my levels maintain being stable running that way.
nickname_537 User profile
I`ve never had issues with 500mg/ml eq. Blends are fine, there`s zero difference between injecting different items separately or having them premixed. None.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
The equipose 500 is good but since it`s so thick I would deffinitly split the dosage. Cypionate is just fine for the testosrerone. Now this blend you would probably do 3 cc per week so that would be 600mg each and I think it would work great by if you prefer to have a lower test dosage then I would go for the separate vials. The last ti e I did equipose I just got the 300mg/ml twice a week with 250mg test. For me that worked great with less sides. Wither way you do it equipose tends to start shining around week5 and 6 I would go 15 weeks
24roids brothers and sisters. I am planning to do a Winter bulk soon. Can we vote for EQ200/Enanth200 stack for Product of the week? I m planning to stock up as well. Thanks!
Big g User profile
Sounds like a plan to me got my vote
anon5_uk User profile Expert
You have my vote. But speaking of these stuff, maybe 24roids should create a non-question section or even a forum to discuss things like this (which aren`t a question).
seoulmates User profile
Usually a moderator pulls this type of “question” from being rewarded any type of question. However, it would be nice for a general forum to make these sort of requests. You have my vote as well.
LongIslandBEAST User profile
We should try and coordinate a few products of the week in a row so we can stock up on bulking stuff for the winter and conversely in the Spring we should do the same for some lean gains gear. Test once a month then something like EQ or Tren, Deca, DHB. That would be awesome.
YD1 User profile
Ill help out. I could use some for my next cycle. But Anon5 is right. There should be a section here in 24roids with just general talk but Im sure they have there reasons why they dont. Im sure they dont want this site turning into a Messo lol. This is nice and ckean as it should be. But ill voye even though I was hoping for sone test C to use for my experiment vs TestE that im doing but it can wait.Good luck bud!
Billy Ocean User profile
I gotcha bro! Sounds good to me
Need advice: I`m 37 5`10 180lbs 10%bf and looking to start my 3rd cycle and put on 20lbs or more. i haven`t done a cycle in about 3 years. my diet is healthy about 4000 calories a day and workout about 6 days a week. 1st cycle was superdrol, 2nd was 600mg test c and 40mg d bol a week. i was wondering if this would be a good 3rd cycle?16 week cycle600mg Test E/EQ a week pinned 3xs a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)250 mg Sustanon a week (30mg test prop, 60mg test phenyl, 60mg test isocapate and 100mg test decanoate) *** (Friend told me to add this, but I think its too much!50mg D-bol12.5 EOD Aromasin500iu HCG a weekPCT:Clomid 100/100/50/50Nolva 40/40/20/20Please let me know. Thanks so much!
Gman User profile Expert
If your saying 600mg of test and 600mg of eq per week I would say that`s perfect I wouldn`t add anything else. Dbol or tbol for a kick starter I guess but really dont need it. EQ is awsome slow steady gains you could even start at 400 per week for first month then 600 the next should be a good cycle
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I would NOT run 600mg Test E with 250 Sust on top of it. That`s 850mg test per week, just different esters. If it`s your first dip into other chemicals, would only add 1 compound at a time or maybe use oral kick start. Pick SUST or Test though, no reason for both. For ease, recommend Test E every 3.5 days for twice a week (I`m a fan of Sat morning, Tues night). 500-600mg Test E. For EQ, 500-600 mg per week, but front load it. So 1000–1200 the first two weeks. Then use maybe some Dbol/Tbol for first 4 weeks to kick start until EQ “kicks” in. Would go beyond that.
Skuchie User profile
Cycle sounds good. I wouldn’t run cypionate and Sustanon, there both testosterone, just with different length of activity. And since your taking the Cypionate, I’d start the first two weeks of your cycle off with Tbol, then phase it out as the Cypionate does its thing. And being that it’s your third cycle, keep it simple and stick with just the cypionate and Eq. The rest is just noise, and you don’t know your body well enough to know what’s working and what isn’t. Your in this for the long haul now, so patience is key.
Anabolix250 User profile
As far as compounds and dosages everything your planning seems spot on perfect except for the sust. I dont think id run test and sust together. Why not just increase the test dosage or scratch the sust and keep the test the same. Hope this helps. Good luck!!!
