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GP Turan (Turinabol)

I was thinking about running Tbol at 20mg for 12weeks and was wondering if this would justify a PCT. This would be my first time taking Tbol. I am currently on TRT and HGH already. I would be taking the Tbol for endurance sports not weight lifting. Thanks for the help
A19 User profile

You definitely don`t want to run this for 12 weeks. 4-6 weeks is recommended. You can dose up to 40mg/ day and see great results. As for the PCT. Since you`re on TRT there`s no need for PCT once you come off the Tbol unless you plan on stopping the TRT. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote by clicking the up arrow by my name. Thanks for the question.
Pump3 User profile

I am a bit confused because if you are on TRT you do not need to PCT because you will be on TRT indefinitely. If your saying you are on a TRT dose (200 mg PW or less) while running Tbol for 12 weeks only then yes you would need to run a PCT.
Zilla User profile

I wouldn`t run any oral for 12wks straight. You could probably get away with 8 wks at 20mg & that`s stretching it. 12 wks is to much stress on your liver. No need for pct if your on trt. Also, and this is just my opinion/ preference, cardarine is a game changer when it comes to endurance. Running cardarine alongside your tbol would achieve some impressive results. Continue reading GP Turan (Turinabol)

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GP Superdrol

What`s good fellas?Superdrol Anadrol or Dbol To Kickstart. All extremely toxic and I use rarely. I`m taking Liv 52, milk thistle and Liver Cleanse. I`m curious to find out what you guys prefer and why. Once again, your feedback is greatly appreciated and a tremendous help!
S-C-J User profile

I prefer D-bol because I see good results and no negative impact during the kickstart. Anadrol gave me headaches for the frist week, killed my appetite and gave me minor fatigue. Superdrol gave me major fatigue within a matter of a week (had to completely cut it out). You didn`t mention T-bol (turinabol), which is my favorite and recommended kickstarter. It provides modest but water free gains with very little in the area of side effects.
JD Cycle User profile Expert

These are all user dependent and based on what your desire it. For me personally, no superdrol (would consider tbol for lean bulk). If you`re looking for a bulk, DBOL is awesome and gives great pumps. Adrol will do the same with less water retention. I LOVE dbol, but if diet isn`t perfect you will definitely bloat. If I was bulking spring/summer, likely go Tbol or Adrol. Winter bulk, dbol. Just my preference. But superdrol trashed me.
novadesert007 User profile

I personally don`t like oral. I`ve ran over 10 cycles and whenever I use oral my liver enzyme are not good. I hate the feeling of being bloated on Dbol. Eventhough I do like Anadrol to kick start. Kick in fairly quick every cycle and I take up to 4 weeks until my injectable kicks in and SUPER SAAAAAYY mode. Continue reading GP Superdrol

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GP Stan 50 (Winstrol tabs)

Is it better to Chug down water or Gatorade with winy or it doesn`t really matter
CommiBiden User profile

No scientific data suggesting either exists. If you care about your KREBS cycle and uptake then sip grape juice and tarter sauce(potassium). But I`m sure someone on here with Pepsi stock will hate on the answer and down vote. Bro science Haters, ha,ha.
Jogger User profile Expert

Doesn’t matter bro but water is a good cleanser, take some liver support with it if u want, good luck
crazy Dan User profile Expert

Absolutely doesn`t matter what you drink to swallow the tabs! It will get dissolve in your gastric juice which is pH2. At the acidity nothing going to stay intact! So it`s all preference on taste. I personally like to take it with a nice COLD bottle of Heineken! Just joking. 🙂 Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote.
Joeskee User profile

It`s doesn`t really matter lol u can chug in down with piss for all that matters. Continue reading GP Stan 50 (Winstrol tabs)