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NandroRapid amp. (Nandrolone Phenyl-prop)

When this makes POTW, has anyone seen a better priced per mg Phenylpropinate? What compares with it and injectable 50mg Oxy mixed in H2O suspension, HGH for off season rugby? Many cycles, perfect diet, no injuries 6`6″ 290lbs 32″ waist and fast.
Jaris User profile

Propionate doesnt really go on sale, usually pre mixed stacks like with tren and etc
JD Cycle User profile Expert

When it`s potw, it`s by far the best deal. But it RARELY makes the vote. Usually tren, test, and the staples tend to be the potw so people can bulk up. Many of us were fighting to get EQ as potw and it finally happened. These are ampules as well, which most don`t like. Might have better success with NPP in a vial by Dragon or GP.
patsalos mixalis User profile

unlikely to win potw probably test or a mixed product 3 in 1. good luck Continue reading NandroRapid amp. (Nandrolone Phenyl-prop)

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Nandrolone Decanoate (BM Pharmaceuticals, India)

Has anyone ordered from BM recently? They have great products at amazing prices just thick thick oil but all in all great gear! My concern is the last order I made with them I placed on March 3rd 2020 and didn`t get it until June 1st 2020. I know the covid 19 is what made it take so long but is it coming quicker now or are overseas orders still taking forever?
RyanVogel User profile

I ordered from them in July and come in first week of August they are g2g my dude
JamesEarl User profile Expert

It all depends, here`s what I mean. I placed two orders during the pandemic. One coincidentally I recieved within one week because as it occasionally happens the item was shipped from inside the USA where normally it comes from overseas. They have various warehouses. Yes I got lucky. The second order arrived within three weeks, actually 2.5 weeks or so. My third order I just placed. Of the three separate items two have not even reached the United States and it`s been two weeks now, but the third item was inside the USA within a few short days after it was shipped, it was shipped on the 5th or 6th day. It is enroute now to the final destination. So basically you can still receive some items fast, some within 2.5 or 3 weeks, while due to covid some may take closer to one month. It all depends, but if it gets delayed it`s to be expected where it wasn`t readily expected to be late due to covid. It`s not guaranteed items will be late, but the odds are higher. Continue reading Nandrolone Decanoate (BM Pharmaceuticals, India)

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NandroBolin vial. (Nandrolone Decanoate)

Anyone tested this themselves with a test kit or are we just taking people`s word for it now? Lol
nickname_311 User profile

Thing I could see is let`s add enough of the substance to show on the test. I`d like to find that shows the exact mg per mil etc. Just in this world go with it. Maybe one day it will go back like it was with doctor get you anything .
BigBro User profile

Yes I tested it with a Dave Palumbo RoidTest Test Kit and it was on point. Got a positve reaction for nandrolone within seconds. No need to worry my friend. I also tested Alpha Pharma EQ and that is also gtg. You can also authenticate Alpha products online with the alpha pharma product verification site and app. There is a serial number and security code which needs to be scratched off and entered into the alphapharma website and it tells you if it is the real deal. That way you know you are getting an authentic alpha pharma product and not some fake knock off bs. Alpha pharma is a legal RX supplier for many countries all over the world. You can buy this product with confidence. I hope you get this message and it helps. Good luck. Continue reading NandroBolin vial. (Nandrolone Decanoate)