KTUCK User profile
Just pick test e or sust adding the sust on top of the test a brings you to 850 that`s over kill exspicialy if 600 mgs is still working the rest of the cycle looks good
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Test is test no need to run two types at once. Pick one and stay with it the whole cycle if you have supply
Hello, I`m just a bit curious to why my order hasn`t showed up. At the checkout I selected 2-3 weeks shipping and it has now been well over a month. When I look into the tracking details it says “The product has arrived in the country of destination” this happened 13 days ago and it has not updated. And the estimated delivery was yesterday. However I am in Canada so the shipping and customs will probably take longer than it would if I have lived further south. Should I submit a ticket now or give it another week and see if the package shows up?Thanks
Fit_mom User profile
Normally after 30 days from shipping you should create a 24roids ticket. Canadian post may be very slow to process the order.
Swoleville User profile
Always give delivery times at least a month. After that create a ticket with 24roids for further assistance
N88 User profile
DP is always slow for me but i dont live in Canada. I`d say at least two or three times it showed up after a month…like 5 weeks from the time of the order–I didnt submit a ticket…i just waited since the USPS tracking told me that it was inbound. But regardless since the 30 days are up you have the option to submit a ticket and see if 24roids will reship
YD1 User profile
Hello, like thwy have said. Give it a bit of time then if anything give 24roids a message via chat or helpdesk at 24roids. Good luck.
nickname_610 User profile
You have to wait a month and then open ticket at 24roids . But you can use expired gear a while
Jaris User profile
Yeahh, just wait ou man, 24roids got your back covered. I contacted them few times, it can take some time, but everything will be resolved
24roids colleagues. It looks like Tren or Deca will win next week half off. I am planning to vote for whatever you bros need to start your cycle. I think I have been hearing Tren a lot recently. Either way I will vote for the second place gear the following week. This way y’all get your gears deal. But on the 3rd week could I ask you guys/gals to vote Dragon EQ200/TestE200 for me?? This gear is 2 gears in one and it’s a deal when compare concentration. Plus it’s freaking expensive. I am planning to start my winter bulk cycle in a couple of months. So this is my vote: this week 1, I will vote for Tren. Next week 2 I will vote for Deca and the third week I will vote for EQ200/TestE200. I hope you guys are cool with the plan. I could only ask. Right? Good luck to you all and thanks!
Johnny Rock User profile
Got you Victor! Happy to help. I’m trying to get some Dragon Primo 200 on sale. Please vote and help a Brotha out!
nickname_957 User profile
i will do the same, that sounds like a good plan man and it will keep most people happy.
Fit_mom User profile
Sounds like a great plan. My husband has been looking at running this for his winter cycle.
Ryan User profile
I got you ill vote for it!
VB92 User profile
Sounds like a plan, I like stocking up on sale items.
Ok so 1st day back in the gym in about 2 months. Diet is fair . I’ve had a stack sitting. Blockers are in my box. Should I be working out regularly before 1st injection of test /eq..have an extra bottle of enanthate.. I’ve ran test in the past .
nickname_464 User profile
Yes, you can start them both at the same time. However just make sure you are ready to be back in the gym with commitment as well as your diet. The only thing you didn`t mention was if you have PCT on hand. Best advice would be to have a complete PCT before you start sobig things don`t work out you can still keep your body in check. Best of luck and welcome back.
Starrstruck User profile
I say you wait. It is best to have a good solid workout routine in place before starting the gear. Get your natural gains first then use your gear to help get over plateaus and boost your size and strength to another level
Wes User profile
I’d hit up the gym for a month and get a good routine going and then blast your way to gains. Get diet in check aswell. Make sure to have PCT on hand.
John Juan User profile
Mental disopline, physical routine and great sleep schedule go hand in hand. Each play a critical role in building and fitness. The gear will help propel you further towards your goals so best to wait a few weeks and be ready to jump in with both feet. TestE takes 3 to 4 weeks and EQ is a long ester which about 12 weeks to really show so why rush. Summer is just about over. Best of luck
Marcus User profile
Dude, dont use steroids if you dont have muscle strength and stamina. Dont poison yourself for getting nothing in return. Be patient, workout natural, get stronger and leaner and then do a cycle. Thats champions do.
N88 User profile
Yes workout for several months before hitting the juice again. Never good to take compounds right when you get back into the gym
Ok so 1st day back in the gym in about 2 months. Diet is fair . I’ve had a stack sitting. Blockers are in my box. Should I be working out regularly before 1st injection of test /eq..have an extra bottle of enanthate.. I’ve ran test in the past .
anon5_uk User profile Expert
Yes, to get the best out of your cycle, you should first get back into the exercise regimen. 2 months isn`t that bad, you`ll get back on track with your lifts fairly soon. And you`ll also get that DOMS period behind before the start of the cycle.
