With faster esters should I pin everyday in smaller amounts, instead M/W/F I`m just staring this and have pinned 1ml twice every other day. Thanks
Swoleville User profile Expert
I prefer the shorter esters and I pin eod. You could micro dose and pin every day but that`s just to much for me. Eod works great for me but of course see what works best for you
RyanVogel User profile
I would pin every other day to prevent a a trough in your levels
TaylorPiv User profile
You want to keep your levels as balanced as possible so if youre dealing with an ester like “Propionate or Acetate” than you`ll want to pin everyday or every other day. If youre dealing with an ester thats longer acting like “Enanthate or Cypionate” you`ll want to do it twice or three times per week.
JohnSmith User profile
I always recommend pinning smaller doses everyday or a consistent schedule of eod. Never mwf, as that is inconsistent and leaves 3 days between a pin every week.
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Quick acting esters you should be pinning every single day like Trent acetate you should pain that everyday
EQhead User profile Expert
Cut Long300 is the Enanthate ester, a long ester, hence the name. I would pin this twice weekly at 2ml each pin. 400mg of each component per week. Now if you were running Cutmix150 which is the acetate and prop esters, you`d pin daily.
crazy Dan User profile Expert
It`s not necessary to pin ed even with acetate or propionate esters. eod will do! Cut Long 300 is long esters with enanthate on all the gear. So even with this particular blend i woolf recommend you pin eod or more frequency and less doses. Why? Because of trenbolone. First it does not hurt or wrong to pin enanthate eod. You don`t need to since it`s meant to be pin weekly or twice a week. Second, with trenbolone and its sides, it`s better to pin less but more often UNLESS you know how you react to tren already. Brothers who experienced night sweat and other sides will try mitigate tren sides with lesser dose. Hope that helps friend! don`t forget to vote!
Should I add Anostrozole (or something similar) to my Cut Long cycle (1.5 ml/ twice weekly)?
James User profile Expert
As far as ai usage goes it is not needed by everyone and not the best for your health to tank estrogen levels too low. So only use it if you see and or feel estrogenic side effects.
A19 User profile Expert
I agree with James. It`s good to have it in hand for if and when you need it. You`ll know your estrogen is high if you get itchy or puffy nipples. You might start crying or getting sad when you see a sad commercial on TV. If you need it, run 1mg every three days to start. Run for 2 or 3 weeks or until the sides go away. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote by clicking the up arrow by my name. Thanks.
I am running 250 mL of cypionate for low T. Once a week. Can I put in the cut Long 300 once a week. Or should I split the dose up. I was planning on as an example Saturday cypionate and Tuesday cut long 301 ML of each for a total of 550 a week.
Frank User profile Expert
What’s up Big? So here’s an honest answer. If you never ran anything other than your trt test dose, you should stay away from the trenbolone. It’s very strong and it’s definitely not for everyone. Mainly taken by experienced users. It has some nasty side effects. Instead of the cut long you should just increase your test dose to 500mg/ week. Split into two injections. Grab an AI to have on hand in case you experience estrogen related side effects. Hope that helps.
POOKIE User profile
Better to just switch over to cut long entirely and cut the single cyp until you go back on trt. Also it`s better to split your cut long half and half twice a week so you get even levels. Good luck
Barry Gibson User profile
Just go on cut long, but split it to twice weekly shots for level amounts in blood for side effect reduction.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
The cut long should be a minimum 3 cc per week you can do it in 1 pin but better to split it up just make sure your diet fits your goals
Joeskee User profile
If you have low -t there`s no reason to run a cut long. If it was me I would just up your testosterone to 500mg a week split up and you should feel better and look better.
which is better for (cut)**Cut long 300(Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate)_______or________ **cut mix 150(Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate) enanthate??? Or propionate???
BigOlRed User profile
I would go with the enanthate versions there is less dosing you can take it twice a week rather than every other day the only difference is how long it stays in your system
JB205 User profile Expert
If you have run tren in the past and no issues, cut long is better to pin less. I still prefer cut mix 150 with shorter esters even though you have to pin 1ml EOD. Pinning dosen`t bother me to much and the results I got for cut mix 150 were awesome. I loved this mix and it`s my go to mix come spring and summer to shed any extra fat and water retention. Just be aware, after I pin tren for extended periods of time, I`ll start getting tren cough often and that sucks.
