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GP Test Enanth 250

Hey guys am looking to cruise on a cycle of test 250mg enanthate once every 7 days so one injection every week just that alone all year round. So basically this is like TRT but a high dose of TRT i don`t want to have to cycle on and off like your tradional gym guys who jump on 500mg for 6 -8 weeks and cycle of. Is this safe to do so just 250mg one injection every week all year round. I dont want to feel like shit cycling of tesostrone.
Jogger User profile Expert

I would try about 140 every 5 days bro that’ll be more stable, and 5 days isn’t too soon I beleive
A19 User profile

Do you ever want to have kids? If so, cruising is not what you want to do. If not, then yes, you can run test all year. With test enanthate every 5-7 days would suffice. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote. Thanks for the question.
MattBeard User profile

My only advice would be to do it and after 3 months get blood work done and you will see how it all looks. If all ok then I guess high trt is fine for you. I inject 150 every 7 days on cruise and all is well within range. Continue reading GP Test Enanth 250

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GP Test Cyp 250

I want to take 100mg a week. How many CC would I need?
BigZ User profile

Are you cruising? If so 100mg a week might be enough so you want to pin 50mg mon/thurs each line is usually 25mg so 2Nd line would equal about 50mg.
ShelbieSzymanek User profile

I’m a femal and trying this for the first time.i thought 100mg would be goo to start like it says. My syringe goes up to 3ML/CC. So I should take 1ML/CC Monday and Thursday?
BigZ User profile

No no 1cc would be 250mg of test the 2nd little line on your syringe. Each line is 25mg on most syringes. For example half a cc is 125mg. 1cc 250mg. I hope that make sense
ShelbieSzymanek User profile

It does! Thank you! The advise is greatly appreciated!
BillySantos User profile

Honestly the average male produces about 50mg of testosterone a week, you`ll be injecting twice that. I`m sure that you`re aware of the effects that testosterone has on the body hair growth, bone density, facial structure, deepening of the voice, etc. You`d want to inject 0.2ml of test every Monday and Thursday. Continue reading GP Test Cyp 250

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GP Sust 270

Wandering if I can stack this with masteron in the same pin and if so which would be best masteron 100 or masteron 200 this will be my 3 cycle and I have never mixed in the same pin and just want to see if this is an option Thanks
T-dog User profile

Yes it’s an option, simply draw air into the syringe for the exact amount of oil you want to inject, then place the needle in the vial upside down to release the air into the vial, then pull the same amount of oil into the syringe, this will keep the pressure stable within the vial. As for which ester if you’re only pinning 2x/wk then Mast 200 would be better. If you’re pinning EOD then obviously Mast 100 would be ideal.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Yes oil-based anabolics can be mixed together in the same syringe. Just do NOT mix an oil-based anabolic with a water-based anabolic like test suspension. In general 200 masteron is better, so you could do 2 injections per week, 270 sus and 100 mast per shot.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Yes you can mix sust and mast in the same syringe I personally mix my tren/test/mast in the same the only thing you can’t mix are water and oil based products but besides that any oil based products can be mixed in the same syringe and depending on your dosages if your running higher test I’d run mast 200 but if your running fairly low dose of sust mast 100 will be fine. Continue reading GP Sust 270