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Mastebolin vial

What is the best weekly dose for Mast? I hear 600 is the minimmum if you actually want to see its effects, and also I hear that you must pin ED? would it be ok to do every other day? I want real knowledge from experience not just people repeating what it says in the article
Bob Johneser User profile

If its drostanolone enanthate, twice weekly is what I do, drostanolone propionate is EOD. In only doing 100 x 2 a week, with EQ, Test, and when I added masteron, i did tighten up and round out the muscles. I usually go lighter dosages though (600/wk sounds good though).
RyanVogel User profile

I`ve heard 200-400mg a week for 8-12 weeks
PeterShenouda User profile

There is no `best` dosage for everyone – it just depends on how you respond to gear (genetics), duration of ped use, training etc.. i never recommend any dosage, I just share what I use.The ester you purchase will depend on the amount of times you need to pin, i use Mast prop more frequently (every second day) and Masteron Enanthate, I like using at least twice a week.I feel great on Masteron and most times I run it higher then my testosterone as it doesn`t aromitize. I`ve been a PED user for years and I`ve had results from 400 a week and I`ve gone up to 800 a week. (Though I always run 2 or 3 compounds together)Use a minimal dose (200 – 400 weekly) and only increase if you feel like you don`t get results, the goal is to get results from the most minimal usage possible, and only increase when you need to. Good luck Continue reading Mastebolin vial

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Induject-250 (Sustanon)

Has anyone used this product yet? I have and would like to compare experiences.
Cyclone User profile Expert

This is just standard old sustanon – nothing special about this brand (they were busted last year) and I hate the amps.Personally I would just go with geneza or dragon – impecable reputation, potency, and quality.
JB205 User profile Expert

I just used the same susta 250 from BM pharma that is standard sust mix. It was pretty good. I still prefer Dragon pharma test blend 350. But the BM pharma susta 250 price was unbelievable and I felt it gave me less sides like water retention I`ll get back acne bad if I`m not on point with my AI, yjos susta seems to have less of an effect on sides for me.
TGM User profile

The owner / founder of Alpha Pharma was busted in international court last year, since then I really have not trusted the brand. Like Cyclone said, plenty of other options out there for legit gear.
Chris User profile

Test is test is test, your experiences with one will be similar to any other except the pinning schedule and pip. Continue reading Induject-250 (Sustanon)

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Androxine (Tren Suspension)

Do we need to take this ed or eod is enough?
nickname_238 User profile

For stable bloods you want to take suspension every day. Take care.
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Opinions vary. However studies at least on test suspension suggest it does stay active up to 36hrs or so. Now this is tren suspension. I`d suspect being tren it may stay active just as long, after all it is much more powerful and again there is no ester. Now EOD is probably ok for sure. But to prevent possible sides and to err on the side of caution I`d say take it each day. As per me I`d do whatever as long as I took it EOD so far as it alloted to my weekly dosage I planned on. Heck I`d take it on rare occasion every every 3rd day if I forgot or had no time because I`m not side effect prone. Overall dosage is what counts in the end regardless. But that`s me. For others experiment, but opt for everyday or every other day. Good luck! Continue reading Androxine (Tren Suspension)