Chris User profile
I definitely prefer the shorter eaters as I can adjust my response to the Tren easier, and prefer to have a shorter prep. Shorter is also better to have less water retention as you`re cutting.
john smith User profile
These blends are awesome and the perfect stack for anyone looking to get shredded. I prefer the shorter eaters to the long ones. They are definitely better if you are sensitive to sides with Tren, so you can lower doses if you experience them. Also, it makes for a quicker cut!
John smith User profile
These blends are awesome and the perfect stack for anyone looking to get shredded. I prefer the shorter eaters to the long ones. They are definitely better if you are sensitive to sides with Tren, so you can lower doses if you experience them. Also, it makes for a quicker cut!
Htown User profile
If this is your first cycle don`t try either, if this isn`t your first cycle id go with 300 long. It is cutting season and tren is always a favorite, which is included in that mix. Myself personally don`t use mix`s because it doesn`t allow me to adjust my levels of each substance. But to each their own.
Ok, question related to an already asked dosing question. With each dose containing 100mg of each substance and if you did 2 doses of 1 ml each a week, wouldn`t that be considered lower doses? Was thinking like 1 ml EOD or like 2ml twice a week and maybe say extra 100 mg of test a week to have my test a little higher than my tren? Thanks in advance! And I have ran a lower dose cycle of tren before.
John User profile
Yes that would be considered on the low end but you`d be surprised how much you can gain off that low dose. It`s a pretty strong mix there. 2ml twice a week would be my preference. It`s always best to go a little lower and see how you respond. You can always up your dose in a few weeks if you feel like it`s too low
nickname_764 User profile
yes you can so that. aee how your body feels on it everyone is different.
Taylor User profile
That would be considered the lower end of what you could do. 200mg-500/600mg is normal. It really depends on how your body reacts and if you`re running maintenance with your cycle.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey James, this is the reason that I don`t get blends. I buy the compounds separately so I can control the dosing more effectively. The idea with this is that there`s 300mg/mL so 2mL/week is 600mL, or a strong total dose of gear. You are correct — You probably want more than 200mg/week of each. If you want to run 400mg/week of each then you will need 4mL/week which sounds about right to me for a starting dose. Thanks for the question
pats User profile
That’s consider a low dose you can do it and see how you react with caution bro
RJB16 User profile
Always see how you body feels… Then go from there…
When the hell are they going to restock all this gear? Do they have a date?
MegaCycle User profile
You have to open a ticket to get an answer from them but the corona virus probably has some effects on it
Skuchie(2) User profile
After the Coronavirus is contained and all the laboratory`s are scrubbed and sterilized. Or they move manufacturing.
Regan Blake User profile
I think even 24roids isn`t sure due to things that are going on in China. Hopefully it will be sooner than two weeks. But for the product you are looking for why don`t you try another brand? For example Aaster has Perfect Mass Mix which is pretty similar but with higher dosage of 500mg. It is a great product with tons of positive reviews. Anyways, you have still many brands to choose from on 24roids!
evan johnson User profile Expert
Based on experience popular items are restocked within 2-4 weeks. No there is never a set date unless it is listed on the product. Could be any day.
Dan User profile Expert
You tell me!! I m waiting for dragon myself. I think one of us need to place a ticket on 24roids They maybe know. I suspect but will be about 2 more weeks. I m just guessing.
Johnny Longsockz User profile
Hopefully soon. Dragon pharms are out everywhere and it sucks. The virus going around and then the holidays screwed everything up.
how long can you run this cycle
Pin cushion User profile Expert
I would run it for 8 weeks
Barry Gibson User profile
5 weeks at 600mg per week, but a cycle should be like 12 weeks…minimum. If you`re a new user you can`t use this. It has 4 blends in it. You need like 400mg to 500mg testosterone only.
Dromeo User profile
You can run that mix for 10-12 weeks. Some people will tell you no more than 10 weeks with Tren. But I`ve run it tren for 12 weeks many times and never had any problems.
