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Winstrol 10 (Aaster Solutions)

Why the majority of oral winstrol is yellow powder and the injectable form is white powder? Wasn`t it supoost to be the same colour if it is the same substance? Also the taste of injectable is completely different from the oral if you try crush the oral in the mouth and drink the injectable. Thank you
Branko User profile

Bro ….what??? Oral is pill form SPECIFICALLY for oral use. Injectable is only for INJECTIONS, not to take orally! And it`s not the same. Oral is methylated…
EDubz User profile

The oral version and the injectable version even though it`s the same exact substance isn`t going to taste or look exactly the same one is made to take orally to go through your liver one is made to inject intramuscular. It`s not like they crush up the pill and mix it with oil and sell it like that it`s a whole different process to make the injectable version
Zilla User profile

The reason there is a color & taste difference is because the oral form has fillers & dye. Oral & injectable versions are not prepared the same
nickname_100 User profile

I read these posts RE Winstrol Injectables and people actually using it as a sublingual compound> This is designed for IM injection only. Not desinged to be absorbed via osmosis through our GI tract. If you dont want to inject use the oral version. Again to be taken as a whole unit orally through our digestive tract. Yes, will be metabolized via our liver cells. Should always be taking both with Milk Thistle and NAC to assist in cellular regeneration and inhibit ALT/AST enzyme elevation levels. Limit to about 6-8 weeks towards end of cycle. Use these compounds correctly to minimize cellular damage and oxidative stress to our systems. Continue reading Winstrol 10 (Aaster Solutions)

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Winstrol 10 (Maha Pharma)

Regardless of effectiveness, is it safe to take creatine while on a test e & winstrol cycle? Is this too much work for your liver/ kidneys?
B Rad User profile Expert

Yes it is safe to take creatine while on a test winstrol cycle.
Big Dogg User profile

Yes it is safe to take creatine. Just make sure you`re drinking at least a gallon of water every day to make use of it.
voodoo User profile

Yes. It is safe to take Creatine for workout. Made sure your are hydrate.
Jd D User profile

Yes I continue to take all my supplements during cycle including creatine
Will User profile Expert

Creatine doesn`t cause more work for your liver. It`s perfectly fine to be in creatine while on any AAS cycle. You might only ever have to worry if you`re running 4+g of AAS, which at that point I don`t think the user would care about any little extra stress on the body as that`s irresponsibly high. Continue reading Winstrol 10 (Maha Pharma)

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What are some of the pro vs con on tbol how does it make u feel I know it`s all dose dependent and a varies person to person what the best brand for this compound and does para ship from uk Europe thanks for the help
louk User profile Expert

Hey pasta what’s up man, when I took it first time I did 40mg for 4 weeks, strength and endurance went up I felt fine all the time, you need test as a base though otherwise it’s not worth it friend, good luck and and btw I got no sides at all
Cyclone User profile Expert

Para pharma does NOT ship from Europe, but rather Singapore, Ukraine, etc. I think that Tbols is one of the most underrated oral compounds – nice lean gains with basically zero sides. The only real drawback is price.
Frank User profile

Tbol is great. You`ll get good solid gains if you use it as a kickstarter for your cycle. Run it with test as a base and you can add additional compounds such as deca, tren or masteron. It goes great with everything. The one downside to it is that it is toxic to the liver so you`ll want to run liver protection. As for the brands, I like Dragon and Geneza for my orals. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote! Continue reading TURINABOL 20