Is this suppressive in any way? ( Does it affect the natural test level?)
LongIslandBEAST User profile
Answered: Oct 26, 2019
It will not suppress testosterone, to my knowledge, but it will certainly suppress your TSH which is what is sent to the thyroid to produce T4 which in turn converts to the active thyroid hormone T3. You will definitely want to taper off this when you are coming off. I use this and get great results but use it with an anabolic otherwise you will lose muscle as well.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 26, 2019
This will surpress you natural thyroid production. Other then that it will not surpress your testosteron levels what so ever it`s not a anabolic steroid. However your thyroid will stop working on it`s own you probably need at least 30mcg a day to equal your own natural production give or take. Most will run 50mcg a day maybe up to 100 if you a week out from compettition. Just a side note dont think this is a magical pill. Most body builders who use this, use it in the final weeks of prep when there calories are already so low doing 1 to 2 hours of cardio and they add this to help get that last pound or so of fat off them after 12 to 16 weeks of hard core dieting. This is not just for a gym rat looking to tighten up. It`s not worth risking future thyroid problems. But if you have already been dieting and your down to 7 or 8 percent body fat this will help get you to 5 or 6 percent assuming every thing else is perfect
nickname_537 User profile
Answered: Oct 27, 2019
Yes it is but studies have shown that patien5s on t3 therapy for 30 years who suddenly so stopped because later it was found they were misdiagnosed still recovered in a short time. Continue reading Thyro3 (T3, Cytomel)Alpha Pharma
T3 (Dragon Pharma)
The picture shows T3 then the substance says clenbuterol. Try click the picture for yourself and see
A19 User profile Expert
Answered: Jul 14, 2020
That`s fucked up. Has to be a mistake. If you want to go with DP ask naps help and see what they say.
Jogger User profile Expert
Answered: Jul 14, 2020
Not to worry bro I have used there cy3 it has t3 clen and yohimbine it’s awesome, good luck they probably just got the pic wrong, good luck
EDubz User profile
Answered: Jul 14, 2020
That is strange, I would contact them about that one.
EDubz User profile
Answered: Jul 14, 2020
I think it may be a mix of t3 and clen.
steveo3194 User profile
Answered: Jul 14, 2020
Like everyone says, I would just click on live support in the status bar and tell them the problem in your question. I`m sure they will be quick to fix any discrepancies. Continue reading T3 (Dragon Pharma)
Sibutramine Hydrochloride (Dragon Pharma)
Anyone ever use this while dieting or cutting while cycleing test or other compounds? Any good results or is this more for heavier people trying to loose fat
Cyclone User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 19, 2020
Never heard of bros using this, but sibutramine, was withdrawn from the U.S. market after a clinical trial revealed an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Not worth the risk imho.
Onyx User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 20, 2020
Hi, it is a appetite suppressant many guys use combined with clen. I am not sure how dangerous is it considering the stroke and heart attack risk, as I have never used it but I have researched it as a combination with clen. Do your research and decide if it is the right drug for you. I wish you luck!
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 20, 2020
It`s appetite suppressant if you are overweight get your blood levels checked see where your testosterone is at if it is under 300 you want to start trt they`ll help you lose weight by getting your hormones in check. It`ll help some but it`s not the Cure All In All be all for weight loss only way you`re going to lose weight is start eating less do cardio.
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 20, 2020
Suppresses appetite however I`ve never tried it. I`ve tried clen, I`m not fond of it. I hear some use it alongside clenbuterol. Try it safely, you may like it. Everyone is different. While one person gets side effects another won`t.