Jake User profile
Yes its definitley in your best interest to be in physically good shape (with a good diet/workout) prior to starting steroids
ViktorN User profile
I would wait on the gear until your body get used to the workout. For example, your bone density to increase no matter how small the increase is. Your joints develop lubricants and cartilage. Etc. In a few weeks in the gym you will feel have done enough (your muscle getting max out) than you put in gear. Gear will take you to the next level. Using gear prior to max out your body would be sort of wasteful. Because you could of done without the gear. Hit eq/tesE first. Don’t use testE alone. EQ takes a while to kick in. So in 4-5 weeks both eq and enanth will kick in together. So you also have another 4 weeks to workout before gear. I am assuming you gone thru aas for several cycles. Take 1mL twice a week. That gives your 400mg eq and 400mg TestE a week. Have your Pct in your hands; clomid and Nolva. In short, workout your body first and then hit the gear. Hope that helps and good luck on your next cycle my friend!!
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Steroids are designed to build muscle, You need have a good diet regimen established before starting the use of androgens or the use of steroids will be pointless because you will lack the nutrition required to build muscle, and you should have an established exercise regimen established but as long as you have a good plan to start an dedicated exercise regimen the steroids will do their job as they are designed to do, the only difference will be the amount of time spent lifting and building muscle beforehand if working out for 2 years beforehand you will obviously have more muscle than if you just started 2 months ago, but it won’t change how the steroids affect you
Mr and Mrs J User profile
It`s not gonna hurt you if you do in my opinion. Should you wait….. maybe. But I`m not one to be waiting around. If intake a break from the gym, I start a cycle when I come back
nickname_957 User profile
def be in good shape prior to starting steroids, whether that be very lean or very muscular and lean, it will benefit you in the long run
Sup experts? I wanted to know can you stack anavar with this mix. Also when to add it into the cycle.
Zach Linder User profile Expert
Yes you can. Keep in mind, in order to reap the benefits of EQ, this cycle should be extended around 16 weeks.Adding in var around maybe week 8 or week 10 would allow you to get the most out of it, as EQ would just start to kick in around that time
Lav3ga User profile Expert
Anavar goes great with just about everything man. I`m a big proponent of EQ as well. Like the endurance it brings. I would run this about 3 cc a week along with 50mg var daily dosed 10mg am, 30mg pre workout, 10mg bed time. Run a bit of AI for the test and crank up the training volume.
Will User profile Expert
Anavar or another oral would stack perfectly fine. At what point of the cycle is completely up to you. Some take the oral for the first 4 weeks to get a boost while the injectables build in your system. Some take during the last 4 weeks to get that last push before the cycle ends. No wrong answer to when you throw it in.
nickname_537 User profile
Anavar is mild on the liver so you can. 12 weeks anavar seem good but 10 weeks is fine. Anavar is mild and not so strong so it needs to be taken longer than other orals. But a aver still cannot be abused because it can still cause liver damage if done in excess. Also less than 50mg anavar daily is probably not worth it. Shoot for 50mg and build up to 70mg or 80mg. Don`t go over 80mg or 90mg though.
Scott User profile
EQ needs a 14-16 week cycle. I wouldn’t run any oral longer than 6-8 weeks. Mild, harsh, whatever. Make sure to run some TUDCA and NAC while running orals.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes anavar would be a great addition to any cutting or recomping stack using this mix. Take 50mg ed for the last 6-8 weeks of your cycle.
For my 1st cycle i used 1ml on monday and 1ml on Thursday. For my 2nd cycle im thinking about 1ml on monday and 1ml of the test-deca mix on thursday does this sound like a good 2nd cycle
Zach Linder User profile Expert
choose one or the other (Deca or EQ)..no need for both. Have an AI, SERM, and have pct ready. If you choose deca, grab some caberson (get everything now before you start!). Good Luck
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I would recommend you do EQ OR Deca. I would recommend Deca if you`re looking for size. You can add an oral kick start if you want (Adrol, Dbol, Tbol, etc). One thing to remember is that Deca and EQ are LONG esters and can take a month to notice any effects. Since you didn`t list cycle length, I assume a standard 12 week? If you`re going shorter you may even want to consider NPP with 1ml EOD as NPP is still Nandrolone, but a faster ester. Make sure you have caber and AI on hand and PCT like Zach mentioned as well.
