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Hey guys. I have 3 weeks of superdrol tabs on hand at 20mg/day, and I also have almost 200 tabs of winstrol 10mg. I`m thinking of running a cycle of the superdrol and wondering if I can continue with the winstrol afterwards, and if so then for how long. My goal is to bulk as much as possible, I don`t care too much for “cutting”. I would also be running test-cyp at 200-400/wk the whole time, as well as using cardarine for endurance. I`ve run one cycle of superdrol before (4 weeks at 20mg/day) and I understand the negatives of it but I`ve had excellent gains. Any thoughts on finishing off with winstrol after the 3 weeks of superdrol? Is that a good finish to continue bulking or is there another compound I should use after the superdrol? FYI I do have TUDCA, Proviron, HCG, Nolvadex, and Clomid on hand and am aware of proper PCT.
JD Cycle User profile Expert

Winstrol is not a great bulker and you will need a break between superdrol and Win. If you run Sdrol at 3 weeks, put a 3 week buffer between orals if you value the liver. Sdrol is rough on the organs and going straight to winstrol without giving time to heal is a disaster waiting to happen. If you wa t to bulk, stay away from orals and run some deca. Winstrol is primarily precontest cutting prep. You blow up quick on orals, then lose most as soon as you come off. If you`re dead set on Sdrol, run 500 test/300 deca with an Sdrol kick start to bulk. Keep winstrol for if you ever do want to cut.
nickname_88 User profile

Going off of your Key words, “I don`t care too much for cutting”…. well then sdrol and win are not the route you want to go with orals, at all… Sdrol will give you some size but at a very dry look good for cutting and it is very harsh to run for such a short time.. Win is pretty much strictly for cut… you won`t find anyone who tells you, oh yeah I just bulked up real good on a test win cycle.. Read up some more on other compounds and rethink your cycle… If you want to bulk.. go for the tried and true bulk cycle.. Test, dbol and deca.. look into that and you`ll see what I mean.. Continue reading SUPERDROL 10

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Oxymetholone 50

Whats up yall.. Has anyone used this product? What was your experience with it? Gains? Any feedback will help..Thanks and stay safe…
Unc33135 User profile

Ive used oxymetholone from many other brands, not this one specifically. This is prob my favorite if i want to put on strength fast. However i could never take it that long because i start to feel like shit. I get lethargic and a little nauseous at times where its hard to keep my appetite up. My urine becomes very dark mostlikely because this drug is terrible on your liver. So if your going to take it id say stack it with test and dont take it more then 4 to 6 weeks.
Sparky User profile

Thanks for getting back…
Jacob Lane User profile

I haven`t used this particular brand, but I`ve used GP. DP, and another UGL from a local source. It`s incredible for putting on size and strength in a short amount of time. I`ve done various doses from 50mg per day up to 225mg per day. At 50-100mg per day, which is plenty for most individuals I noticed decent gains with moderate water retention (an AI like aromasin or anastrolozol can help if it`s an issue for you or). At 150mg+ slightly more gains, but also more side effects. Increased water retention, but crazy spasms and tightness in my lower back especially at 225mg. I think best results for your money are 50-100mg per day. Continue reading Oxymetholone 50

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Oral Tren 500 (Methyltrienolone)

Is Oral Tren 500 a legit & potent product? I heard this company has a lot of fakes out there.
jason User profile

Why in the world would you use oral tren when the injectable is way better and less liver toxic? Vote for tren acetate as potw and then order next week.
Big Dogg User profile

Yea it is but I would say the way you phrased your question you have limited experience and should not use it. Of you want to use a super toxic oral go with Superdrol. I would suggest you just stick to test for a while though. Any good, popular brand will have fakes. Buying from 24roids you`re most likely to get the real deal.
Joeskee User profile

It`s definitely legit but u might as well go with injecting tren
Mike89 User profile

If it`s on 24roids then it`s good to go. I usually look at reviews and discussion on picking which brand/product to go with. Good luck!
Cyclone User profile Expert

Everything on 24roids is vetted as legit, and oral tren is absolutely a potent steroid, but very liver toxic. Better to take the injectable version! Continue reading Oral Tren 500 (Methyltrienolone)