Big Dogg User profile
This has tren so if you`re asking how long you can run it you probably shouldn`t run it. 12 weeks would be the max though
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Z, because of the trenbolone I would run it in low doses for 4 weeks then see how I felt. If I felt good then I would run it another 4 weeks then continue with something else. Or run this at the end of a cycle to tighten up. Pay attention to the subtle psychological effects of tren because they can be brutal if you ignore it and keep going not knowing why you are disturbed. Thanks for the question
Cam514 User profile
I would say 8-10 weeks. I`ve heard of others taking it for 12.
I heard it`s bad to run test + tren together. As they fight for receptors and Tren wins. This apparently causes more testosterone to be kicked off the receptors. Does anyone have any feedback on this and whether it`s ok to run together or best off to run separately? Like running Tren by itself for a cycle and not stacking with test
patsalos mixalis User profile
I would not run tren alone if you want your dick to work man. Test as a base and have caber on hand, proviron can also help
Clay User profile
It is definitely recommended to run a test base with any cycle as most aas with shut down natural production. You will most likely feel like crap and lose gains easier if not.
Iron User profile
I always run test with tren. I just shot 500mg test, sometimes i do 750mg test or even 1,000mg test weekly with like 700mg tren. No real sides. None. No gyno. None. No bad blo9d labs except some elevated liver values. Doctor said it`s all good. Why? We are different man. We all react differently. However i wonder if lowering test might enhance results…but don`t eliminate test. Your body needs it.
Jay User profile
Man use test as a base and have caber on hand. Otherwise you will feel like shit my friend
Dromeo User profile
I wouldn`t trust anyone who said you can`t run tren and test together. It`s recommended that you run test as a base with ANY compound. Tren like deca shit down your natural test production hence the need to use test as a base. I always run test as a base with tren.
BigOlRed User profile
I was always told to run them together because it lowers your shut down of natural
Ok I know some are subQ ing test C & E . My ? Has anyone subQ this blend or any blend and if so . Did you have a reaction or irritation from doing it. Sure would be nice to subQ this
anon5_uk User profile Expert
SubQ has a way higher chance of leaking out from injection site than intraM. It also “burns” more. IntraM gets the compounds into your system faster than subQ. I would not subq this blend. If tren leaks from intra-m injection into subq, the area can swell up and be warm and red to the touch.
K Reyn User profile
Can`t go wrong with Dragon pharma man….it`s potent stuff and 24roids doesn`t sell junk. I`m on a cycle right now with their test e and I`m very happy. Ordering more fm Dragon on Thursday. Enjoy!
Scott User profile
I would not recommend subqing this. I wouldn’t recommend subqing anything with tren really. Can get nasty.
Lord User profile
I would only inject this IM. I can`t stand the burning of the subq injections.
Mtrain User profile
You can inject SubQ just fine. You can`t inject as much as you can in one spot as IM though. Also, there is an even slower absorption rate with subq injections. Have fun mate
Since this is a enathate how often is a injection is needed? I have taken the Cut short mix and I inject EOD
Scott User profile
You can do 2x a week, I did 3x for lower doses per pin. MWF schedule.
Will User profile Expert
Depends on how high of a dose you plan on running. If 500mg or less, 2 times a week should be good. Any higher and you`ll want to pin 3 times a week.
Mr and Mrs J User profile
2 times a week is what most will pin with that compound mix. That is plenty to keep blood levels stable. The more frequent the injection though, the better over all.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Twice per week injections are fine for this mix. An example being pinning Sunday and Thursday.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Twice a week to keep levels stable circulating in your system, injection volume will be dependent on the desired dose, generally 300-450mg a week will be more than enough especially if this is your first time I’d stick with 200mg a week
nickname_464 User profile
Twice a week is a pretty easy routine to get into. You can pin Mon and Thurs, or any two days of your choice just split the days two days apart and your good to go. Best of luck.
Should I run caber or dost. with this ,if so , whats the recommended amount ?
Robert User profile
Here is my opinion and personally what I do. When using the Cut Long 300 for instance I look at the blend of all the ingredients and I would see how I would use a PCT for each of those. So this has Test Enthanate, Trenbolone and Drostanolone. If I were to use this I would want an anti-estrogen so I would use Proviron OR Tamoxifen with Clomid. Before you jump into this cycle please read up on what you should do for your PCT. Good luck!
