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Parabolin (Tren Hex)

Not a question, just a word to the wise. I haven`t used tren hex (parabolin) since back in the day, but have been considering it in a future cycle. As i was doing my general research i noticed more and more labs supposedly containing tren hex have zero in it. The good news is that i did find 2 independent labs (not 24roids as well as 24roids) that conducted analysis of this alpha-pharma parabolin came back excellent. The other good thing is that even though they did not contain tren hex, they did contain at least the tren acetate or enanthate. I couldn`t find anything on the smaller labs 24roids carries but they really do an amazing job vetting so i`m sure its fine. Just a strange trend i`ve been noticing, maybe the cost or availability of tren hex has changed or maybe just a one (or 3) off. Either way i thought i would pass it on.
nickname_311 User profile

Thank you for this information. It is on sale as product of the week right now I was thinking about trying some myself but I`m going to go with acetate instead. If you look at the trending now what`s selling the most is it the product of the week I haven`t seen that a long time
anonymous_1212 User profile

Hello Dr. Scott and thank you for the information. If I ever did do Trenbolone I would rather do Parabolin above Acetate or Enanthate. 24roids does do a good job of makeing sure our products are tested. Would you happened to know what happened to Aaster? I asked they said “they are restocking” which tells me they are either a small lab or they had to move because they have not been on here very long after the relaunch. Continue reading Parabolin (Tren Hex)

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HelloI am confused about the pricing for this product.Is it really just one 4ml amp at 250mg/ml?So just 1000mg of Testosterone Undecanoate for $270?I have never seen such a high price for test, why is this product so pricey?
EQhead User profile Expert

It`s so expensive because it`s a brand name pharmaceutical product. Schering test or anything else will be very expensive. The UGLs here on 24roids have high quality test. My personal favorite is Dragon, but all the products I`ve purchased here have been high quality.
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Brand name pharmaceutical grade compounds cost much more as compared to generic or especially ugl products. As long as the active ingredient is there and the dosing is up to par you`re good to go.
Pump3 User profile

It has to do with brand names. I would just get the product of the week its test cyp from dragon. It`s the same as the prescription I get for TRT test cyp I notice no difference at all or on blood tests. Continue reading Nebido

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NandroRapid vial. (Nandrolone Phenyl-prop)

What is this hype about NPP? What does it do. Do you need caber for this? Is it a lean bulkier and what kinda doses do people run?
evan johnson User profile Expert

Not sure what “hype” you`re referring to but it`s basically just fast acting deca and must be injected at least eod whereas deca durabolin is more slow acting.Would hold water like deca does but whether you are “lean” or not depends on your bodyfat.
Shark User profile

Npp is nandrolone phenyl propionate. It`s deca but fast acting so the water retention is lower too. It is better than deca because water bloat is less plus it lubricates joints as well. Caber etc ai`s are not needed even on tren unless you get side effects, not everyone gets side effects or the same side effects, those who do will post it online and it`ll seem like all get them. The ones who don`t get side effects have no reason to post it online. So not everyone gets breast development etc probably most don`t but the few who do really really need the caber or ai`s etc depending on the drug used. Continue reading NandroRapid vial. (Nandrolone Phenyl-prop)