Im thinking about taking this 500 a week but going the intramuscular route, any suggestions?
Jogger User profile Expert
Answered: Jul 08, 2020
You can go intramuscular but I recommend you do it with a insulin pin in stomach fat bro, nice and easy
MichaelSmith User profile
Answered: Jul 08, 2020
Problem with putting it in the muscle is you are just adding to the recovery time needed to pin in that spot again. You can do it but if you use the belly fat it won`t interfere with being able to use those spots for your other injections.
Joeskee User profile
Answered: Jul 08, 2020
That`s the last thing u wanna do is do it intramuscular injection. Do it sub-q otherwise ur gonna waste it.
Roid_Head User profile Expert
Answered: Jul 08, 2020
The reason you pin it subq is because hcg`s half live is 24-36 hours. Muscles have higher blood flow than fat so pinning it IM will make it absorb even faster. Continue reading HCG Fertigyn 2000iu (Sun Pharma)
HCG 5000iu (Singani Pharma)
I received the free 5,000 iu. How do I mix it with bacteriost water and how much of it. ..thanks
RyanVogel User profile
Answered: Aug 10, 2020
1 ml of bac water
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 10, 2020
I highly recommend going more than 5,000 you really need 10000 to have thick successful PCT
JohnSmith User profile
Answered: Aug 10, 2020
It depends on what therapeutic use you plan on using it for. If pct, I`d mix 1ml of water and inject .2ml every 3 days for 2 weeks after your last shot. If to keep you boys full. I`d mix 2ml and inject 250 every 3-4 days
Roid_Head User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 10, 2020
Add 1ml of bac water, then roll it gently on the palm of your hand until HCG is dissolved. If you shake it, it will lose potency or even go bad. Your vial`s concentration after adding 1ml of bac water is 500iu per 0.1ml Continue reading HCG 5000iu (Singani Pharma)
Decapeptyl Depot 3.75 mg (FERRING)
Can triptorelin increase LH and fertility? Can it be used with HCG to jumpstart LH and FSH. I read that a low dose is very potent and for somebody who is trying to increase LH levels it could work.
Anonymous User profile
Answered: Apr 13, 2019
Be careful with triptorelin, at first it increases the lh and then shuts it. Its used for prostate cancer and one of the side effects is the symptom gets worse before it gets better. Basically it increases the lh production first then it shuts it down completely which means you testicles wont get any signal to produce test and as a result your test will shut down. In prostate cancer patient lack testosterone will stop the growth of cancer cells in the prostate. I just told you what it does.
anon5_uk User profile Expert
Answered: Apr 13, 2019
You use triptorelin for PCT after long blast & cruise at 50-100mcg injected intra-muscularly ONCE. Follow it with Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 OR Toremifine 30/30/15/15. Triptorelin is used in continuous manner to chemically castrate a man, but in a one off dose, has been reported to kick start the PTA in a hypogonadic BB. Triptorelin is a synthetic analogue of GnRH. It causes constant stimulation of the pituitary gland and by acting as such, it stimulates the pituitary gland to pump out LH and FSH. The dose needed to cause chemical castration is much greater than the dose one would use to restart HPTA. The way Triptorelin hinders gonadotropin release is similar to how HCG will hinder test production in the testes. A small amount of HCG will stimulate the Leydig cells to produce testosterone, but too much will desensitize the Leydig cells. This is what GnRH does, but with the pituitary gland. Triptorelin has been studied to restore full HPTA function in a steroid user who cycled for 13 years. Due to it`s nature it is advised that Triptorelin only be used if coming off long-term blasting and cruising or if one plans to cease AAS forever. Continue reading Decapeptyl Depot 3.75 mg (FERRING)