Can I run this with hgh .I will run the hgh mon,wed,fri 5iu per dose ,,,and the hex every day?maybe 100mcg 2-3x a day or is this too much,just going to order and see what`s good, i think hex is the best peptide from my research
novadesert007 User profile
This is what i prefer because It always give me spike. Many guys would say mon to friday and Sat sunday off. I am currious what dosage other guys are using. 4Iu a day will give you sides for sure. body ache, carpul tunnel. Never done HEX so i`m following your questions.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Theres no need to imo becuase you would be injecting actually hgh and this stuff is just supposed to stimulate what you already have it would be a waste
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I would honestly drop the hex completely and run HGH at 2iu everyday as opposed to 5 EOD. You`ll likely see far better results with more frequent pins with hgh as opposed to spaced out at higher dose. It`ll even run you 1iu less each week to go 2 a day. Continue reading Hexarelin 5mg