A couple questions on this product. Is this the same as our similar toAndrogel? What are the dosage recommendations for this product? I`m assuming applied once or twice daily. How many mg/day? How many weeks at a time?? Thanks everyone!
Massgains User profile
This product is meant for men with low to no testosterone and I believe the dose is 10mgs Ed apply to shoulder or upper arm area. Has quite a few side effects tho I must say.
Mr.Hormones User profile
Usuallly the Android gems are 25 or 50 mg . You will have to look up brand to get specifics. If you are boasting you want a good 200mg atleast.
nick User profile Expert
I highly recommend you inject rather than applying creams plus some people get bad reaction with testosterone creams like itchy and burning skin.
Scott User profile
Careful with the sides on these test creams man. Rashes, redness, etc. Continue reading TURANABOL