So Before any of you complain and say i didn’t do my research what does 100/100/50/50 mean for clomid, so like 100 mg a day for two weeks and then 50 for the next two?? Same for Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 Thanks
K.D.T User profile
Answered: Oct 16, 2019
Yes that is what it means 100 first 2 weeks 50 next 2 weeks same with Nova 40 2 week 20 next 2 weeks but 100 mgs clomid may be overkill depending on your cycle
E man User profile
Answered: Oct 16, 2019
Yes 40/40/20/20 means 40mgs a day for the for the first 2 weeks, then 20 mgs a day for week 3 and 4. Best of luck bud
evan johnson User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 16, 2019
Yes just as you stated 100mg for the first 2 weeks and 50 for the second 2. Continue reading Clofert 100 mg (Svizera Healthcare)
Clenbuterol 40 (Maha Pharma)
Being this is my first time taking clen and I`m new to this. Can anyone recommend how much I should take? I`m assuming very low dosage to start with, but is that one pill? or breaking it up? I`m using it mainly for weight loss. Any help would be grateful.
Michael User profile
Answered: Jan 17, 2020
I like the dragon cy3. It`s clean and t3 and something else. I take 1 40mg pill a day mon-Thursday for about a month, then I take a week off and do it again. You can go 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 1 week in one week off. I like it the way I do it because I like it to be more constistant.
Hofo User profile
Answered: Jan 17, 2020
Try one 40 mg pill every other day and adjust as needed good luck bro
Drew User profile
Answered: Jan 17, 2020
I would start with 20mgs a day and work you way up like a pyramid 20/40/60/80/100/120/140/120/100/80/60/40/20 than take a break from it you only want to cycle this for two weeks at a time. Continue reading Clenbuterol 40 (Maha Pharma)
CLEN 40 (Singani Pharma)
Hey naps, i`m having trouble getting my body fat low, ive tried a little clen but that`s more for the last percentage to cut which is hard, i`m far from that, i`ve tried everything any advice or gear i can take? i haven`t done any gear yet.
Big Dogg User profile
Answered: Mar 31, 2020
Dont do any gear until you have your diet under control and weight going in the right direction. If you`re dieting and exercising (including cardio) and not losing weight your hormones are all fucked up. You could take a low dose AI or Clomid but you need to regulate your leptin and insulin. IF is the best way, and boost GH which burns fat. Never eat more than 12 hours on a day. Try to do 5/2 where 2 days you eat 600 cals and slightly lower than maintenance the other 5. You can do 1 week on 2 weeks off fast mimicking diet (600 cals/day or less). This will fix hormone imbalances, reduce insulin and leptin sensitivity and repair your liver. All cry also for weight loss. Google these things and research.
JMann User profile
Answered: Mar 31, 2020
If you have a lot to lose, I would consider investing in some hgh. You don’t have to take a lot just 2ius for around 6 months, cardio consistently is a must, as well as diet. Steroids do not burn fat but they can help contribute with muscle recomp. Continue reading CLEN 40 (Singani Pharma)