Mr and Mrs J User profile
Go with deca. I`d still pin it twice a week though. Just as easy to mix it with your test injection
anon5_uk User profile Expert
Test Deca and EQ is a solid stack. However, it being your 2nd cycle, I`d choose one or the other. And I would pin the mix twice a week, not just once. 2 mL/week is good dosage but I would ramp it up to 2.5 mL for your 2nd cycle. Basically 500 mg/week testosterone and +500 mg/week EQ.
nickname_957 User profile
test deca eq is good, always more sides tho, and for your 2nd cycle i would run test with an oral
Joe Johnson User profile
I`m with JD. Course one or the other. Deca or EQ
Does anyone know how long the site will be down for”maintenance “?
N88 User profile
Are you talking about down from using bit or litecoin? My order on Sunday night said that, then i opened a ticket and several hours later got an email it was fixed. So it worked for me on Monday after i did a ticket for billing.
J.P. User profile Expert
Only thing that seems to be down is the live support feature. Although you can still message support, so while not instant, I wouldn`t say it`s down. All other features seem to be working fine. A friend of mine just submitted his Money Gram order without issue. Maybe it`s just something to do with the cryptocurrency thing like N88 said. If so, it may not even be anything within 24roids control. As far as the live support thing being offline, I personally prefer a messaging system that`s not instant. I don`t want to sit glued to my phone exchanging small talk while the person on the other end gives me the quick answer. I`d rather send a detailed message, allow them to take their time looking into an answer, then respond. What specifically is it that is not functioning properly for you?
JB Beckham User profile
Hey I just emailed with them and apparent;y they werent aware. I told the th problen and the said they would get in touch with IT.
Clive User profile
I haven`t had any problems with anything at all on here. What wasn`t working?
Jeremy User profile
Everything has been up and running on my end with no issues
ROBERT User profile
Usually when the “site is down for maintenance” you can`t even get into the Q&A screen. Regardless, it can last a few minutes up to a few hours. Just try to be patient. Good luck.
I ask a question and i guess it got deleted. If i use 1 viral a month instead of 4 for 2 months instead of 3 month cycle will i need any post cycle therapy or will i viral a month be such a low dose i wont need and pct? Second question is can i draw the viral up divided up into 4 syrynges and stick them in fridge until i need them or do they get stored in the fridge?
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
Anytime you take exogenous testosterone or anabolic steroids in ANY quantity, you suppress or shut down your body`s natural testosterone production, and as a result, must run a PCT to bring your hormone systems back online. This is the case whether you run a one month cycle, or a four month cycle, the strongest steroids, or just a few weeks of orals. All that is required to run a successful PCT is nolvadex (tamoxifen) for 30 days total – 40mg per day in weeks 1-2, 20mg per day in weeks 3-4. That`s it. Steroids can be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight, while peptides and HGH require refrigeration.
Anonymous User profile
Any anabolic compound you take will lower your natural production and yes it is necessary to have a good pct planned. Don`t draw and store, it could get contaminated and its not worth risking an infection to save 10 seconds that it takes to draw into a syringe.
RJB User profile
Yes always have a good Pct plan in place, and as stated above you shouldn`t draw and store to protect from contamination. .. .
Massgains User profile
First of all why would you bother running a cycle for two months. Go big or don’t juice in my opinion but that up to you my friend. But to answer your question you could do that yes but once again there is really no point in you running test and eq at 200mgs a week you gunna do the same amount of damage to your body as you would if you ran them both at 500 a week like recommended. And I would not pre load your pins and stick them in the frigid that would be you just asking for trouble.
GainsVille_85 User profile
You’ll need to PCT no matter what. Don’t think of it as an extra expense, think of it as a way to assist your body in getting back to normal as quick as possible. The quicker you can recover, the more gains you’ll keep. Why go through the trouble of cycling if you don’t want to keep some gains? Good luck.
nickname_27 User profile
A solid cycle needs to be at least 12 weeks. 2 months is not going to do anything for as most of the compounds you take will need 4-5 week just to kick in and storing prefilled syringes in the fridge is risky to say the least, just draw and pin.
I’m having a hard time picking this over suston 350, what’s best recommended just using one of them with nothing else much appreciated
anon5_uk User profile Expert
If it is your first cycle, I would most definitely go with sust. First cycle should be testosterone only, so that you know how your body responds to a single compound. With addition to equipoise, you will have to monitor your blood work more closely, especially for high red blood cell count. If you get sides, you also won`t know whether it is EQ or test that is causing it.