Lav3ga User profile Expert
Caber and dost are the same thing. And I would run this gear around 300 of each compound a week at first. This would require about . 5mg of caber every four days. If you up the dose to 500 of each then you want the . 5mg caber every three days.
T-dog User profile
Yes, always run cabaser with any nandrolone. To keep PRL issues at bay Make sure you start as low as possible, with around . 25 mg twice a week and go up from there. Make sure you don’t go too high and you should get your blood work done and have your prolactin checked to make sure it’s range and you’re not over/under-doing it.
Mike Childs User profile
Cabergoline=Dostinex Most start at 250mcg (0. 25mg) every few days and tire are depending on labs or symptoms.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Lav hit it right on the nail, dost is caber just branded. The half life of caber is around 3 days so I personally use . 25mg every 3 days when running any nor-19, I typically keep my tren to 150-300mg a week tops because after 300mg I feel like I start to get the tren side effects anything higher than 300 you need . 5mg every 3 days. If this this your first time running tren start out low and see how it affects you.
Vincent Valentine User profile Expert
Cabergoline and Dostinex are the same thing, and yes, I would run caber while on this cycle. Since this product contains trenbolone, which is a progestin based compound, you may experience elevated levels of a hormone called prolactin while on cycle. A quick google search of prolactin will tell you exactly why you wouldn`t want too much of it in your body. Side effects of prolactin buildup include gyno, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction (also known as the infamous “deca dick”), and in some cases even lactation. Caber has a long active life of about 7 days and should be taken twice a week to maintain stable blood levels of the compound. I`d recommend a starting dose of 0. 5mg per week split into two 0. 25mg doses. If you notice any prolactin related side effects pop up, you can increase that dosage up to 1. 5mg a week split into two doses, which is usually enough to do the trick. Also, as estrogen has a positive effect on prolactin, be sure to take an AI (like anastrozole or exemestane) throughout the entire duration of your cycle to help keep estrogen levels from building up in the body.
What’s a good dose and post cycle therapy?
Mike Jones User profile Expert
2-3 ml every 3 days, and pct for this cycle should have hcg from mid cycle at 250iu twice a week and then clomid as Soon as you come off at 100/100/100/50/50
Your best dosing for long ester blends like this is to inject 1m 2ml or 3ml on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this will have you dosed at 300mgs,600mgs,900mgs of each compound per week it all depends on your experience with these compoundsMake sure that you have caber or dostinex and an AI like aromasin or arimidex dosing depending upon blood work.For PCT you should use hcg with a cycle like this because it is going to shut you down hard. I would use the hcg throughout the last 10wks of the cycle leading right up until you start taking your PCT at 500iu 2x a wkThen begin your clomiphene 3wks 2wk after your last shot and stop your hcg the day before starting the clomiphene at100mgs for 2wks split each day and then 50mgs for 2wks split each day. Het blood work done to see if you have recovered natural production if not run another 4wks of clomiphene at 50mg each day.
Matt User profile
If this is the only product you are running, I would run roughly 2ccs every other day. This would give you the dose of about 600 mg test e, 600 mg tren e, 600ng mast e. However, I highly recommend with this type of cycle to run your test higher than your tren as well as adding extra masteron for aromatizing abilities of the masteron. This also will keep your libido and “boner” capabilities highe if you are running your test higher than your tren. So my recommended cycle would be…2 cc cut long every other day1 cc (250mg) text e every three days1 cc (200mg) mast e every three daysThis cycle would provide you with roughly 100mg test e a week, 1000 mg mast e a week, and 600mg tren e a week. This is a veteran cycle, however should provide EXPLOSIVE results for any beginner to veteran level person cycling. The extra test will keep size and libido up, while tren e will give impressive vascularity and size gains. The high dose of masteron will harden up the muscles nicely while providing some anti aromatizing characteristics. I also recommend aromasin 12.5 mg every three days and caber .5mg every three days to keep estrogen sides and prolactin sides to a minimum.
how much test, tren and mastron does the product consist of?
test e 100mg;
tren e 100mg;
mast e 100mg;
total 300mg/ml
Mike Jones User profile Expert
100mg of each compound the half life of the tren is 3 days so you will need to take at least 1-2 cc every 3 day, and while you won’t need an ai you will need caber with this product