I was thinking about running Tbol at 20mg for 12weeks and was wondering if this would justify a PCT. This would be my first time taking Tbol. I am currently on TRT and HGH already. I would be taking the Tbol for endurance sports not weight lifting. Thanks for the help
A19 User profile
You definitely don`t want to run this for 12 weeks. 4-6 weeks is recommended. You can dose up to 40mg/ day and see great results. As for the PCT. Since you`re on TRT there`s no need for PCT once you come off the Tbol unless you plan on stopping the TRT. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote by clicking the up arrow by my name. Thanks for the question.
Pump3 User profile
I am a bit confused because if you are on TRT you do not need to PCT because you will be on TRT indefinitely. If your saying you are on a TRT dose (200 mg PW or less) while running Tbol for 12 weeks only then yes you would need to run a PCT.
Zilla User profile
I wouldn`t run any oral for 12wks straight. You could probably get away with 8 wks at 20mg & that`s stretching it. 12 wks is to much stress on your liver. No need for pct if your on trt. Also, and this is just my opinion/ preference, cardarine is a game changer when it comes to endurance. Running cardarine alongside your tbol would achieve some impressive results. Continue reading GP Turan (Turinabol)