When this makes POTW, has anyone seen a better priced per mg Phenylpropinate? What compares with it and injectable 50mg Oxy mixed in H2O suspension, HGH for off season rugby? Many cycles, perfect diet, no injuries 6`6″ 290lbs 32″ waist and fast.
Jaris User profile
Propionate doesnt really go on sale, usually pre mixed stacks like with tren and etc
JD Cycle User profile Expert
When it`s potw, it`s by far the best deal. But it RARELY makes the vote. Usually tren, test, and the staples tend to be the potw so people can bulk up. Many of us were fighting to get EQ as potw and it finally happened. These are ampules as well, which most don`t like. Might have better success with NPP in a vial by Dragon or GP.
patsalos mixalis User profile
unlikely to win potw probably test or a mixed product 3 in 1. good luck Continue reading NandroRapid amp. (Nandrolone Phenyl-prop)