Anonymous User profile
I don`t like susta or any supposed time released test. When you run them into calculators you get massive spikes and crashes. Take Test e alone no eq.
big baby bear User profile Expert
You can get great results with a testosterone only cycle, perfectly acceptable. If youre looking to stack another anabolic on top of testosterone then boldenone is a great choice because its very low in side effects, makes you feel good, and boosts appetite. It just depends on what youre looking for, if you want to go test only then sustanon 350 is the way to go but if you want to add another anabolic then Test/Eq combo is great stuff as well, you cant really go wrong with either choice.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
EQ aka boldenone is a very mild compound and would stack nicely with testosterone, but you have to run a LOT (minimum 400-500mg per week) of it for a long time (at least 14 weeks) to notice results. For a first cycle, I would just stick with testosterone enanthate or cypionate – the previous answer indicating peak and valley of blood levels with sust is correct.
TT KK User profile
Take susta. Eq takes 12 weeks to build up enough to have an impact and susta has undeconate test too which also takes a long time to build up
mchilds User profile
I love sust so I’m partial. I always got great results, vascular and lean. Not sure why but some people get better results with sust than others. If doing 350 I wouldn’t go above 700 a week unless you are experienced. Just have AI in hand and be ready for a wild ride!
If I wanted to front load, could I do 3cc 2x or 1cc 3x for week 1= 1200mg and then go to 1.5cc 2x a week ( mon/thur ) or would 1cc 3x a week ( m/w/f ) be better? Thanks in advance!
TB40 User profile Expert
To front load this product, simple double the normal dosage for your first two shots. Since these are long esters, that means you would double the dosage for the first week (shots on Sunday and Thursday for example), then resume normal dosing thereafter. There is no real advantage to dosing this three times a week instead of twice a week, the product has a very extended time release feature in the undecylenate and enanthate esters.
Can I add this to any stack or will it be a waste?
J.P. User profile Expert
Kind of a vague question. Are you referring to 24roids pre-Designed stacks? Because they almost all come with testosterone already. If that`s what you`re talking about, then you could simply replace the testosterone that came with the stack, with the testosterone in this mixture. Or add it in depending on how high you`re running your testosterone. If you`re asking about just a general stack that you came up with on your own or something, then I`d say you need something like this mixture if you`re not already including testosterone in it. Either way, I wouldn`t say it`s a waste, but what are you talking about stacking it with?
Prototypex27 User profile
You can add this to any stack. It will only increase the anabolic activity in the body to get better faster results. Eq takes a while to kick in so grab at least two vials and run it longer than 10 weeks.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Yes this could be added to any stack for an awesome boost, unless your running eq at high dosages like 800-1000mg you won’t have profound effects but eq does make for a better anabolic environment by promoting nitrogen retention and faster recovery so it would be a good addition to a stack
How much should I take a week?
evan johnson User profile Expert
Definitely AT LEAST 2cc per week potentially more depending on how advanced you are. From my experience A LOT of EQ is necessary to start seeing results. It should also be run for at least 10-12 weeks.
T-dog User profile
This is a very specific question. But I would have to agree with Evan. 1cc 2x/wk is a great starting point. Usually a Sunday/Wednesday or Monday/Thursday protocol is used. As time goes on around 5-6wks you may add a 3rd cc at some point to make sure gains continue which would be a M/W/F dosing schedule. Make sure you run an ai with it to keep estrogen low and have a solid PCT.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
I would recommend taking 2-3cc a week, depending on what you want your test levels at, remember the higher the test levels the more dht and estrogen conversion.
Lets say i wanted to take 400mg a week. Would that be 1 injection weekly or should i divide it up and do two 200mg injections per week
jorge User profile
Enanthates last about 14 days in the body. Shooting once a week would work fine, doing i twice a week dividing the substance equally would work just as fine perhaps better but i mever took more than one shot a week
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Together this is 400 mg of test/eq. If you want 400mg test and 400 mg of eq then you’d need 2 cc a week and I would split it up 1 cc Monday and 1 cc Friday. Don’t forget your adex and pct as well.
Dan Drought User profile
doesnt matter but general rule of thumb is to split your long estered injections for stable blood levels.
Gainz User profile
With this particular ester it would be best to do 200mg twice a week. Example would be Monday and Thursdays every week. I used this schedule and had excellent results. Keeps your levels stable without dips throughout the week.