Hey guys am looking to cruise on a cycle of test 250mg enanthate once every 7 days so one injection every week just that alone all year round. So basically this is like TRT but a high dose of TRT i don`t want to have to cycle on and off like your tradional gym guys who jump on 500mg for 6 -8 weeks and cycle of. Is this safe to do so just 250mg one injection every week all year round. I dont want to feel like shit cycling of tesostrone.
Jogger User profile Expert
I would try about 140 every 5 days bro that’ll be more stable, and 5 days isn’t too soon I beleive
A19 User profile
Do you ever want to have kids? If so, cruising is not what you want to do. If not, then yes, you can run test all year. With test enanthate every 5-7 days would suffice. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote. Thanks for the question.
MattBeard User profile
My only advice would be to do it and after 3 months get blood work done and you will see how it all looks. If all ok then I guess high trt is fine for you. I inject 150 every 7 days on cruise and all is well within range. Continue reading GP Test Enanth 250